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 Nov 2016
Victoria Jennings
The pain they give you
Is equal to the love you feel.
 Oct 2016
Miranda Renea
Leaves walk as ghosts
In the paved parking lot
Of a Catholic church. The wind
weeps for these lost souls;
Whistles a melancholy tone.
The crisp crunch of bone
At my feet serve as the beat;
I wonder at what beautiful
An orange a corpse could be.
Halloween spirit anybody?
 Oct 2016
Victoria Jennings
Once again I believed
I had found love
Because I loved so strongly
I believed it could be enough
For the two of us
But as strong as my love may be
It cannot make them stay
They are destined to leave
They all are.
 Oct 2016
Victoria Jennings
In what world
Do you expect me to be happy
With a broken heart?
 Oct 2016
sage short
i wrote a poem and wanted to hear ur thoughts ok here it is

I'm scared of most empathetic humans are,
but I have to try extra hard to not have an existential crisis. Or two. Or ten...
and my late nights begin with starring at dotted ceilings or purple curtains or clenching them tight because I'm scared of the shadows I might glance at!
but sometimes I don't notice that they're open
and I'm just blankly starring into an abyss of darkness.
It's so hard to be happy when there are monsters under the bed.
They tug at my limbs until I cry,
they want me dead
and I believe their whispers
but I'm so scared of dying!
Skeletons dance around my head,
taunting my flesh to join them in the dirt, even though I repeat, "no, no, no, make it stop!"
But the demons don't care...
But, there is this one angel,
who brings me back to happy, to serenity, and content minded smiles.
The angel sings to me about sunshine and reminds me that I'm loved
and sometimes I feel guilty
because the angel helps me but sometimes the monsters outnumber the angel in my mind
but when the angel kisses my lips while caressing my cheek,
the skeletons dance away, and I have this goofy grin on my face that is real!
And it lasts long enough to lock the monsters out of my room.
 Sep 2016
SE Reimer

when joy seems lost, when peace is gone;
to earth falls flat pleas skyward cast;
when those thought once to be a friend,
have all gone on, seems none are left;
when ears that heard, yet now are deaf,
when dreams lay torn, and hope bereft.

do not despair, nor call for end,
beyond these mists i am your friend;
your voice, a cry on wing and clear,
not all have left, know i am near;
i am hope disguised as gentle hands,
that reach to sooth the soul in angst.

i am love cloaked as eyes that seek,
the wounded heart that silent weeps;
i am your brother, i your kin,
though not by blood, nor race, nor skin,
yet beats within this breast as yours,
a heart breathed life at heaven's door.

your breath, my own, my will i share,
till yours can breathe, your burdens bear;
my oath, my pledge, your comfort be,
my blood transfused, beats still in thee;
i lend my hope to be your warmth,
i offer arms to hold you close.

you need not face another day,
a lifeless soul who walks away,
a faceless one who’s lost their voice,
but ’til your own has been restored,
to you the lyrics, lines belong,
'til you remember, i’ll sing your song.


*post script.

approximately 96 hopeless souls reach the end each day, and pull the trigger on whatever their choice of escape they had planned it to be (that’s one every fifteen minutes).  the number is even larger if we include those who attempt and fail.  if there are only six degrees of separation, imagine how many in your circle this means are contemplating, and are in and out of some level of consideration of making this day their last.  remember, a song is amazingly powerful.  it does not take a fireman to talk someone down off a ledge or a policeman to coax someone into laying down the gun, it only takes someone who is willing to listen, long before the gun and the ledge; someone willing to smile and be hope and notes for a soul who has lost their song... to remind them of the song they have forgotten; their song... hope’s song!
 Sep 2016
Joel M Frye
a crooked ugly man walked up
and said "all hope is spent
i'll build a wall and save you all
and be your president

believe me, i can cure all ills
and make all merkins proud
if you'll just take this oil of snake
i sell to every crowd

for any lie becomes the truth
if you but scream it thrice
so plant the seed then others bleed
and you don't pay the price

come spend your vote to buy my line
of prejudice and hate
ignore the churl of all the world
we'll make our nation great"

a machinating woman comes
the way her husband went
"i've done no crime i'm next in line
to be your president

you see how he goes off the rails
and nothing said is true
i can't shoot straight, i fabricate
but never lie to you

lost last time when set to win
this time did what i can
and worked my scut to undercut
an inconvenient man

we're dealing from the bottom, folks
the country's gone to ***
i may not be the best there is
but i'm the best you've got"

so laugh about it, shout about it,
when you've got to choose
your **** is hoist on Hobson's choice
the poison or the noose
...going to the candidate's debate....

Will we ever have the ****** to vote for a third-party candidate?
 Sep 2016
Miranda Renea
I fell asleep as a wave crashed,
Water from the sea of glass nipped
My toes. When I woke, the world
Seemed strange; The same yet
Smaller. Perhaps as a note in
A bottle; words written by small
Hands and sent off with wish
Of such grand adventures.
 Aug 2016
JA Doetsch
I'm overcome with sadness

It's not the biting sadness
  The choked sobs
that are brought about
by the jolt of a sudden death
or the fresh sting of
a broken relationship

It's not the aching sadness
  The somber introspection
of missed opportunities,
of wasted days
of long lost loves

It's not the oppressive sadness
that depression brings,
wrapping around your head
in suffocating silence
that leaves you numb to the world
that makes you believe that happiness was
only a fairy tale


It's the warm sadness
as the tinges of autumn begin to show
and you realize that the summer
was never meant to last forever

It's a familiar sadness as you realize
that everyone changes
and the person you once were
no longer exists, for better or worse

It's the sadness that nostalgia
tows along with fond memories
of summer vacations
of drunken antics
of foolish lust
of fading friendships

The sadness that tells you that
"Things will never be this way again"

But also reminds you that they were never supposed to be

   and that's perfectly alright
Been almost a year, figured I'd dust off the keyboard and see what's kicking around in my head.  I'm happy to say this one came out pretty easily.
 Aug 2016
I want to write love
But I only bleed pain
 Aug 2016
dancing on the sands of agony
to the saddest song of apathy
standing behind tactical amnesty
with no chance because we lack capacity

we can't advance in fantasy
in rampant mankind's laxity
this land is ****** by strategy
a lack of sanity and demanded voracity

a stance of disbanding amity
we enhance the mass audacity
with plans deteriorating rapidly
we only last for a chance at catastrophe
i worked with the short "a" vowel sound
 Aug 2016
Victoria Jennings
The worst thing she does to herself
Is talk about you like you were
Just there and everyone missed you
Like somehow your shadow
Is still standing beside her

She does this to pretend she's not alone
She does this because for seven years
Of her short life you were there
Weaving in and out
Weaving your way into her soul

And now finding anyone else
To weave into herself
Seems pretty **** impossible
So instead she thinks of you
And let's her heart ache

She has so much love
So very much
And now has no one to give it to
Just her empty memories.
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