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 Feb 2016
Elisa Maria Argiro
A sea of gratitude splashes
onto the inner walls
of this humbled heart
within me.

Seasons, poets, places, people,
singing, devotion, faith, trust...

Years have rained down like
petals from a flowering tree.

Abundance blesses me
in true simplicity.

As my soul enters the womb
of renewal, unexpected blessings
wing across the world to say hello
from where our sun already shines.

Manila, New Zealand, Delhi, Chennai,
where you are it is already morning,
  and the warm sunlight of your day
shines in your greetings and wishes.

May the bliss that you bring me,
dear world family, splash all over
your own dear hearts, and may
peace and harmony be ours
on this beautiful blue planet!
A very special thank you to all my new poet friends around the world! Even poet to poet, you mean more to me than I can ever say!
©Elisa Maria Argiro
 Jan 2016
lluvia de abril
A faultless poem
inkless, without erasures
written in fixed glances
in agreement
a matchless pact

Each verse, a touch
a breath, a gaze

suddenly, their storm
ink runs intense
crimson hearts bleed
bodies collapse

their surrender writes an end
a kiss
their thirst, a perpetual desire
to rewrite with fault
they call it a draft
and find a blank page
Write me a poem, he said. So she takes his hand and...
 Jan 2016
Ayush B
You should know that you're beautiful,
You'd never say but you make it obvious,
You see I would too love to ask you out,
Take a walk and lie under the sky,
And when the moment comes kiss you goodnight.

But you know every piece of my story,
A faint, distant and fading memory,
In every single face I search those traces,
Every single perfume I find her fragrance,
On every single crack I trace her kisses,
Her words rhymes with every single note,
It's lacking her beauty; every place I go,
I have wounds now where she used to touch,
Deep, invisible, old and rust,
Her name in every single wish I now repeat,
Haven't talked to god ever since,
In a divine entity I no longer believe.

Half of my heart is the best I can ever do,
But for the other half is what I'd be living for,
You see I would too love to ask you out,
But in the process of trying to fix myself,
I'd be slowly damaging you.
 Jan 2016
I've been trying to figure out how to get it back,
But I haven't seen you in months.
Have you found it sitting there?
I wonder if you threw it out along with fast food bags and stray receipts,
Or if maybe you repurposed it and hung it over your rearview instead.
Same exact date but of different pace
Now reminiscing what happened in that place
That chilly night as we race
Through the situation of life and death.

I still clearly remember
As I was murmuring prayers
Which I poorly and randomly constructed
Even God can't quite understand clearly.

In the midst of the night, we rushed to the hospital
Advised that she must be confined
So my father left me behind
To tend her and to keep an eye.

She told me to take some rest but I disagree
Under her sweet voice I fell asleep unnoticeably
Wishing I never did
'cause that cost me a lifetime of guilt.

Waken up to see her in hysterical
Of the squeezing in her heart that could be fatal
Enough to make me frantic
Trying to think of the essentials.

As I watched her struggling for her breath
I tried to held back the tears that can't help but stream
Not wanting her to see me losing
Hope for her so she'll keep on fighting.

Hoping for a miracle as they recucitate her
I knew  it there but still in denial
And at the crack of the dawn
I lost her...without even saying "Goodbye."

That is one of those times
When you want to gather all those spared hours
And add every single second of it to that very moment
So you could change the course of fate but couldn't.

The feeling of  helplessness
Like a bird without its wings
Can't think of anything
But weep about everything.

Thoughts running in my mind
As unstoppable as the river flow
Tears running down my face
Streaming like the waterfalls.

The pain was unbearable
Especially when you got no one to lean on
Because the one you can always count on
Is the one you're  bleeding for.

It's been three years
But why do I feel devastated after all this time?
Then someone answered me,
" 'cause the memories of the past never go away.
They are with us till the end of our time

This may be a memory of the past now
But unlike any other, it will never be forgotten
A past that's always a part of my present
And will always play a big role in my future...

Krystal Marcelo
I dedicate this poem to my one and only Mom.
I love you and I miss you so much!
 Jan 2016
Ami Shae
I think I'm starting to wake up now--
the nightmares have finally stopped
and memories of before
come flooding in--
I used to have a good life
(way back when)
before the monster came
and stole me away
from the one who loved me true
I didn't realize then
what all leaving would put us through--
I let lies and deceit
take the place of my love for you
and found out too late that I was being used
to fill his needs to spew out his hate
to be someone that he lived to abuse--
he had such charm in the beginning
making me feel like a queen, a divine love
but then when the slightest thing went wrong
he would hit, push and shove
and tear into me like an animal after his prey
and if I dared to leave afterwards
he'd always find a way
to lure me back in and beguile me again
til finally one day, beaten and bruised
I knew I couldn't let him win--
I ran far far away and started life anew
and I wanted so much to find you again
and beg forgiveness from you--
but when finally I did make that call
to let you know I was now free
you told me that it was too late--
you no longer want me.
So, I sit here now knowing above all
that this life lesson I've learned
is like the world's worst wake up call...
I guess it's time to let the past go and move on. I didn't think my heart could shatter into so many pieces, but it's obliterated. How could I have been so stupid? I let the monster charm me away from the one man who truly loved me. Sad. :(
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