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 Mar 2016
Keeping watch all along the battlements of the heart and mind
solitude is hard won, and its defence sees many skirmishes .
But sooner than you would think this singular advantage is yours,
and you arrived and travel this road reaping an eternity of promises.
The light you bring to our friendship
is indescribable. It’s like a melody
that makes me smile every time I hear.
You could’ve burned me from the start,
but instead showed a gentle glow.
It allowed me to gain a deeper
and larger view of the world.
We walk different paths,
see life in different ways,
but make each other better.
Remember you’re powerful enough to burn
through all the storms of life.
To one of my best friends
 Dec 2015
jeffrey conyers
If my option were between loving or hate.
I chose love.

If I must open you my heart to another.
I chose love.

That adulation of having a returned emotion makes you determine to do more.

If the option was to be needed or wanted.
I chose love.

We all have a need.
We all have a want.
But love determine the one expression you in need of the most.

Not all wants is things you need.
And not all needed are things you want.

I chose love because it's sealed within me.

It's a sharing feeling.
And have accomplished so much more.
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
Anodyne eye's
Narcotic lip's;
Analgesic kisses
Tranquilizer hip's.
Soporific eyebrow's
Lashes Heavensent;
Skin anesthetic,
Relieving me of
Death. Morphine
Amour', ***** bliss,
Painkiller door's; to
Thine soul I feedeth.
Thy voice a sedative,
Thine hair calmative,
As thy nose maketh
Me warm when I'm cold,
As an expensive wine, or
neuroleptic. I'm higher then
The universe, inside of thy
psyche; it's cozy there, none
Place to compare, I'm at home,
Simply: wherein all is right.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley (Filipino rose) dedication
 Nov 2015
Tommy Jackson
Being grateful for the things to come and the things I have.
Being grateful for the good or the bad.
Being grateful, for all taught by my mom and dad.
Being grateful, happy or sad.
Being grateful,
For all the things great to come.
 Nov 2015
I couldn't see you
And not know who you are
Just as my physical remains are returned to the soil , my soul is born anew , cast across this very ocean . Be at ease , remain watchful , for as the return of living water at high tide parlayed with everlasting love , patience and fidelity , the seashore remaining vigilant with each breaker for intimacies nurture and embrace . The tearful void of hopelessness and despair fulfilled ! You will find me at the crest of every wave ..
Copyright November 18 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Nov 2015

Practice what you preach
It’s not too late to start
Don’t just say it, do it
Find it in your heart
Everyone is watching
More than you do know
Prove to them you mean it
Let your actions show
You will find it’s easy
There within your reach
Don’t just say it, do it
Practice what you preach

It's so easy to be nice.
 Nov 2015
Alvira Perdita
i've never felt
more alone
than when
you leave
 Oct 2015
if love is blind,
i guess i'm deaf.
*** all i can see,
is you.
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley
Matahum nga;
beau, just a few
Of the way's I couldst sayeth
Beautiful to thee sweet jane.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl jane Nagley dedication-Filipino-rose
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Matahum nga may look like 2 words but it is one making up one word. And is one word,making it 18 w... For any who ask,lol
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley

Bʟaċҡ ʍɨɖռɨɢɦt ɖʊsҡ ɦaɨʀ
O' ɦօա ʄaɨʀ;
O' ɦօա ʄaɨʀ.


Assʊaɢɛ ʍɨռɛ aռɢʊɨsɦ
Dօ ɖaʀɛ;
Dօ ɖaʀɛ.


Maҡɛtɦ aʍaʀɛ tօ ʍɛ
Iռ ċօʟɨsɛʊʍ ʀaքtʊʀɛ;
Fօʀɛʋɛʀ aʄtɛʀ, sɦaʟt tɦɛ staʍք օʄ ċօsʍɨċ աaʋɛ's ɛռɢʀaʋɛ ʊs.


Nօռɛ tօ ɛռsʟaʋɛtɦ ʊs
As օʊʀռ ʟɛɢ's aռɖ ɦaռɖ's aʀt ʄʀɛɛ;
A աɨɖɛ ʊռɛaʀtɦʟʏ sċɛռɛ, աɨtɦ օʊʀռ ռɛɛɖ's ċaʀɛɖ ʄօʀ.


Bʟaċҡ ʍɨɖռɨɢɦt ɖʊsҡ ɦaɨʀ
O' ɦօա ʄaɨʀ;
Hօա ʄaɨʀ tɦօʊ aʀt.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl jane Nagley dedication
©Lonesome poets poetry
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