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 Oct 2015
I walk
on a park so serene that birds gather on the tree tops to sing
a song that so nostalgic in a way you lighten up
and smile to embrace the setting sun an overwhelming feeling nonetheless
and you cannot ignore the view of the diving sun splattering depths of maroon
to the innocent clouds co-waltzing by with the grey blue sky so obvious
which only shows a beauty the nature can offer to the mortal eyes to see

the scenery is alluring that I would rather enjoy to sit under a tree
than to relax my body on a bench that are lined in an amusing way
facing the performance  of the slow warm afternoon

I write
under a tree to feel the fullness of this afternoon scribbling poems
because in this way I feel amazingly close to  nature that I appreciate every bit of it,
watching the butterflies playing a game of hide and seek while the one hiding
are the little pretty flowers rooted near the trees and the other rooted under the bench
and how I notice the trees are laughing cause the butterflies can’t seem to find the shy flowers
because in this spot I can see clearly what’s happening around me every bit of it
kids running around full of innocence and happiness not minding the butterflies
a lovers embracing each other like they are the only sweet thing around
and gaze at each other’s eye that seems likely make the time lingers

and look at the bench again that is not so far away from me
an uneasy feeling, a feeling of familiarity, a feeling of connection
just like me sitting alone under a tree a girl alone on her bench

I look
at you partly because you’re alone like me enjoying the dawdling afternoon,
partly because you have the beauty my very heart so desire,
partly because you make my heart skipped a beat this past few days,
partly because my love for you is growing every day I see you here and
it is not that hard to focused my all attention to you ignoring everything around me
even the love the couple emits with their embrace but you seem to be in trance
with the love the couple radiates and closely in your eyes melancholy tears fell
but still your even perfect when you cry and even angels weep to see you cry
maybe you miss the love you once have, maybe you feel so alone and so absorbed
that you feel there is no hope for the right one for you but only if you would look at me
here by the tree and I’ll give you a hope, I’ll offer you a smile so warm

but I can’t tell I’m the one only you can, but I’m sure I could kiss your tears goodbye
and you’re the only one I see myself dancing and holding each other’s hand
to stand near the tree when the sun sunk and this is all I’m hoping tell you about it.
Where ever you are.I love you.
 Sep 2015
Is there good in fading goodbye
Left me crying in the rain, why
Hours walks slowly to empty days
More odd weeks starts to passed away
Staring snows on the window pane
White cold will take away the pain
Listening to the playlist you’ve made
To the nostalgic picture you’ve take
Your sweet smile in my worried head
I hope I’m sleeping like the dead
How I love you so much it hurts
How my deep trembling heart would burst
My cold heart slept but did not sleep,
Live but did not live in a way,
Gently humming, gently vibrating
Softly flowing lifeblood in the center
I don’t know what to do anymore
A vague stirrings of unease to me
Lawns are empty, the trees empty,
The street empty and my heart empty
I don’t know if I miss you anymore
What it’s like to miss you anymore
I can't do this anymore
Hope to never say goodbye again
Is love a tender thing?
It is too rough,
Too rude, too boist’rous,
and it ****** like thorn.

 Sep 2015
it’s difficult this way, still waiting
for the dark to engulf the grey sky
and angry dark clouds now come dancing
tonight everything is fine, a lie
i never felt this fear and weary
that I shall never lay this two teary eyes
upon her angelic beauty

i need a walk to calm my sadness
or run till my sad body drop dead
exhausted and now ready to kiss
the everlasting empty sleep
never mind again her pure beauty
never beat again for her energy
never be again so conscious

forget her and mind someone else beauty
but there is no hope to compare
to the one that compose me this way
why is the world is very unfair
...but you never came.
Did I deserved your love?
 Sep 2015
in that bitter cold raining evening
heaven wept to my pain and longing
heavy rain drown me from my despair
a battered heart now beyond repair
she never came…

in my bed having a uncertainty
I’ll slumber with a bitter nightmare
that I’ll never gaze those green oval stare
those smile that can break reality
an angel in my eyes..

did she know how I suffer for her,
this terrible void in my fool heart
bitter wrong mixture of love and hate
or life and death a terrible fate
from the diary of a fool..
 Sep 2015
As promised, he’ll make a good piece
To make your heart and mind at ease
A girl who’s annoyingly cute
And stubbornly, he salute

He met you in Summoner’s Rift
You’re so kind and nice, it’s your gift
You play these lovely healing songs
And you support with grace, we won

You open a boy’s wounded heart
He adore you right from the start
He never tells cause his afraid
Maybe you’ll laugh, cry and evade

He never told this until now
That he loves you, this is his vow
Remember this, you make him smile
You make him speechless with style

In his dream suddenly you change
He can’t reach you at all, that’s strange
Maybe he did something, a scheme
He realize it’s not a dream

Every beginning comes an end
Everyday changes, we can’t bend
The other will be so happy
The other will be unhappy

He feels how this story ends
It’s from the song they both knew
*“You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone”
Time has a way of healing, or so they say.
So why am I still left here?
 Sep 2015
Excited as I wait the kiss
Of twilight in the vast blue sky.
Rush of exhilarating bliss
To my soul a fuel to fly.
Blood to my veins, nerves to my brain
Power to move and mind to think

The darkness awarded my patience
Tonight i shall gaze her presence.
Disturbing emotion never
Before so near to touch and bear

This awful night she never came,
Not even her hair or shadow
I stood there waiting hurt and lost
Like a weak fool a lonely ghost.
Bewildered, this night is freezing
Tired and weary, I'll sleep thinking
 Sep 2015
Trouble me with your smiles
or break me with your cries
Judge me with your fingertips
and **** me with your lips

Revive me with your voice
Show me life without choice
Paint my life with chaos
Stun me with that elegant poise

Poison me with your beauty
And influence me smartly
I'll wait, with a rose in my vest
Will you wear your white dress?
on my knees...
 Sep 2015
Amazing how your words dictate
My soul and body to chaos
Every crime and every kindness
You just ignore my happiness

I felt a deep hole in my chest
How can I put my heart to rest
This emotions I can’t escape
This love a terrible mistake

I turned around and walk away
I hate this i don’t want to stay
This feels like the first rain of May
And the cold season starts to play

This love so cold like winter breeze
Last year, like winter in Venice
“I love you”  more than songs can say
But can’t run after yesterday

My breaking heart and i agree,
That you and i could never be
I make easier for people to leave
By making them hate me a little
There’s nothing good about goodnight
When it means goodbye..
So with my sorry… I kiss you goodnight.
caught you in the arms of another
I've been dying everyday since then..

— The End —