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 Aug 2016
Lay on the pagan rocks,
whisper the ancient gods.
Let the energy transform
and part ways to a past.

A different time where,
lay beliefs were customary.
A place where horses,
galloped and the roses prickly.

A kiss that meant a promise,
the forever that meant it's worth.
The portions that never worked,
but melted love in pungent rocks.

The bitter togetherness in the woods,
the sweeter regrets of the nooks.
A euphoric ****** of emotions,
rendered tones, the lily hues.

Take it all and tie it with cotton,
fasten the rope and compress it.
Neglect us in the highlands,
way over those barren valleys.
 Aug 2016
Tight roping the catwalk of life's hopes and dreams

I  tiptoe through trying to avoid hurting myself upon

Jagged pieces of broken glass

Obstacles to my aims and desires

Atop the saffron walls of my blue sky thinking.

From here I could allow myself to fall into blackness

containing all possibilities

Or stay safe aloft and on high

Continuing to follow my narrow path

My feet tire of this peregrine journey

And yearn to search for colours new

To allow myself to pass through deepest black

Through to purest white

And enter the rainbow

Where in life's spectrum

All souls glow within its flow.
 Aug 2016
Keith Wilson
Passed  a  neglected  garden  of  late.
It  seemed  in  quite  a ­­ sorry  state.
Some  men  came  to  make  some  notes.
But  seem­ed  to  give  it  little  thought.
Up  on  high  the  grasses  gr­ow.
Beneath  the  windows  row  by  row.
The  other  plants  just­ ­ cry  with  pain.
I  guess  we'll  never  grow  again.
They  ha­ve­  taken  up  our  space  on  the  ground
Like  an  advancing  ­army  I'll  be  bound.
They  are  taking  our  water  Oh  my.
As ­ they  journey  to  the  sky.
Perhaps  it  soon will  be  resolved.­
And  peace  will  reign.
Once again

Keith  Wilson    Windermere.  UK.  2016­.
Some revisons
"where the sun smoothes the dust-dry earth"  

the summer is not poetic,  
what is there in the gold
of the sun to write about?
just the heat and the stones
washed flat.  
the signs say you can't swim.
everything has stopped.  
there is no music in the air,
the mornings shrill and hum,
the afternoons drowse with beer.
is the ocean going to wake for me?
will it dance like a flower?  
along the dust black roads
the tarmac starts to sweat.  
torn open the thundering roads,
there is no poetry in them either.  
everywhere there are green leaves
and little drops of peace in the shade.
this is old (from the book) but i thought i'd share it following a bit of a heat wave this week!
 Jul 2016
Denel Kessler
seeds lie barren
on the hardpan
of a soul craving

seek absolution
on scarred knees
search for bliss
in the brief bloom
after sparse rain
believe these offerings
are not in vain

seeds lie dormant
 Jul 2016
Nishu Mathur
Through the dancing leaves of the palms
And tufts of clouds that fill the skies 
Like a hymn, a song, a prayer, a psalm 
How beautiful is the sunrise
Curve by curve - gently rising 
The orb of pink, then orange glow 
Eyes like spheres hold the lighting 
Enthralled as the gold grows
Inch by inch, his presence felt 
The majestic sun - so bows the night 
Heating the ground - the day melts 
The breath of rays; the hope of life 
Sing the birds their morning song 
Spreading their wings to fly in bliss 
I too sing along 
Touched by the warmth -
And sun-kissed
 Jul 2016
O lovely lady, poised for flight!
In the wondrous floral seas
Lightly lilting on the breeze
A flute of orange fulsome light!

Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Latin lover from tropic climes
With a dance, a sulry mime
I stand with longing as I see ya!

With antennai you touch the air
Zephyrs of sweet paradise
You could melt the frigid ice
With the fire of your stare!

O, how you send your leaves aloft!
Feathers like a Sensitive Plant
Small and delicate they slant
Your floral offering, clustered, soft

Though it be strange... you are a pea!
Yes, you own that family name
Wild though, you can't be tamed

Bird of Paradise!


The Mexican Bird of Paradise grows in tropical, subtropical and desert areas. It is a very hardy and beautiful plant!

The flowers are clustered bright orange and yellow with little feelers that come out from the center. The leaves of this plant I like Acacia leaves. Very small. This prevents the plant from losing too much water. We have one growing right by our porch and I love to look at it! It is truly inspiring in its pulchritudinous pea-ness!
 Jul 2016
Tom Balch
Here in the midst of lake and fell
where lake-land poets once did dwell,
penned their words in romantic style
I too will sit and dream a while.

Sat at the edge of mountain tarn
looking back over field and farm,
watching Merlin and Goshawks fly
on thermal winds high in the sky.

The scent of pine from forest deep
red squirrels search for nuts to keep,
native to this Cumbrian land
to watch them scurry, really grand.

So tranquil here midst lake and fell
where reds and poets do still dwell,
the only sound is natures song
this is the place that I belong.
 Jul 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
Perched up here
in my nest
Preening the feathers
on my chest
Constantly watching
The distant field
For any kind of meal
It might yield
Looking for movement
Some kind of sign
If you make a mistake
I'll make you mine
Seeing life
I spring into action
Eating you
Brings such satisfaction
Diving down
With incredible speed
A tasty dinner
Is what I need
You try to run
And try to hide
Once I spot you
I won't be denied
Almost made it
To your hole
I am coming
To get your soul
Talons digging
Into your back
Up to my nest
For an afternoon snack
 Jul 2016
CA Guilfoyle
Very early before the birds
the morning moon travels to underworlds
gathering stars and seas of glowing pearls
when swift the sweep of darkness goes
the night from black to indigo
blue in layers, the light unravels
then wends the coming day
the dawning sky of gold.
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