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 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Breaking the surface
Clutching intangible thoughts
Slippery seaweed. . .

Bobbing up for breath
Swirling down through dark colors
Which world is my own?

New yet familiar
The shoreline my spreading wings
Shifting transition. . .
I keep a dream journal every year and I write a poem,  usually a haiku or a series of haiku, to go at the beginning of each journal. .. usually inspired by sleep,  dreaming or waking. ..this one is about the challenging time between dreaming and waking. ...
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Mourn the early bud,
teased by the fickle weather
and killed on a whim.
Inspired by the camillia flowers which always fall for the first few falsely warm days of spring. ..
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Autumn's torches lit
Red-gold licks the mountainside
Burning without warmth...

Sparks crackle and pop
Whisked away, they dance and play,
With the winter wind.

Embers fall and fade.
Bare blackened bones left bereft
Claw the cold slate sky.
The inspiration for this is the coloring of the trees in the fall, watching the bright leaves blow, and soon fall and turn brown leaving behind the dark branches scraping at the gray winter sky... like leftover charcoal on the hearth stones.
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Like the lapping tide
sleep effaces all trace of
the previous day.

It washes the shells
of our dreams upon the shore
of our waking mind...

We muse upon them,
what they meant to us within,
Fades as dawn grows strong.
Actually inspired by the fact that I had fallen asleep wearing makeup and it was all gone by morning. . X'D hahaha. .. this was the poem for my first dream journal back in 2010 .. I  think.
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Burgeoning branch tips
Ready and waiting to spring
Silent green fireworks.
I always love this time of year. ..when the leaves are just starting to come out.
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Small clouds passing by
In reflection of the sky
Heaven surrounds me.
I was actually watching clouds pass by in the reflection of my car windshield while waiting on a dr. Appointment. .. but I have done the same thing with puddles
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Rummage..., creeeek..., Thump!, Click!
Mushrooms spring up suddenly
After the rain starts.
Visualizing a bunch of pedestrians opening umbrellas on a rainy day.
The part about mushrooms is true too >w<

— The End —