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 Oct 2018
all i want
is to be
wrapped up in your hoodie
with your arms around me
 Oct 2018
Ignatius Hosiana
You'll give me the skies but I'll still crave her eyes
enchant me with charms, I'll ache for her in my arms
you'll point me to the right track and I'll still be lost
for I can't be found unless it's in the curvature of her smile...
forever's so long, she makes it a quarter a mile
bless me void of her and I'll be cursed
without her am a living dead , am my worst.
You'll hand me diamonds and I'll still dig her,
as she's the treasure am seeking to find...
am entangled in a maze no spell can unbind.
Forget sunshine, she's my most memorable dawn
for she's a midnight sun, a glowing moon at noon...
I'll travel the world but she'll remain the place I crave to see
the adventure I long to take, an absence that sets me in ecstasy
the hardest wave that ever hit my sails even after I cross every Sea...
 Oct 2018
Nestled up against you
I speak without a sound.
Whispering a warm love story
across your cold naked skin.
 Oct 2018
Traveller in time
The mornings sun which bright the day with morning clouds have gone away ,
and all that’s left is true and foul of rain that soddens and all but drowns
Sheep once grazing in their fields washed away to tidel yield
Storm clouds that hid the coming blast ,
Callum arrived in dark night clouds ,
thick with black the morning broke to this vale of tears .

These storm clouds that pass above will one day enter our fortress
of love .
The castle I built with moat and gate will one day flood our love to take .
heavy rain clouds from the past will dampen and drown what we
held fast .
It’s morning sun that dews yet crown will turn to sewage in the ground .
Oh morning sun that brightened my day on silver clouds take you away ,
from once green Welsh fields were our love was found away from this sodden heavy ground .
As Callum’s clouds move ever on let us once more hear
the birds morning song ,
You could be my castle dear and we can wipe away our floods of tears .

" Then you shall be my king my love ,
we shall Soar on clouds above .

On dragons wings
with loving hearts ,
above the lake of yesterday,
vanquished with our dragons fire
and our forever beating hearts .

 Oct 2018
Bruce Levine
Another day down
To being together
My heart is bursting with joy
Each day without you
Is just another day
A day that doesn’t start

Our love will last forever
We need no other force
Than Destiny who has
Brought us together
Through Fate and love
Of people who knew
That we were only one
Not two

I’ll love you forever
And we’ll live in our hearts
Each second of every day
Here in my heart
The day will start
The countdown to home
No more to roam
Your freedom is here
Forever My Dear
Our love will last
Forget the past

Hold on to the future
A glorious ride
With love filled hours
Each day

With joy made in Heaven
Like spokes of a wheel
The outside is solid
From within
Our love that is strong
To carry along
Through nights until dawn
With daylight to show us the way

From heaven above
Forever our love
Will shine like the brightest star
We’ll live in our home
Two people brought from afar
Together forever
Whatever the weather
Our happiness will see us through
I give you a toast
I love you the most
To love
Just me and you
 Oct 2018
Justyn Huang
Love you stilly,
the quiet winds
that bend.

through morrow
hollow woods
that secret
sounding send

off we go
awning so
tell me where and when
This girl... wow, you don't even know.
 Sep 2018
Em MacKenzie
I'm the raindrops to your roses
I can drown you or make you grow,
and my shower always imposes
on the direction that you want to go.
I seem to only fall on to you
praying to assist you to become what you want to be,
but I'm banished when the skies turn blue
are you hoping that I will continue raining?

There's some things no one will ever understand
like why we carry a torch so long that it goes and burns our hand,
and it seems like nothing in this world goes as planned
but raindrops and roses live together within the land.

I'm the raindrops to your roses
I only try to add to your perfection,
and when a window opens; a door closes
but take my droplets as the purest affection.
I hope to never weigh your petals down
I want to assist in making each a wing,
but I can keep pouring until we all drown
but roses are seasonal with only summer and spring.

There's some things no one will ever understand
like why we give away the things so highly in demand,
and even when ripped apart; together we still band,
'cause raindrops and roses live forever within the land.

I'm the raindrops to your roses
I only try to give you strength,
but alone you smell sweet to all the noses
but only my eyes are blind to your thorn's length.
I only come to show you your own beauty,
though I doubt you'd ever see that strong shade of red.
Whereas I'm transparent; you can see right through me
sometimes I wish I could be the sun to your roses instead.
 Sep 2018
Özcan Sh
We drove through the night
Parked the car next to a street light
Saw how the stars began to spark

The moon shone all night
Her eyes shot an arrow into my heart
My breath became heavier
Her cheeks became redder

We kissed under the moonlight
And let our love glow
Like a shooting star.
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