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 Dec 2016
Pagan Paul

It sings to me
          a pretty lullaby.
In the silent hour...
          ...j'entend ton coeur.


© Pagan Paul (04/12/2016)
 Nov 2016
brandon nagley

Her slimikin fabric


By God's mighty hand's,
She was swathed in
citrine quartz.

A sparsile separated
From the rest of
The universe.


Unadulterated by the known,
She likes thing's that art not seen;
By day she work's, yet craves-
The fall season and it's leaves.

Though fall doth not arrive
On the island she resides;
So she crochets, the dreams she
Saves, stored inside her mind.


Though I knoweth one day, the
Season's that she pictures in her
Head; wilt be there in her fingertips,
Along with angelic colorful thread.

To make everything And anything,
Her string canst weave to be;
For I knoweth whatever she maketh-
It wilt be perfect from mine queen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley dedicated( ang aking makakatuluyan) my soulmate dedicated- Filipino translation..
Slimikin- small and slender.
Fabric-the essential structure of anything.
Swathe- wrap in many different layers.
sparsile-of a star, not included in any constellation.
Citrine -a light yellow quartz color.
Art- are.
Unadulterated- pure, not mixed, untouched.
Doth- does.
Resides- her place of living, where she lives.
Crochet- she actually does crochet-and is amazing at it many want Jane to make her own business doing it can find her work on her Facebook under ( Earl Jane nagley) also on her Instagram go see her artwork also her crochet work if get a chance she's an amazing artist just needs a boost to get her going. Her name Earl Jane Sardua on Instagram or earl Jane nagley. Also ( yellow Majesty) on Instagram.. crochet definition- make (a garment or piece of fabric) using crochet. Which btw her parents are amazing at making clothes.  Plz check Jane's work out. God bless.
Knoweth- know.
Wilt- will.
Mine- my.
 Nov 2016
Daniela Nieves
They say it's a choice:
A choice to love.
A choice to let go.
There is no fate or destiny impacting love,
It is solely
I made a choice:
To love.
Love you with everything I had.
Through the roughest times in your life,
And through mine.
To love you when I had nothing but hatred for the world around us.
To love you when all I wanted to do was walk away.
To love you when you couldn't love yourself.
I made this choice, and I made it for months.
But there came a month where I chose to let go.
I chose to allow someone else the opportunity to love you.
More than I did and
I did not choose to stop loving you, that is something one can not do; yet I chose to set you free
From the burden you carried because of me.
I chose to love you from afar,
And that may be the worst choice of all.
 Nov 2016
You keep me warm,
with you, things are good
I never feel cold with you,
even when I should

You hold me closely
with you, I feel safe
I want to stay with you, *always.
I love you
 Nov 2016
Pagan Paul
Her charms cannot be hidden,
laying languid in soft repose,
cloaked in dreams of night,
to her secret fantasies she goes.

Doe eyes closed in star sleep,
sweet gentle breath from parted lips.
A shift of woven mist she wears,
nestling flirtatious about slim hips.

A moment stirs her silent rest,
a sigh, rises, pours and escapes.
Anticipating beauty, the inner promise,
of doe eyes when she wakes.

© Pagan Paul (26/11/16)
Lord of Green series, poem  7
 Nov 2016
David Ehrgott
was watching barbie dolls on seven
and saw you once again
Your neck now wrinkle free
Those legs wrapped around my head
Things I begin to think
Like the twinkle in your eye
That you add to blush and smile
Legs wrapped around again
Like the preacher's daughter said
Little feet near the bed
sixty-three pounds
but, very hard to carry

Watching barbie dolls on channel two
The one that squeaks and squeals
Still beats out a pig
Lady Godiva still looks great
The horry housewife stays in shape
Don't need no horse to ride on out of town

Watching barbie dolls at ten
the times; the changes
Too many blondes again
So many years
So many roads
I like the one
that lived up north
but I won't have a wallet
that size before some time again

Turning the TV back to mantle
I've had all I think that I can handle
The gold dust twins are there again
I wonder will it ever end
This could lead to stronger stuff like the old bottle

Lady Godiva never looked so good
The best provider for the push
She made me love; she understood
I love my barbie girls I watch on my TV
 Nov 2016
Amy Perry
Your Love - or any thought
Containing you, thereof -
Mesmerizes, magnetizes,
The hungry ghosts inside of us.
Perception slip; a CD skip;
A fall into a big ball pit--
(The reasons I can't take a hit);
Leaves me leaving life;
Walking on the ice;
Using sugar spice,
Swallow my advice:
The little lies that we conceive,
The little girl-type fantasies,
Can make us buckle at the knees,
Discovering it's all diseased.
Are we dreaming? Third eye screaming.
I will myself to find us meeting.
Lock the door; the key, not needing.
The events preceding passion feeding.
Alas - it's passed.
Big girls learn real world lessons -
No beguiling oneself through an external essence.
...This time I won't let go,
I'll hold on to you forever,
long after we're old.
You're all I need,
My life’s favorite song

Ahead in my head,
You're always there.
Beside me, smiling, without fear.
Hand in hand,
You opened your world to me,
You accepted my flaws,
You helped me believe.

Because of this, I give you it all,
All that I have within me
that makes me, me at all

With shaking hands,
I hand to you a heart of stone
A heart that will beat for you and you alone...

With my heart in your hands I watched you hold it close.
I can’t give you the stars,
But I can make them brighter with you..

- Brandon K. Stephenson
To memories and yesterday’s heartbeats
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