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 May 2016
The bass grow as long as your arm
down by mr thompson's farm
the flatrock river licks it's muddy ridge
underneath of a covered bridge

emerald shiners mirror the light
a grey heron takes to flight
catching crawdads for a hopeful cast
while the shoals of minnows pass
This is about my time when I lived in Rushville, Indiana. I used to fish under a very old covered bridge. It was the best fishing of my life, and I am pretty sure that I caught some record smallmouth bass. I never weighed them though.
 May 2016
Elisa Maria Argiro
Heavy lavender blossoms, lifted
by sudden rushes of night wind.

Jacaranda, her scented branches swept into
dancing alone under the only streetlight.

Hiding further in the dark, bushes of
kumquat fruits, ripely orange,
tempt me to taste them.

In the deep blue air, first stars create
orbs of light beyond themselves,
glowing hugely in the sultry, silent sky.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
I begged the stars and I begged the sea
To take the world away from me
I want to walk through starry shores
Cosmic beaches, ocean floors
I begged the land and I begged the sky
Lend me wings that I may fly
I begged the storms and I begged the stones
Give me lightning, give me a home
I begged the mountains and I begged the trees
Sing to me upon a sleepy breeze
I begged the roads and I begged the rain
Take me from my mortal pain

And so the goddess did oblige
For within the forest I now reside
I am the flowers I am the stream
I am the sun's bright morning gleam
I am the dark that eats all things
I am lonely wolfish scream
I am whom upon wind breaks
I am the threads that do create
I am life, and she is me
No mortal knows such harmony
 May 2016
A present
From the heavens
Received over night
Unwrapped across
The Earth
A blanket of white
 May 2016
shaffu shafiq
In my life,the garden of flowers something speak
Sun rays through my window wake me up
Rising of the sun so nicely treats & greets
Dew drops shines in sun beams
I want to live in my dreams
In my garden of love
Flowers are fluttering & dancing
Beneath the tress and before me
Enjoying fresh breeze
Playing each other
Listening to the music of birds delightful song
Tossing head and calling me
Daffodils,lily, sunflower and jasmine
Every beauty of the garden praises divine
Daisy, tulip and marigold
A few were faded and too old
In my garden of love
I have seen so many sweet flowers
I picked and chose only one
That is my lovely red rose
It's bright eyes sparkle like the stars
Staring at me &  fall in deep love
I touched my red rose
And pulled too close
Smelling it's smell for a love dose
It's fragrance whispers "I love you"
With a smiling & glowing face
And touched my nose
It's soft red petal gleefully kissed my lips
And it's green leaf hugged me
Your presence makes me happy
Gives strength to my body & soul
Oh my lovely red rose
Coz of you My garden of love always blossoms
Your attractive beauty really entices me
Without you no nightingale sings a song
Oh my lovely red rose
Don't ever feel blue
Coz I really love you

By shaffu.
 May 2016
We follow the bridleway that dissects the growing field of wheat, now dark green and vigorous after it's Spring dose of nitrogen. Pass the smouldering ruin of a bonfire which has been awaiting the torch for weeks. Charred black are two big sections of oak trunk which I considered purloining every time I passed, but decided they looked too heavy to move.

Reach the road, rein in the dog's lead, turn right. The thatch I renewed a few years back is definitely not looking new any more. Past the houses, past the one where the whistler lives. All the way across the wide East Anglian field I often hear him trilling, when we are both pottering in our gardens. He has a brick outhouse, probably a former loo or wash house. A thrush is sitting on top of the chimney and a blackbird on the weather vane, they look about four feet apart. I pick up a lager can, crush it and slip it in my back pocket. A pigeon climbs, claps its wings and glides back down. Jogger's footsteps catch up from behind. It's the chap who owns a Harley Davidson.

I turn back into our lane, a skylark is singing loud and clear above us to the left. A rabbit dashes across the lane a few yards ahead, disappears. The dog's ears go straight up and he eagerly sniffs its trail. Back home.
 May 2016
suns reflect
upon embodied
As day-lines
draw their
like precision
cut diamonds.
 May 2016
With every crease
And every fold
I breathe a silent wish

Clumsy fingers
Stubby nails
They slip with every pinch

Paper crinkling
Fill my ears
My mind almost in a trance

The clock ticks 2
But I go on
The window's blackness at a distance

Smooth the paper
Pinch the edges
Imbue in them a fervent plea

I really hope
I really desire
For these stars to carry their spell
Out into the galaxy
 May 2016
The eyes are first to sparkle
To reveal boundless joy
The eyes shout euphoria from the very tops of every hill

The eyes are also first to glisten
Swimming in a salty pool
They blink and blink to hold them in but they won't always stay hidden

The eyes are the windows into the soul
They peer to see if it is broken
Or if it is still standing, resolutely strong and whole

The eyes can read a thousand lies
They peel back woven cloths
They offer a glimpse, a chance to check if anything is disguised

I keep my face turned away
My eyes fixed on something else
I keep my eyes averted just so I can avoid another's gaze

But when I do, when I hold
Your unwavering stare
Lightning bolts shoot through me, stirring deep and cold

A heightened awareness of every breath
Making sure to keep them steady
I keep up my end, never breaking, with all the courage I have left

Those eyes bore right into my being
A rawness fresh and apparent
Your eyes have now seen everything
I flinch, I sever the electric current
Opia is defined as the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
I've always found eye contact between two people to be intimate and unnerving and tend to avoid it when I can.
 May 2016
Change is constant in our lives

Your perception of yourself
Affects your vibe so let only
The good vibes flow freely

Real transformation requires
Real soul searching honesty
To be your true loving self

Be the reason you feel awake
Elevated empowered and magical
Peeling back the layers of your ego

Spiritually its important to forgive
Those who have harmed or hurt you
So that you find your own inner peace

It seems nothing is impossible in our lives
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