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 Feb 2016
check out my eye piece
I can see to galaxies that are free from pain
acceptance is my beast
I fail to see the fallacies that are mine to blame

within my earshot
whispers that translate to only shame
the ear that hears not
is deaf to the gesture of speaking in vain

check out my eye piece
it helps me see through the ones who are all the same
exception is my feast
I refuse to take up the ways that they feign
 Feb 2016
Love lies bleeding
Yelping incessantly
In its predominantly

Torturous in its
Love does not guarantee for-
Ever afters

Unfailing, it
Never reveals its true

(C) Pixievic 2016
 Feb 2016
Come now darkened night,
Shine your saturated light
Upon my nightmares.

Stars have no reply
For the wherefore and the why
Within my nightmares.

Dawn now dries my tears
But it cannot ease the fears
Of living nightmares.

He is here no more,
Locked behind a keyless door.
Unending nightmare.
 Feb 2016
Commuter Poet
The shadow of death
Over every head

Even water
Left alone
Will disappear

Life is struggle

The spirit


Words sometimes flow
Like currents
In a stream

At other times
They resist
They resist

And I crumble
Under the weight
Of my pen

Life is struggle
Yet I
In my ignorance
Do not know
Where this road
Will end

So I advance
Just a little further
With faith
My lone companion

Though all seems unchanging
Perhaps mysterious fortune, awaits

I seek courage
To lead a strange
And magnificent existence

To work to alleviate
A poverty of the soul
To enrich the intangible
With decorous trinkets
Of creative gold

I take it in
To let it go
Except that which
I hold dear

Though pallid sickness arises
From the pit of my stomach
And time in this dimension
Only fades
The memory of this experience
Though fleeting
Reminds me
Life is truly mystic

To live long
One has to make something
Out of nothing
To create
Where there was nought

This page, this very page
Once empty
Now besmattered with thoughts
Weaves its own thread
Of inner life

And so
Another day
Is complete

And new life
1st February 2016
Just because you can’t hear me doesn’t mean I’m not there.
Every moment is a waking nightmare
Of anxiety and all I see’s a dangerous path that leads to apathy.
Just because I’m still kicking and breathing and fighting
Doesn’t mean that I’m not struggling
Doesn’t mean that I’m not juggling every single task
With kicking, breathing, and fighting just to stay afloat.
Just to keep from drowning.
Just to keep from shaking and crying and breaking and dying and
Screaming out to the world

I am not okay!

And you know what that’s okay.
Because I don’t have to be okay every single day just to be able to say
Everything is fine.
Everything is not fine.
And when the world comes crashing down around you
And you feel like you’re about to burst because of all the emotions that you aren’t feeling
And when the world starts reeling and spinning under your feet
And you feel like you’re sinning because you don’t feel complete,
Take a moment

To breathe.

Because no matter what you believe
One day you will feel again
You’ll feel the sun on your face, a loved one’s embrace and then
You’ll finally feel
I wrote this because whenever I see stories of depression, I never see one that I can really relate to my story. So, I figured I might as well tell it.
 Feb 2016
Bianca Reyes
They lied to me when they said that sticks and stones break bones but words don't hurt

I found that your words have branched and rooted within every splinter in my bones and the ache is nagging and constant

It's the guilt your words caused that weigh like boulders on my shoulders and every step causes a new fracture

Sticks and stones don't break bones but the weight of your words have crushed me
Written on January 16, 2016 and shared on Hello Poetry on January 18, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes and all rights reserved.
 Jan 2016
Pearson Bolt
pull me up
by the roots
of blue veins splayed
across pale flesh

i'm a puppet
on strings
twirled around
your finger

if i ever muster
the courage to
sever the ties
i'll pour my
life's blood
down my arms
in scarlet
rivulets and
swallow the
razor blades that
led me to
eternal rest

i'll die
at last
"The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it, one gets through many a dark night."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
 Jan 2016
Pearson Bolt
i think about dying every day

