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 Jul 2015

"I know your works; you are
neither cold nor hot, I am about to
spit you out of my mouth.
For you say, "I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing."
You do not realize that you are
wretched, pitiable, poor, blind,
and naked. Therefore I council you
to buy from me gold refined by fire
so that you may be rich; and white
robes to clothe you to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen; and salve to annoint your eyes that you may see. I reprove and discipline those whom I love. Be earnest, therefore, and repent."

Revelation 3:14-19

Most of what I hear preached from the pulpit today in the US (and indeed around the world) is this,

"When the tribulation comes, the church ("saved") will be raptured out and the lost will be "Left Behind" to endure God's wrath. So don't worry church! The "saints" will go into the clouds to be with Jesus!"

Bleeeeeep! Wrong answer!!!

From the PULPIT!!!

That's not what JESUS CHRIST said above. Those who are not fit for the Kingdom will have to endure Satan's wrath! God's wrath comes later! To punish the wicked.

And, yep. There is JUDGEMENT.

Where in the Bible does it say God is a softie? That HE can be MOCKED?
That He's a Santa Claus in the sky come to give lotto winnings to his "good" little kids?

I'm talking to the CHURCH.

We are preaching

in sackcloth and ASHES
like there's no
(which there literally isn't)
they will take the brunt of

For those who are found worthy there will be PROTECTION.
Read Psalm 91.

Thank you for reading all of this.
There will be three parts to this sermon. Please read them ALL.

 Jul 2015
louis rams
this is one of two Easter poems I’ve just written

He walked amongst men

It is said that he arose from the dead
Looked around and walked straight ahead.
Walked to the top of the hill, where he would begin
To do his fathers will.
GOD had prepared him from his birth to create
The miracles on this earth.
To show the world that his son- would not be the forgotten one.
That everything that he would do in his life
Was to prepare him for the ultimate sacrifice.
The devils temptation to make him weak
He would face and defeat.
Every miracle that he created – none of which was related.
Turning water into wine, giving sight to the blind
Making the crippled walk, and the mute begin to talk.
So many things that he had done, was because
He was his father’s son
He believed in his father from the start
And this had filled his gentle heart.
He was a king who walked amongst men
And every person was a friend.
He had no enemies or hatred in his heart
It was pure love from the start.
Over a thousand years have passed
With billions of followers and climbing fast.
© L . RAMS 040215
 Jun 2015
Mike Hauser
God is talking behind my back
But it's not what you think
He's telling all his angels in Heaven
How much he's in love with me
Be ye sinner or be ye saint
We must all rely upon his grace
God is talking behind my back
But it's not what you think

God is laughing at me
But not to my face
Because of all the joy I bring
On any given day
When God the father looks at me
He see's his Sons sacrifice in my place
God is laughing at me
But not to my face

God is calling me every name
He can think of under the Son
From family to friend to tender child
On up to beloved one
As he loves me more and more
Than this mind could imagine
God is calling me every name
He can think of under the Son
I know that life is tough, and getting tougher as well.
This is why we need to rely on Strength from God.
For it shall be the thing that keeps you from giving up.
For we are made into Great Warriors fighting for God.
Not in flesh but in Spirit with his words of truth and justice.
For this world justice is not the same as Christ justice .
For we fight with Love, Gods unconditional Love here.
While this worldly warriors fight with human understanding.
With human strength but our Strength is by far greater.
Because our strength is not of this world but from God.
 Jun 2015
Mayra Castillo
Oh, Lord, Give me Strength where I have none
Help me find my inner peace among the many conflicts that may arise.
Oh, Lord, show me the way
Help me be my beloved's guiding light in the face of darkness and turmoil.
Help me heal her broken heart.
Oh, Lord, help me accept what is to be.
And, if, I can no longer be my beloved's shinning light,
Then Oh, My Lord, I pray to thee, that, I may become a beam of hope for her to see.
Please, take my hand and help me guide my love into the light, where she should be.
Have mercy on us for we are in need.
My beloved is tired.
Her bones ache.
She is in agony.
She is in pain.
She needs to rest.
She needs to sleep.
Oh, Lord, I pray to thee, to cuddle my love till eternity.
No more suffering, no more pain.
Just let her be and go to thee
I ask and pray that her spirit may rest in peace with you forever more.


Mayra Castillo
I wrote this poem for my loving and beautiful mother who passed away on June 10th 2010.
 Jun 2015
South by Southwest
He's the hand I felt on my shoulder as the tornado went over me . He's the one who saved me from choking to death in my own ***** . He's the one who sat beside me on the mountaintop as I cried over my wrongs . And if I ever kneeled before him he would take my hands and raise me so I could kiss his cheek . Who is God ? My best friend who has saved me time and time again . Who understands my limits and my failures but forgives me each and every time . One who is always there for me to lean on when I am tired , lonely , discouraged . One who has shown me heaven and promised a place there for me .
Who is God ? He is in me , my past , my present , and future . I am nothing without my God .
 May 2015
John Stevens
The storms are pounding
Destruction is rampant
No end seems in sight.
The day is endless
The night never ending
Will it ever, ever be right?

Lightning crashes
Winds are swirling
Torrents of water fall down.
The earth is shaking
The shelter is breaking
Thunderous sound resound.

Above the storm
the Calm prevails
Overlooking the turmoil below.
Awaiting the return
of order again
That Peace and Calm bestow.

Then it is over...

No more pounding
Silence, beautiful silence
Comes whispering in the ears.
The Earth becomes firm
The Sun is still shining
It dries up all the tears.

Through the debris
New hopes arise
Covering the scars below.
Growing stronger, stronger
As strength rebounds
Renewed by the seeds we sow.

Repairing the damage
Replacing the lost
Moving forward with or without.
Finding Hope in the future
as Faith reaches upward
Redeeming Love without a doubt.

When the storms of life
Cause turmoil and strife,
The Son dries all my tears.
When all seemed lost
I counted the cost
Turned over all my fears.

I am surviving.
I am stronger still.
(c) 11-19-2010
Completed 11-22-2010 for Jen
 Mar 2015
Dorothy A
I've got two pieces of wood and a few nails

You've got millions?
You've got gold?
You've got silver?
You've got diamonds?
You've got rubies?

I've just got two pieces of wood and a few nails
I've got what appears to be almost worthless
Pretty much a joke!

Two pieces of wood and a few nails..

You can't build me a house with it
You can't build me a ship with it
You can't build me bridge with it
You can't build me a car with it

What good is it?

Well, not so fast...

It's amazing what two pieces of old wood can do
Cross them together
Place a Man of sorrows upon it
And insert nails
For all the world to see
An ultimate act of love
For mankind

Two pieces of wood and a few nails....

Now I see their worth
 Mar 2015
Dorothy A
Who would wear such a thing?
Who would be so despised?
So pathetic to a jeering crowd?
So utterly cursed?
So utterly shamed?
So utterly broken?

A foolish one, you say?
A liar?
A crazy one?
A sucker for punishment?
A mythological man?

How about this?

A man who would lay down his life for a friend
One who would take the place of others who really deserve what he got instead
One who demonstrates that the works of weakness truly outweigh the brutality of the mighty
One who is willing to connect the Divine to a suffering world

I say that is One who would wear a crown of thorns
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