The Autumn time prosperity
Shines through in many ways
The harvest fruits most plentiful
The shorter Autumn days
Allow some space to rest a bit
From summer’s toil and heat
Feel the gentler Autumn rays
In harmony complete
The rhythmic seasons generate
Our earth’s providing powers
But yet no other seasons match
Our Autumn golden hours
So let bright Autumn energy
Pervade your heart and mind
Smile and share the bounty from
The Autumn wealth you find
This is Prosperity Poem 136 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Autumn is my favorite season. My birthday is in September, the garden is producing well, the daily temperatures are pleasant, and the mountains turn color.
Yesterday I was just enjoying the yard and resting in the sunshine and the lines for this poem started to flow. Thea really came up with some GORGEOUS backgrounds which made it really hard to choose which to use.