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 Mar 2016
In the darkest cloak of night

I chanced upon a wondrous sight.      
  An angel sheathed in streaks of light

Kept stumbling on the ground.  

Its legs were weak, as sanctuary,

It begged to keep, in church.

Silence pounded the ground beneath its feet

As it waited for dawn to break

And take the weight it carried.

Eventually it came to see that it was not alone

And with company came the strength to atone.  

Falling fast upon its knees

It quick confessed to the disease of sin.

Within its tone I heard a groan

As all things it said had only led it to pain.

The darkness lost its reign as daylight came

And within a glittering shower

I saw the power of love.

Within this place I’d found a grace

As forgiveness allowed the angel

To take its place above me.

Returning to its dome shaped home

I saw the angel carved in stone.

Its tranquillity was plain to see

Within features of serenity.

When leaving I found a single feather

Nestled on a bed of heather flowers  

And knew that I’d been there to see

That love empowers all.
 Mar 2016
Im lashed to the tracks
For the trains that come
With no warning whistle.
The air is crushed from my lungs
And my heart shatters.
Still I lie
Still I wait
Still I live.
Sometimes I laugh
Before I cry.
Mercy travels elsewhere.
My gorgeous nephew died just over 7 weeks ago. Whenever I think of him, I struggle to realize he's truly gone and it genuinely feels like I can't breathe
 Mar 2016
Busbar Dancer
Soon the Dogwoods will bloom, and
bring one last gasp;
A eulogy for winter-
a final little bit of cold remembrance
for our unwashed faces.

Summer is for a different song. Brand new wrongs,
slick fingers and
a sunnier side of sin. The good kind.
Twixt those sweaty inner thighs
hides a secret worth savoring; a secret worth harboring.
Salvation is warm and...
I digress.

In the interim lies spring,
when we debate the merits of
crucifixion and/or fertility.
Around here, crucifixion wins since
we love a good ******
more than a good ****.
Who am I to argue?

So we wait for
something different.
Breath bated -
anxiously anticipating change
with a hitch in our collective chest.

That change will come but
not before the blackberries have had their say.
 Mar 2016
to be a hero
with their
pen and ink.
 Mar 2016
Realeboga M
"What's the worst feeling you've ever experienced", she stared at her.

The girl cracks a smile and pulls back her caramel black hair, "My name is Kay by the way. It's not short for anything"

The girl blushes and puts her head down, "I'm sorry my manners seem to have disappeared. It's just that I've always wanted to have a serious intimate conversation with a stranger", she sighs.

Kay ***** her head and bites her lower lip. Looking at the beautiful girl with grey eyes. "Don't tell me your name then. Let's have that talk. I'll call you grey", Kay smiles exposing her pearly whites.
"I don't know what the worst feeling I've ever experienced could be really. I mean can we really compare each experience with the other?" Kay stares at the blue black sky.
"Each experience is traumatizing so can we really compare every traumatizing one with the other? Like they were all traumatizing but different from each they can't be compared", she closes her eyes as she allows the Sun rays to warm her face.

The girl looks at Kay admiring her carefree persona. She had some sort of atmosphere. It made the girl want to know her more, make her laugh and protect her? She furrowed her eyebrows and began to study her.
Kay had thin yet slightly full pink lips, she had a scar similar to Harry Potter which made her smile. She had an English nose and slightly pointy yet round ears. Kay opened her eyes and smirked. The girl lost her breath as she noticed Kay's honey eyes and began to clear her throat, "I uh I think unrequited love has to hurt the most", she bows her head.

Kay furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "How so?"

The girl scratches the back of her head, "We fall for someone and we love them with every bit of ourselves. In that process we lose ourselves by loving them but we gain parts of them from their love. However when the feeling can't be returned. We lose ourselves to someone who can't bear to lose themselves to us because they don't see us in that way. And it hurts because you know it yet you can't stop" she sighs.

"You can't stop loving that person. Loving them for all their wrongs and all their rights. For them simply being who they are. And sometimes you watch that very same person fall in love with someone else. And that part stings the most", she bows her head and clenches her fists.

"You wonder why not me. Why not fall in love with me", her voice breaks.

Kay looks at the girl with grey eyes intently and sighs. "You're really beautiful Grey", she immediately locks eyes with her and gives her a tight smile. "The truth about unrequited love is that there's always a third party you never know about. There's always that one person who watches you fall in love with someone that's not them. And to top it all off. The person you're in love with won't reciprocate your feelings. And it hurts. Watching the one you love, love someone else who isn't able to love them back. Talk about double unrequited love", she laughs.

"But then again there's this theory about unrequited love", her smile widens.
The girl with grey eyes furrows her eyebrows and scrunches her nose, "There is?". Kay giggles, causing goosebumps to show on Grey.
"No love is lost Grey", Kay stands up. Dusts her skin tight ripped black jeans.
"It's not unrequited forever", she gives Grey one last smile, exposing her pearly whites and dimples.
 Mar 2016
To be sad does not mean to have scars
 Mar 2016
I'd give up everything to kiss the moon
 Mar 2016
I hate the world for they do not understand
When I say "I'm ok" or "I don't need a hand"
Promised to be there in good times and in bad
But when things seem wrong they were the first to get mad

I hate the world for they don't see
This demon lurking inside of me
I put up with a smile to hide the pain
Though in my eyes it will remain

I hate the world for they tricked me to believe
That love is a real deal and this is how I should live
Said it was forever, said it wouldn't hurt
Then why am I broken, helpless, lying in the dirt?

I hate myself for I carelessly let her fall
In this hole of wonder, never should've heed the call
For the story was a myth, there wasn't a talking rabbit
My sense of reality, I regret to let it slip

I hate you, hate me, hate the world in all its glory
We are the monsters living within
The very villain of our story

So hold your tongue my dear old friend
Cause no amount of words could mend
This poisoned heart that He has lend
We are all liars in the end
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