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 May 2014
i know recovery isn't a straight line
and i'd be lying if i said i wasn’t scared
when i look at my reflection.
life doesn’t get easier.
the desperate tone of your voice
explained that.
 May 2014
SG Holter
I'm just a man.
I think things can be fixed.

My first aid kit contains
Super glue and duct tape.

Any box is a tool box to me;
I'll always look for the right

***** to reattach your self-
Esteem; the right clamps to hold

Your good days together. When
You cry, I want to open you up

Gently, lay out all your parts and
Find the leaking gasket.
 May 2014
A thousand bees 
Swarm o'er me
Pique flesh
With liquid fire
Flushing my body
In naked vermillion
 May 2014
Josiah Manzanares
I find myself trying to speak
The words I myself find to be meek
Your presence brings a sense of happiness
To a world full of ugliness
Your life shines with fulfillment
In a world with so little enjoyment
These words I try to find
Are formed in my mind
But are never spoken
For their formation hold naught but a token
A token of appreciation
For your reconciliation
These words I try to find
I hope to God are worthy of your time
When all my words do to accomplish
Are a sense of unworthy abolish
To a rather revealing relation
That was never a creation
 May 2014
SG Holter
You lean over me,
Reaching for some product
That makes you either

Taste, feel, look or smell like
Things hanging from
Trees in warm countries, or

Nails pink, black or back to
Natural. Upper arm so
Close to my face

I can't resist
Leaning into it;
Mouth and eyelid

First. You shift in
Confirmation. I feel and
Smell; find myself

More than six feet under
This divine concept
Of Woman. Girl. Other

Half. God in Man.
Buried and blissful.
Breathing with ease in

The sweet soil that
 May 2014
SG Holter
I have given you
So much.

Still I find with
Every thing I give you,
You give two back

So I have four to give; and
Recieve your eight.
Feeding wealth to feed itself
To feed itself itself.
You taught me

You have given me
So much.
For Tina.
 May 2014
SG Holter
Two broken
Eggs on the floor.

Flour and milk on
The bench.

Sinks both full of
Dishes and knives,

Pots and stirrers and
Ladles. The bin

Has long since given
Up on containing.

Bacon in air.
Me on sofa.

What on Earth
Happened here?

She's home. *I got
 May 2014
Raphael Uzor
“You are the leaders of tomorrow”
They told us over and over
Right from the tender age of three
Through childhood and adolescence.
We have outgrown our youth
We are now mature men
We have come of age to lead
Just as promised decades ago.

At a recent gathering
Our *leaders of yesterday

Stricken with age and power
And long overdue for retirement
Addressed us, saying,
“Bla bla bla, bla bla, bla bla bla…”
“You are the leaders of tomorrow”*
That last statement jolted me awake
From his uninspiring, boring speech.

Then it dawned on me
We are a sleeping generation
We have long been waiting- sleeping!
When we should be leading
Our greedy, power-drunk leaders,
Will die in active service!
They will NOT hand over to us!
Not if we sit and wait for them.

I had a *revelation
that the “tomorrow”,
We were promised “yesterday”
Is fast becoming yesterday, today!
And while the Nigerian youth sleeps
His chance is being usurped by his fathers
Yesterday we heard this promise
Today we hear the same promise
But come tomorrow, we will be too old to lead
And our children’s turn, it will be.

We have been scammed of our future
By the very ones we entrusted them with
And like turns in a game of scrabble,
We have missed ours- forever!
Our leaders are old men
Who have no faith in youths
And come tomorrow, our children,
Will have graves to look up to

Because we would have no experience
From which to advise them…
And like an unwanted track on a CD
Our generation would have been skipped
By the geriatric push of a ⇒ button!

© Raphael Uzor
A practical instance of "tomorrow never dies"
 May 2014
Paint for me a dream
Colored in hues of emotion
Steeped in love
And dusted in music
 May 2014
SG Holter
Our love, little girl
Our love is not a castle  
No palace of gold, no fortress
Or stronghold
No cathedral or church

It is a tiny tree house
Where we sit
Dangling lazy legs
Holding hands

Rope ladder pulled up
No grown-ups allowed
And no single idea
About any love
 May 2014
Mr X
You've broken my insides
And strengthened my outsides...
night and day
acidified muscles
curved fingers
in resistance

a state of
the tongue
painful red

too much
killing the scream
for liberation
the big bang of life
is suffocated

on mother's breast
being bathed by amniotic fluid
doing the best
to avoid the pain of birth

no disclosure.

© 2014 Marialenn
 May 2014
I heard: "When one door closes another opens".
But if the hinge is rusted or stuck?
How long to wait for the door to open?

It's about those decisions that matter in life
(not that all would not matter).
you face them every time when
your principles, culture and values
are put in balance.

To evolve and to develop your own personality
while life puts you always in tough situations
is admirable!
So you wake up with a social entity, professional and spiritual enviable.

Once there, you (re)smart yourself
before a new beginning.
now... the door is open.
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