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 May 2014
I'm Adam's atom
Taking up once empty space
In significance
I am the lone insurgent
Walking through the streets
of my own mind.
My mind
Is a totalitarian state.

I am the lone assassin
Of the members of parliament,
Remember, in my own mind.

I am ratted out
By the shrill shrieks
Of an old lady on the tram.

I walk home from endless meetings
With myself, where him
And me plot our rebellion
Sparking the ember, remember;
In my own mind.

The Secret Police awaits
Probably in my living room
Waiting for me to turn on the lights
Revealing the glint of silver nozzles
Mere millimeters from my my head.

The warrant proclaims:
"Conspiracy and ******"
I may be lone, but my hand
Wields just vindication.

I may be lone,
But as I am executed
There is still me
And another will always

Striking the ember, remember;
In my own mind.
 May 2014
Riya Trehan
All those days watching from the window
All those years outside looking in
I never knew how it really feels to be free
Stuck in the same place I've always been.
And I'll keep wondering and thinking
When will my life begin?
All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
But now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's oh so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be.
 May 2014
I'd like to part from you,
I'd want to forget you forever,
Yet you haunt me in the dark
You try to come near.

I don't understand you
Or what you want
Yet you leave me astounded
By the charisma that you flaunt!

Sometimes , you're as cold as the icy wind,
Biting on my skin..
Yet you are the same blanket ,
That keeps away the cold..

But now I'll treat you like a mere blush,
Which brings the transitory rose tint to the cheek,
Which when wiped off,
Doesn't bother to make you lovesick!
 May 2014
SG Holter
Looking at our photos.
What does she see in me?

Then I remember: Don't put
Your gift in a horse's mouth.

It'll only chew it
To pieces.
 May 2014
Hi there,
I say to the ocean,
dropping my shoes
for the sandy pilgrimage
to shore,

A lone figure wanders
into a Delft seascape,
Blues and whites
of Dutch perfection engulf
my field of vision,
Water and sky reflecting
back infinite shades,

the blue of stiff dungarees
at the horizon,
clouds in shaving cream white,
the heron blue gray of the shallows,
I could name twenty shades
on a good day, like today
when the beach is all mine,

I step into the cool ooze,
jolted into a sudden jig,
I hop, a riot of ah's and elbows,
Waves rush at me
like a legion of puppies,
frothy and excited,
I laugh at their sloppy greeting,
Overwhelmed by their welcome,
unconditional and salty,
Spray lapping my face
as I find my footing.
 May 2014
Bjørn O Holter
I refuse to die
Before my eyes have witnessed
A butterfly's birth
Another haiku... Haven't really had much time to  sit down and write  this week.
 May 2014
five ducks
have stopped traffic
well one duck,
four ducklings
and a
security guard,
with a lollipop sign
have stopped traffic
on the university avenue

and that's just fine...
happens regularly
 May 2014
SG Holter
I was such a beautiful child,
With my shoulder lengths of
Sun bleached barley.

Smiled little pearl soldiers in
Line. Old glassesless ladies
Took me for

But I grew twisted like an
Appletree around a
Graveyard path

Teeth came out crooked.
Hair fell out at thirteen.
I was big for my age;
Grew other hair in places
I never knew I would.

My voice broke as if in
Sorrow over the child
Inside that had
Died. After that I spoke as if
Into a bucket.

Sometimes I catch my father
Gazing at me through a slight veil
Of grievance for that same

I would never dream
To blame him.
 May 2014
If fate existed

How could you possibly fail
With deeds,
in life's tale.

That would not be your failure!

Look up,
You're able. Capable.
Time to turn the table.
Appreciate feedback
 May 2014
SG Holter
I am completely alone.
Even threw out the cat.  
She'll just hide under the stairs and
Hope the randy male farm cat

Is in the woods. I unplug all
Appliances to **** any buzzing.
The silence is a mass in my ears.
I only hear birds. The swallows I

Love. Doves and crows. Sparrows
And a dusin unknown to me.
This is the "Off" in Time Off.

Feet so high I don't even
Think to drink.
Complete balance.

Like some future samurai
Zen master.
Unfearing of anything.

Scandinavian summer
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