Take me to late-night, dim-lit poetry evenings in untrustworthy safe spaces where we can shyly smile at one another and let our tongues and eyes dance to the clicking of fingers and amplitudes of words,
Take me to drink cheap wine at crusty places,
To savour the cheap thrill of one, maybe two, but never more than two, sweet, sweet Rosés.
Take me for takeaway lattés and cringy sad-movie songs that we can lament to on the drive in your car where we can gaze at the yellow city lights shading the glimmer of oceanic blues.
Take me to puff hubbly smoke at your house or stream poorly thought out comedies while eating buttery, stale popcorn.
Don't take me to clubs or fancy expensive restaurants or any grand social events.
Don't take me to places where I'll have to compete for your attention.
Stay with me and stay simple
Understand that I am not like the majority of people you may know
Understand that all people are different and they won't swoon for the same things
And above all, try and understand me,
That is all I'm asking for
That is all you need to do to take me somewhere nice.