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 Jul 2014
Chalsey Wilder
I have visited it in my mind, but not in my body
Imagined nature and it's smells
*A doe and her fawn walking just as the noon sun was setting
Sitting, watching, waiting, writing
The birds twitter the music of their language
The soul soothed by the beauty of nature
Everything in it calming and healing to the soul
They don't have unnecessary violence that man has
They instead
Live with a food chain that nature has agreed upon and bestowed upon them to keep its balance
And I,
Sitting, watching, waiting, writing
Am letting my soul rest and have the wind, the smells, and the music cleanse a corner of my dark soul
And bring drop of light in it
Hm. Isn't nature cleansing? My imagination can do it's job sometimes
 Jul 2014
Joe Cole
Oh!! So why do you find the word Christmas offensive?

Because it's not a festival I believe in and therefore I consider it to be an insult

I see, so if I lived in your country and said I didn't like the name of one of your festivals what would happen?

You would be punished for insulting our country and our beliefs

So perhaps you should be punished for saying what you said

No of course not, you have freedom of speech in your country so I can say what I like

You live in that big house with the expensive car on the drive don't you? You must have a very good job

I do not work, your government pays for everything I have

I see, and do you think that's right

Of course it's right

What would happen to me if I asked for the same things in your country?

You would be classed as a beggar, if you couldn't support yourself then you would have nowhere to live, that's how it should be
 Jul 2014
Joe Cole
I sit here in this sunlit glade beneath the southern downs
I gaze upon the beauty not yet destroyed by man
On six sides are bushes, trees of every shade of green
But sadly in this blighted land such scenes  now are rarely seen
Over there an aspen with leaves of silver grey
They shimmer in the gentle breeze like a shoal of fish at play
Close to me a stand of oaks so mighty and so strong
Their leaves so dark and sombre green abound with natures songs
There stands a tree bereft of leaves branches stark bare against the sky
I know not if it sufffered or why it had to die
Soon it will be the time to put a match to the fire
Then smell the fragrant wood smoke as it ascends into the sky
I'll sit quietly,  cook my food, drink a beer. Maybe a scotch
Sit and watch the westering sun, watch the moon and stars come out
Once more I'll wake up with the sun and a glorious choir is heard
No human intervention
Just a choir of singing birds
Just had a few good days in the woods
 Jul 2014
Jonny Angel
I never had an issue
with laser-pointers
'till I got back home
from overseas.

Now I hate them ******* things,
they're nothing
but deadly accurate
 Jul 2014
Forgotten Dreams
Dear Random Strangers,
Your sideways glances and whispered remarks have been noticed.
What you think has no effect actually means the world.
I would like to ask you...
No...Beg you...
To please stop judging me because of the marks on my wrist,
Allow me the chance to tell you my story,
Before you put the damaged book in the trash.
I know my corners are dog-ear,
Yes some pages are ripped,
And my cover is torn and scratched.
But looks can be deceiving.

Random Stranger, I know we haven't met
But every time one person disregards me,
It becomes more easy to believe I am trash,
And it makes me want to throw myself away...
 Jul 2014
today i had a day
no valleys, no mountains
....just walking, across
the plains.
grass waving, gently to either side of the dusty,
not oft used track.
sometimes, a single great,
old oak,
or a stand of birch,or gum.
a pond or creek,
but mostly, grass green, through to dry, fawn.
as i walk along...
but still,
i stumble at the end of the day .
a misplaced foot,
on a tuft of  adventurous, exploring grass....
and then i look, to the endless, blue,umbrella
of the sky,
and pray, for gentle vale
or hummocky hill.
as i ,
walk this path,
of the not,so straight,
but definitely narrow.
 Jul 2014
Jonny Angel
I stopped taking things for granted
when I witnessed
my buddy drop,
his head explode
into a kaleidoscope
of blood, bone, and brains
raining down on the rest of us
who survived.

I kiss the ground
every day
& watch my tears
bleed on sacred soil.

And we toil,
often forgetting
the price some paid
for the chances we get
to walk under the sun.

Thanks Jeffrey,
this one's for you.
 Jul 2014
Poetic T
Out of sight,
Out of mind,
Living away from the street, resting in the dark places
Where the sun doesn't always shine,
The street is but a dream,
From where they rest their weary heads.
These alley cats
At the lowest points in their lives,
Some seek solace from life,
To drown this tainted dream,
Crack pipes,
They can be found Used and abused,
With no hope left, some lay there for days,
Life drained
Saddened eyes
What possessions stripped
Others needed more,
A once proud man, dead half naked on the floor.
Cardboard and ******* hide his dignity
His body taken
He sleeps,
He is cleaned,
A family member found
He is buried, for some this is a dream.
An alley cats life is as hard as it comes
The street is but a dream
They didn't ask for this
But in the alleyway is where they live
Cardboard, plastic covers,
Too keep them from the cold,
A spark of warmth
In this alleyway of broken dreams.
 Jul 2014
The thunder rumbles in the distance
I cringe after every boom
The breezes pick up
And stir the tall evergreens
The light in the evening sky has faded
Black clouds line the sky
Where has the sunshine gone?
The familiar scent of rain
Perfumes the stifling summer air
Lightening flashes in the sky
My heart beat quickens
With every bolt of electricity
That brightens up the horizon
Like a display of fireworks
On the fourth of July

Inspired By A Thunderstorm That I Believe
Is Headed For Us!!! :) ~~~~<3
I Promise, I Shall Try Not To Be Scared This Time, Lol!! :) ~~~~<3
Please Enjoy This Random Poem!! :) ~~~~<3
 Jul 2014
Paula Lee
          I Almost Had A Thought......
          I Was Going To Tell You.....

You were Gone.  :(
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