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 Feb 2016
syhlent blue
Crying out to you

Stretching my voice across the sky

Facing you and time

With my emotions inside out

Am I made of glass?

You don’t see me standing here?

You might as well be blind!

        Here I am

Bending my thoughts

Absent mindlessly you have forgotten about me

Even though I’m present you don’t notice my presence

So mark me absent while I pretend to be happy

Everything is so visible

Yet you have made me *invisible
 Feb 2016
Baris MacTavish
a wish or command
I've got a war to fight
thoughts bore me
death fills my mind
that disgusting place
I can't turn back
chasing a shadow in the dark
gloomy violin in a well
zombies, how you hypnotized
wounded hearts, next stop
words doesn't mean anything
 Feb 2016
Hello it's me

Don't close your eyes
Don't let go yet
Don't turn around
Looking back won't help
Move forward
Step by step

Yes, maybe they broke your heart
but not your legs
Yes, maybe your back is bleeding
for all the stabbing

But tell you what
your are still alive
after all that you still  living
and that my friend
is amazing.

You are stronger that
you give yourself credit for
I believe in you

 Feb 2016
Star Gazer
The devil is beating his wife.
Can you imagine such a life.
Droplets of pain and despair,
Nary a person to ever share.
If we open up our heart,
To such hatred, will it depart?
A mirror shows us our reflection,
And we long to live in affection.
We can't grasp at what we should be seeing on the other side of the glass,
Because as humans we are so concerned with *******, thighs and ***.
We should look into our soul and discover what makes us, us,
Rather than our curves, our blemishes and our busts.

We should look for kindness inside ourselves,
To put others on a pedestal because they can't afford shelves.
Have you ever thought about those without a mirror?
How they just want to see their blemishes to make it clearer?
 Jan 2016
Who am I?
Am I a bird or a plane?
No.. I'm Superman!
considers gender
Okay, Lois Lane..
Am I a roadblock in your way?
Or a lucky penny in a well
A grain of sand in your shoe
That great story you tell
A song for the broken
Face of innocence,
Head of dreams
Am I young and sweet only seventee-
considers age
Okay, just turned 18^
Am I happy am I sad
Am I the best you everr had
A lyric to sing again and again
When lost in a tunnel,
The light at the end
Am I over confident
Do I believe in the possible
Am i an actress for putting on a show throughout this entire poem
Dramatic maybe?
Yes, dramatic but harmless
An artist I guess.. A star left in darkness?
Am I worthy of romance?
God I need to know..
When you go through life being kissed by beasts and frogs,
You eventually believe you'll never be someone's rose.
Am I wrong Am I right,
Who knows?
& Am I as okay as I say I am?

....* Curtains close
Poem said it all ^ hehe
 Jan 2016
I wish I could fly
magically appear and disappear
 Jan 2016
Not "I luff you"or "I lurv you", But the actual thing!
There it was; the word I dreaded and longed for...

Longed for so badly,
because I do love you madly.
The word, I'd never dare say
of fear you'd run away.
Dreaded because of its implications.
our lives lived in different nations.
Not that an ocean apart, is a match for a longing heart.

But let's face it!

You can't really love someone you never met in person.
At least not according to my older 1.0 version,
the one that had never met you.
The one that frowned  at “love" and laughed at "true”,
the one that'd never read somethings that rhymes,
not even in her darkest times.
But apparently this new 2.0 version
is a romantic person?!
One that shopping site of "Love",
apparently filled her cart
with a romantic fluffy heart.
When you realize your muse loves you. There has to be some silly rhymes. Sorry!
 Jan 2016
Walter W Hoelbling
back in an other world
   that feels unreal

with people whose familiar voices
   sound strange and thin
   as from behind thick glass

moving in rooms
   that do not promise
   your return

walking in streets
   that fail
   to echo your steps

I dream of you

       * *
 Jan 2016
Walter W Hoelbling
about 250 years ago
young Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s tale of Werther’s
passionate unfulfilled love and ensuing suicide
triggered a wave of suicides across all Europe

the author was more than embarrassed  
it is reported he was actually quite shocked
by this effect of his romantic writ

from then on he avoided the portrayal
of hypersensitive romantic youths
    with their emotional entanglements
    and often fatal ends
and preferred dramas of the simpler sort

     like the eternal fight of good and evil
     the striving for almightiness and universal knowledge
     dilemmas of obedience and command
     et cetera

today, like then, young people
go through the stifling pains of unrequited love
and feel they hover at the brink of the abyss
    ready to jump

then, as today, young Werther’s suicide
is nothing but a waste of youthful life
that could have brought him many happy moments
had he allowed himself to stay alive
suicide passion waste
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