not suicide
per se

for if existence is suffering
then sadness is unending and
my anger defines me

it takes a certain sort
of courage to endure
to persist in spite of
the inevitable abyss

i am caught in a
cycle of cynicism
that leaves me jaded
more often than
i'd care to admit

and i can't help but
feel guilty nursing
my enmity

i hate him
almost as
much as
i hate me

yet i find
strange comfort
knowing one day
everyone and everything
will meet its end

we are precious
precisely because
we are finite
"The most important thing you do everyday you live is deciding not to **** yourself."
- Albert Camus
 Jan 2016
Aztec Warrior

India Pale Ale nestled comfortably
in one hand,
Pilot G-2  .05 rested anxiously in the other.
The ale went down
like it was the end of the day-
smoothe, cold
and tasted like more.
The pen just looked at me,
daring me to let it
caress this page,
spread its inky passion
like the rainbow of colors
Jimi created with his guitar.
It reminds me of recent conversations
with Brian Greene
about strings, resonance
and vibration;
about the make up of the universe
and the meaning of symmetry.
Conversations about the harmonics
of Calabi-Yau shapes,
expecially as multi-dimensional
expressions of gravity,
time and space.
But I think
if you want to really understand
the elegance of the universe;
feel the fabric of the cosmos
and its loops of energy,
then you have to listen as
the stretching of Jimi's guitar strings
vibrate, bend and fold.
Jimi created rainbows
when he played.
And what are rainbows
but vibrating color in various shapes.
These colors, escaping his guitar
and melting into the vastness of space.
Some say Jimi was an alien.
He stayed awhile
but then slipped out again
into the 9th dimension.
But I think
he emerged from the resonance
in a Calabi-Yau hole of infinity
found in the notes of "9 to the Universe".
He then disappeared in the rhythym
of flaming color arising out from
"Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)".
Jimi would pick those strings
at Planck length speed
causing flames to leap
and go higher,
igniting the universe
with vibrations of blues
and riotous laughter.
Jimi knew how to fly
and amuse.
He knew how to laugh
and play jokes
on the universe!
He would make us smile,
keep time with our feet,
and 'kiss the sky'.
Finishing up the last of the Pale Ale,
putting down the Pilot pen,
I am ready to seek rainbows
and listen to the universe sing.

Aztec Warrior 1.28.16 (re-worked)
If you ever listened to Jimi Hendrix, you know what I mean
 Jan 2016
syhlent blue
To love and be loved

We all crave the same fiery temptation

To feel and to be numb

We contrast the beauty of love

To be broken and to be rebuilt

We have all seen an illusion of love

To smile and to cry

We fear love because sometimes love hurts

To drown and to float

We sink in despair, waiting to be rescued

To be confident and to be insecure

We weren’t born the same

Most of us hate ourselves

Wishing to be remade

Or maybe wishing to never exist at all

To be heard and to be ignored

We hold everything inside because everyone on the outside is too busy to listen

To be untruthful or to be truthful?

Truthfully. .

We are blinded by our fears

So far deep in our tears

We run from love because we never been chased by love

We accept less because we think that’s all we deserve

We reject love because we are tired of getting hurt

We feel like we are ugly because he or she is more appealing

We camouflage ourselves because we feel like society will judge us

We die inside because we never felt alive

We limit love because we never experienced it’s measures

To love and be loved ?

We will never understand it’s depth


Because first we have to **love ourselves
 Jan 2016
Alyssa Underwood
forgiveness not by epiphany or stealth
but slow dawning through pain's night
thorny ever-conscious struggle for love
which suddenly breaks on wings of light
"I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded; not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night."  
~ Khaled Hosseini
this is the place of reverence, the face

of age. black the robes stand empty,

the shroud for peace that never


they are starving.

they may be cheaper,

plain packaging, yet

the strength is there,

as is the ply.

sit neater on the holder,

work better, so

i shall continue

to buy them,

conserving cash.

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