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 Jul 2014
Paula Lee
You've been gone 43 years today
The little girl in me still cries
Just like it was yesterday it seems
They came to tell me you had died

I shut my memories down, closed tight
Built the walls to protect my heart
I remember nothing of childhood
Not one memory to impart,

The Child inside will cry for you
For Memories lost to this day
Years ago the Slate wiped clean
My Mind still greives, I say

But known, I was loved by you
So on this day, my heart replies
I miss you so **** much daddy
Your child sits here alone and cries!
 Jul 2014
Babu kandula
Kidnapped or
For children
Camel races are held
Using this kids as Jockeys
Ages below Ten
Since they weight light
They are given a shed or a tent
In the desert
Offers just biscuits
Because they won't gain weight
What actually they want for racing
Which will speedup the camel
No bed no pillow
Sleeping on the sand
No positive dreams
They even can't cry
If they do they will be beaten
On the other side
Camels are having
Swimming pools
A pediatrician
Good food
Nice place with
Good comforts
Why this difference?
What they say is
Kid cost 500 dollars
But camel costs Million dollars
Who can stop it
It is illegal to have a kid as jockey
But who cares the ****** rule
Feeling sad for those boys
No good food
No clothing
No education
 Jul 2014
SG Holter
Tears serve a purpose.
Preserve your water.
There will be days so dry
You'll cry vapour.

Tears serve a purpose.
Put pressure on your heart
Until the bleeding stops.
Get up and dance along.

Baby steps in the right direction.
All you know of this place is
It's between horizons.
Why so sad, little one?

Tears serve a purpose.
They're yesterdays leaving
The present. Blurring your vision
When looking back.

That's not where you're heading.
Come. There's more this way.
You'll smile. You'll laugh until
You cry.

Until your tears serve their purpose.
 Jul 2014
Lazy seems the sun today
helped aloft
by a flight of pelicans
in formation
like B-52s returning
to safe haven
after a sortie
Inland they go
with the gulls
during this calm
before the storm
The smell of a slowly swelling
angry sea awakened
drowning out the roses
by the garden path
soon to be scattered petals
across the village
The morning calm
belies the night
to come.

r ~ 7/3/14
  |   Hurricane Arthur
  / \
 Jul 2014
Paula Lee



 Jul 2014
Paula Lee
When you are born my stamp is on you
I appear to you in the cradle
from then on you are mine
I will dwell with you forever.
I'll make you less than you are
and when you're old enough
you will feel me there
I'll revel in the hate you feel for me
just when you think you're free from me
I'll sweep in with a vengeance
and you'll be mine again.
I hide in the recess of your mind
and i feed off your fear of me
Black as the raven,pitch black as the night
I'll sentence you to a living hell.
On a cold and rainy night
you can hear me calling out to you
the sound of me will drive you crazy.
From the Cradle to the Grave
Please let me know what you think? This  is about the struggle in my life with Depression. The most personal thing I have ever written. Is it that bad that no one likes it?
 Jul 2014
she writes despair,
from her womb.
in thick menstrual red.
...a dirge of lost potential.

lamentations of longing,
need and want for a child
sear her face and mind....

again a false start,
hope....stands expectant at
the starting line.....
only to falter and fall,
time after time.

she hates,
this carriage, that does not,
well do the job
she hates,
those who can, with apparent ease.
who do not mis,
but have,
the joyous moments,
of that first squalling cry...

but mostly,
she longs for
the next time,
she can try....
til then,
sadness prevails
a friend, misscarriage,ivf...i don't need to say more...
sadness prevails
 Jul 2014
On that tipsy floating dock All of us ran to the side
Trying to get as far as possible without tipping it or
Falling off.
Even though we were in our bathing suits...

I remember screaming

Then you reached
Your hand brushed my forearm
Your fingertips tickled my palm
And then intertwined with my fingers.
Then as we fell off
I grabbed your bicep

Why did you do that to me?
I'm a girl.
So I played that moment
Again and again and again and again
Like a song
That you don't hear anymore
After you listen to it too much.

But our hands I still
Our hands.
Our hands.
Recalling a moment with a crush two years ago.
 Jul 2014
we will .....go.... to the woods
...soon... up on
..the mountains fringe...
that is ....where.... nature....
has placed.... it's great ..............demarcation line......
                                  where ...........the rat race ...ceases.......
the quiet just.... eases ..into your soul...

and ......
              your soul changes

first.... with momentary bliss turn off.......
.... the technology
but... then you.... want....
and... so you.... slow your step ... the wind.... in the trees
the birds.... over head,
...lizards ...the leaf litter..
...undergrowth                                  a lady beetle ...bright jewel ...on your coatsleeve....
                       .......and that is when sigh....
.......and truly let it go...
let it all drop... let it all behind
              i see my love
                          ........the world
.....roll off your shoulders
here the woods...
....among the trees...
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