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 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
The love that you give
Is just like a drug
I need a fix
Give me a hug

There is no help
No way to detox
Somebody help me
I'm hooked on a fox

You have a strong hold
One I can't kick
Every time I try
I start to feel sick

There is no needle
To stick in my vein
Just a simple kiss
Or I'll go insane

No pill I could take
To give me that feeling
Anytime without you
My senses start reeling

Nothing I could smoke
To get me that high
If I'm without you
I surely would die
 May 2016
gray rain
Albums, collections of songs,
A collection of words
brought together
to right, wrongs
or just to hurt
they're there forever.


Old recordings
on vinyl
or hand written on papers.
New recordings
still on vinyl
but more objected to haters.

To be

easily accessed
and heard by everyone
fans or not,
torn to shreds
when criticised, a song
is unappreciated for what

amount of effort

the artist went through
to create something new
and original
just for you,
for your ears. To view,
to be a signal.

That originality

isn't dead
or dying
or even injured
but instead
to be heard

by millions around the world.
 May 2016
Rainy days...
Calls for the fallen ones
They collapse into tears

Rainy days...
Makes it colder than most
They hold themselves close

Rainy days...
Summons the darkest creatures
They start to feed on your fears

Rainy days...*
Silences the loudest cries
They begin to celebrate in the fire

*On rainy days
Leave the beaten aside
Allow them to crash
Promise them their space
Because once they rise from the fallen droplets
They will stay
And they will be
Stand up, stronger and tougher than ever.
 May 2016
Change is constant in our lives

Your perception of yourself
Affects your vibe so let only
The good vibes flow freely

Real transformation requires
Real soul searching honesty
To be your true loving self

Be the reason you feel awake
Elevated empowered and magical
Peeling back the layers of your ego

Spiritually its important to forgive
Those who have harmed or hurt you
So that you find your own inner peace

It seems nothing is impossible in our lives
 May 2016
Stumbling on her new feet
A regular fish out of water
Wanting her brain and heart to meet
The former to talk some sense to the latter

Wistful for the melancholy seas
Nostalgic for those left behind
It is on land where uncertainty breaks free
A plaintive wail for those of her kind

Foreign land stretching afar
On pale limbs she has yet to adopt
How crashingly desolate will it be to explore
To make use of this magic she has yet to exploit

A wriggle of her toes
Jaw clenched in determination
She stands by the decision she chose
To search for the source of her affection

He's out there, she'll find him
No matter the stakes
She'll stand on her two feet
And wait as long as it takes
 May 2016
She tried to speak in poetry
as the hair fell over her face
and the makeup from yesterday started to smudge
so at least one thing she did was
beautiful enough to make someone
want to stay

she tried to make her words send chills
down the spine of men who stole her heart
but what she found was
no matter what order you put the pieces in
you can't put them back together the same way again

she tried to speak in poetry
to fix her broken heart
or to find a new one to hold
she tried to make everything fit into a line
but could not understand how
things would not work out the same way
they did the first time

she tried to talk beautifully,
making every sentence as polished as her final release
and found out the hard way
she missed the beautiful mistakes,
the ones we learn from,
are the ones in the first draft
 May 2016
we wait in apprehension
victims consternation
of a futuristic image
where love is lost
in the darkness
because the sun no longer shines
down upon the sinners
who fail to shoot the moon
and so we shoot our brothers
without consideration
a evil sense of admiration
we fall
into a world
a beautiful disease
where peace is the cure
that truly can not be found
 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
The day you almost died
Was the worst day of my life
I honestly couldn't imagine
if you were no longer my wife

I saw you lying there
Looking so frail and weak
I leaned over your bed
And kissed you on your cheek

The problem was in your lung
Caused by a blood clot
On the other one
There was a little spot

The news was overwhelming
I honestly must say
I fell onto my knees
And I started to pray

I walked into our house
And you were not there
Sat down on our bed
At your picture I did stare

Put my head on your pillow
Eyes started to well
The lingering scent of you
What a wonderful smell

For a couple of days
It was touch and go
I'd be lost without you
This you had to know

After a risky procedure
And medicine you did take
Along with some help from the Lord
The clot it did break

With a new lease on life
A precious second chance
I will shower you with love
and fill your life with romance
 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
Standing in the silvery moonlight
With the waves licking the shore
Gazing deeply into the eyes
Of the woman I adore

Cherishing every moment
Each second I will steal
There's no words to describe
The emotions that I feel

With my rugged hand
I softly caress your face
Then I pull you close
so tightly we embrace

Gently kissing your lips
Running my fingers through your hair
When I am with you
I haven't got a care

Then we'll take each others hand
And slowly stroll down the beach
The stars in the sky so big
Feeling like they're within reach

I hope this time lasts forever
I hope this will never expire
For you I will always love
And you I shall always desire
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