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 Apr 2015
Choose a song, you can choose it randomly or it can be your favorite song, or just a song that you like. Write a poem while listening to that song. You don't have to write about the song but just write what comes to mind while you listen to it. I do this all the time and its amazing how it changes my mood and my writing. Title the poem the name of the song and use the hashtag #CourtsMusicChallenge and I will take the time to read all of them and repost them and leave some love in a comment.
Do the challenge then repost this so I know you did it.:)
 Oct 2014
What is a family?
A group of people that uncannily
look, sound and act as one?
A shared DNA strand?
A whole of many parts?
A scientist may have the answer.
A psychiatrist, a therapist, an evolutionist.
But, my theory is this:
a family, hurts, cries, argues and defies
those who want to tear them apart.
Bloodlines, evolution it's in the mix
but, family hurts, loves, hates and
forgives in equal measure.
Hurt one of us, hurt us all.
Hurt us and I as elder sister will pay you a call
00:24 BST
 Sep 2014
When the love is gone,
you feel all alone.
The spread of cold through your veins,
where once before a fire flamed and raged.
Numbs your soul and douses the fire.
You sit reflecting on what once was,
only to realise that love goes on.
On to higher ground.
On to higher realms.
On to greater things.
09:58 BST
 Sep 2014
Like an albatross around my neck it sits in the room.
Devoid of warmth, lacking a purpose.
It defeats me every time I enter.
The clean white sheets greet me with a mocking crispness.
Clean, virginal, untouched, unused sheets.
My energy and resolve are depleting,
what I nearly was is fleeting.
Time to concede these empty sheets are never to be filled.
Time to retreat, concede defeat and take the cradle apart.
15:53 BST
 Sep 2014
I hate her.
I loathe her.
I despise her.
I abhor her

Detest, execrate, am repelled by her.

I am aggravated by her breathing.
I am repulsed by her being.
I am dominated by my hate for her.
I am filled with hatred for hating her.

*I humiliate myself by hating her, but it feels good
These are my feelings towards my mother in law.
00:25 BST
 Aug 2014
No more light through the window doth glow
No more wisteria vines to climb and grow
Grandparents long since dead
The home remained abandoned wondering what lied ahead.
***** never more to play
Piano keys crushed by cruel hands that day
Torn, broken, and abused
Deceived, tricked, and misused.
Farewell to the best home with rosy hue
Farewell to the light shining through
You were torn apart never to be mended
Life's joy inside your walls all to soon had ended.
We remember you with smiles through our tears
For we miss seeing the home we saw for many years
As long as I can remember and before
You were always there with old cherished door.
Though still gone, you're preserved inside our heart
The best keepsake box that will never break or fall apart
And while I miss you especially on days like today
Forever in my poetry you will safely stay!
Although I never once lived inside those priceless walls
My heart to you calls
And as fresh as the morning is new
Is my poetry and love for you.

Dedicated to my Mom, Hilda!!! ~~~~<3
I was recalling how her home was torn apart
Last summer by cruel bulldozers!!! ~~~~<3
Poor Mom had some lovely memories inside that home...
I feel so sorry for her...and even though it has been
Almost a year now, I still miss it and I am sure she does too!!!
So here's my poem of comfort for her
And what we used to call "The Old House"
Which Was Destroyed In 2013!!!
Please Enjoy My Poem And Forgive
My Inane Ramblings....I Apologize...
I'll Try To Do Better Next Time!!! :) ~~~~<3
 Aug 2014
Please handle with care the man sat in the chair
he's not a millionaire, but priceless to me.
He's not a Saint, he's made mistakes,
he's as stubborn as they come, cantankerous and moody,
but while he's there in your care, please bear in mind,
though, grouchy, argumentative and he's driving you to despair,
he's mine and my siblings dad, he's a husband, a grandfather, brother,
uncle, nephew and once himself a son.
Yes, he's been bad.
Yes, we've made him sad.
Yes, he's a flirt (that's for Mam).
Yes, we're aware of his faults, that makes him human, but, he's ours, and we'd like to be selfish and keep the moody, grouchy,
cantankerous old man a little longer.
So, please just handle him with care.
That's right Dad, you beat cancer, a heart attack,now send this embolism
on its way, or as aftercare the family will send me your way.
12:31 BST
 Jun 2014
shout here, shout there..
shout there, shout here..
you see, the food is yummy
but not with shouting mummy and daddy.

shout here, shout there..
shout there, shout here..
you see, i keep on eating
but my tongue taste nothing.

silence here, silence there..
silence there, silence here..
you see, i finished my food
and tomorrow the shouting to be continued.
Well, our neighbors had been fighting again and i thought "how was their dinner?". And also this is my first.
 Jun 2014
Joseph Schneider
Everywhere I go Fathers day is in our voice
Today is the day we see our fathers by choice
Where is my dad?
Why has he gone?
What gave him the okay to inflict such wrong?
His voice still beats me into the ground
Every memory of when he was around
He lied to us betraying me and my brother
Making us believe in blaming our mother
Even hearing his name makes me see red
To me he is forever dead
It has been years since I've seen him and I'm preparing for many more
His relationship with me he will never restore
I want you to enjoy your fathers on this day
Be happy they choose to stay.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Jun 2014
Happy Father's Day

Dad, I know you were never there for me
for the past 18 years
and that hurt like hell.

Thinking of you always.
Happy Father's Day.
 Jun 2014
I've wanted to tell you,
it hurt me when you threw me out.
I needed help
you turned your back on me and called the cops.  

That ******.

You were my mom.
I think about that on this day and wish I could forgive you.
I can't.
Happy Mother's Day.
 Jun 2014
Happy Valentine's Day to a Man I Will Always Love but Can Never Have:
I Still Love You Anyway!!!!

I think about you ever day
in every kind of way
your laughing eyes
your sensuous voice, deep, melodic, faithful

**** the girl who walks beside you
I wish it were me, but that will never be.

I won't stalk you,
I'll just obsess over you
in secret.
Writing poems about you
forever to people who
will never know you or know me.

In my heart you are always a valentine.

— The End —