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 Feb 2016
Richard Riddle
"OVERWHELMED!", for lack of a better word. At 7:30am(CDT), my piece "For My HP Friends(response to Eliot York),  reached an altitude 5k 'reads/hits. Although the piece was penned in 2013, I mean every word written as I did then.
But, this isn't about me, it's about "you", all of the poets, writers, young/old, newcomers, and mainstays. It is for those who have passed away(God bless you), or have moved to another site(we hope you will return, at least I do.) It is for all who enjoy what we do, or think we do, best; writing about our deepest thoughts; what makes us laugh, what makes us cry, coping with adversity. It's about "living", learning of different cultures, visiting with words, places where we may never go, realizing that regardless of where we live, we are very much the same in thought and deed, discovering the common denominators between all of us. It's about "lending an ear", doing our best to comfort, strengthening a "family", which HP has developed overtime.
Without "YOU", this piece would never have never been written. Although my name is on it, it contains the  signatures of each and everyone of, "YOU!"
I will be forever, grateful.

Richard Riddle, February 07, 2016
Some stars are
       destined for      
                            When you plunge.
Always do what you are afraid to do.One of the most amazing things that we often forget is God never forgets us! Face it; you could hide under a rock, BUT, God will still be beside you saying, "Rock bottom". Nothing is always be nothing. Understand yourselves and do  whatever you want. The good spirit always with you and  always seize you
 Feb 2016
Joel M Frye
Discovered a new
"poet", Diksha Patel, a
master plagiarist.
To any who read this:  please let your friends know.

To all my friends and followers:  Check Diksha's page on HP and see if s/he's plagiarized any of your work.  They stole my POTD from a couple months ago, and struck it from their site when I called them out on it yesterday.  Eliot has been notified.
 Feb 2016
Cat Fiske
I have read so many wonderful poems,
haiku's, 10 words, so many more, and none are alike!
But we tend to forget about spoken word poems,
Hello Poetry, can you make it possible to share our spoken words as well as our massive pile on's of endless poetry. Spoken Words would add to the sight, and only make it better.
I wish I could also Use Hellopoetry on my mobile phone, in an app,
I'm not sure about anyone else, but that would maybe add to HP

Please consider what I've had to say, c:
Please send repost like and share and comment anything else you think the sight needs since it's growing in great ways. Please share and like if you agree c:
 Feb 2016


F R I E N D S!!


We have no way of knowing if your
posting is REAL or METAPHOR.
Even if it's a metaphor to your
end as a POET we care.


♡ Catherine
Please see my last repost!
Note it may be metaphorical.
The "birthdate" could be when she
started WRITING. But Nicole Dawn's attempt should be a lesson to all of us!

And REPOST hers and mine!
Good Morning all
Once again morning sun,
shine like a queen,
to utter the clandestine
of life.
The greatest inspiration you can ever get is to know that you are an inspiration to others. This is not another day, this is yet another chance to make your dreams come true. Wake up and face life’s challenges head on. Else, life will become quite a challenge.
Good morning!!!!!  :)
 Feb 2016
I want
the kind of kiss
that takes my breath away,
makes my skin feel
like electricity and leave
Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time, even when they're not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours, even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next, or--such is the pleasure they experience--they may never finish it. No eleven minutes for them.
 Feb 2016
For the human race
The game of *** is an art
One has to learn it
Good *** is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.
 Feb 2016
Walter W Hoelbling
this is
a thankyou message to you all
who have accepted me in your community
of poets trying to articulate
what we feel is important

often it's love,
     with all its ups and downs
sometimes  it's death
     or loss of friends and the beloved
sometimes it is political
    because one cannot stand aside
    when human rights are stepped upon
    and hate speech threatens those
    who have already lost their homes
    their relatives   their children

as poets
I believe  
we have an obligation
     not only to make life
     more beautiful with our art
     find words in situations
     that tend to leave us speechless

but also to speak up in times
    when fuzzy rhetoric
    spewed forth by demagogues
tries to paint cruelties in friendly colors
    and lack of principles as necessary adaption
    to current times

the power of the word
    not only made our world

it  is the only way
to save it
 Feb 2016
Walter W Hoelbling
I joined this site last year in March
and have found many voices since
that kindly welcomed what I wrote
with ‘likes’ and comments
even messages

thank you, my friends

I was a short-time member of some other sites
and from my past experience I have to say
that hp is the liveliest of all I’ve visited

even if there at times are posts that sound mean-spirited
and the occasional invasions of silly trolls
    make you aware that on the internet nothing is safe
    from the shenanigans of some frustrated idiots

in sum
    and in comparison with other sites
given its size and its diversity
hp is doing fairly well

to keep exchange of voices and ideas
    benevolent advice    constructive criticism
    helpful encouragement of younger members
    and sometimes simply kind remarks
alive    and spread the urge of writing poetry
    that helps us to articulate our loves and fears

to keep alive this spirit of creative art
is  our formidable work in progress
in which we all should lovingly play our part
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