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 Oct 2015
Luna Lynn
sadly, captive souls
lie still somewhere awaiting
to smile again
I wrote this Haiku after watching a special on Gina Dejesus, Amanda Berry, and Michelle Knight. God be with the missing everywhere tonight and every night until they are found. God be with the those suffering captivity. God be with those locked in chains. God, be with them.
Keep hope alive in that the missing will be found.

(C) Maxwell 2015
 Oct 2015
Charlie Chirico
When my ex took her life,
we were both newly single.
I was out of state,
she was out of mind,
and no one thought to tell me,
because, frankly, she had already
pushed everyone away years before.
We reconnected, while she was
seeing someone, who was taking
advantage of her, as she would later
come to explain. So when I drove
to her parent's home to pick her up
she was apprehensive, but only
because that's what she had been
used to, abused too.

We sat across from each other.
She told me how the last five years
have been long, and she missed me.
I told her it was mutual, but that
might have been a lie. My mind was occupied, hers too, but by voices that
weren't her conscience.

She told me how she
hasn't had sober *** in
a very long time. She told me
that she was a slob. She told
me she had two bottles of beer in
her bag. I had a bottle of whiskey.

We drank, and talked,
and kissed, and ******.
And woke up to each
other the next morning.
I pour her a cup of coffee
before driving her home.
And after the car ride I
Told her I would talk to her
later, and I did.

Then we ended our relationship.
And I told her I would talk to her
soon, and I planned on it, but she
beat me to the punch, and knocked
all the air from my lungs.
Ex killed herself a few months ago. Found a letter she wrote me. Brought back a lot of feelings. Been reading lots of her poetry since last night. No idea why I'm making mention. Had to get that line out of my head about "sober ***." So ******* sad. Such a shame.
 Oct 2015
Why do I fall out of love
after I've fallen in-
only to be heart broken
over and over again..?
Is this the end
because I don't want it to be
please tell me that I'm dreaming
..this is all just a  blurry  mess
and I won't be left behind again
if I'm left once more to wallow
I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle it.
I really think
that it is just a sin.
That when there is trouble
The Big Boys join in.

They all come across
saying that they'll make a change
and then somebodys World
they will then rearange.

The US and Russia
along with us Brits
don't want it that way
so we blow it to bits.

We give guns to him,
supply arms to another.
Then we sit back and watch
as Brother kills Brother.

Who are we to guide?
Who are we to preach.
When we cling on to their assets
like a blood ******* leach.

We should leave others alone
till our own house is done,
yet we watch as our schools
become run by the gun.

Where now it's the norm
to be shot as we learn,
just as long as big commerce
is able to earn.

Those who should know better
don't know how to behave
Happy to see
another Child in a Grave.

So you Big Boys go elsewhere
because it's well known
that if you come to play
you come armed with a Drone.

While you're sitting back
comfy in your armchair.
You can relentlessly ****
from a place that's not there.

Then when you pull the plug
and remove your devices
we are faced with a problem
of people making bad choices.

We have made problems worse!
We have let people down
and when we get a world crisis
we'll react with a frown.

We don't want them here.
They cannot go there.
A whole host of humanity
who is welcome Nowhere.

We created this problem!
We created this way.
So in the future
keep The Big Boys away.
3rd October 2015
© Copyright Christopher K Bayliss 2014
There are days I know
There are Days I question.

Nights I am sure
Nights I just wonder

People will ask me
I will not answer

No possible answer
Will simply show.

Questions to who I am
Answers I will never know
 Oct 2015
He wants his honey in lace
and combat boots.

A hip so smooth it burns like
whiskey going down,

and dreams that spell
like perfume
when he lights her cigarette
and dives into never-land.

she wants a fair fight
a fighting chance.

This is an equal opportunity
my space,
Coxbones and ashes.
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