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The greatest reaching gift that Christ has given to us.
To preach and to teach about the gift of Salvation to the lost.
Is the gift of the internet, it is being used at this very moment.
For this gift we can reach those in other countries about Jesus.
While being in the comfort of our home as we minster to them.
Showing them the way to find our in their home and country.
While boldly laying it all out for every lost person to see it.
While praying to the Father to use this to reach many people.
So you see the internet is the greatest gift to save many here.
So when you are online boldly preach to all whom are open.
Make Jesus proud and allow him to use you to reach out to many.
So that they shall in turn once born again shall do the same.
He was a mere mortal, whom gave life to me and my values.
He never stop loving me even though I did not deserve it.
He show me unconditional love , even though I didn't see it.
A Love that I did not deserve , just like the same love.
That my Savior gave the only difference was that he did not die on the cross.
But as long as he lived, I had a place to live and food in my stomached.
My dad was preparing me with Christ love for what awaited me.
I am sorry dad, for all of the trouble that I have cause you while you lived.
I am sorry Lord my Loving God for all that I put you through.
I am grateful for my earthly dad and my heavenly Father.
 Aug 2015
Silence Screamz
Life is cruel and unkind
Boiled over with wasted time
Count the hands of moments lost,
tick by seconds, minutes tossed

Temperature rises and hits the mark
A hundred degrees turns too stark
Bed of sand and heat wave sear
Weigh it down with constant fear

Mercury rises an internal kind
Cuts right through a melted mind
Turn it off, burn the fool
Anger mounts then its cool
inside my head when anger mounts
 Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia
If only i had no regrets,
All these pessimists would stop acting like pests,

I have done no good in this world,
That i know !

Doesn't mean that i don't care,
About a soul.

I'm guilty for what i did,
Now please stop reminding me of it.

If only i had no regrets,
All these pessimists would stop acting like pests,
 Aug 2015
Nicole Dawn
Dear Mother,
I'm sorry I'm not enough
I'm sorry I'm not smart enough
Not pretty enough
Not talented enough
I'm sorry I'm not graceful
I'm sorry I'm sensitive
I'm sorry I'm not
The daughter you wanted

Dear Father,
I'm sorry I'm not enough
I'm sorry I'm not a boy
Not a basketball star
Not top of the class
Not strong enough
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry I'm not a genius
I'm sorry I'm not
The child you wanted

Dear Sister,
I'm sorry I'm sad sometimes
I'm sorry I'm not the ideal big sister
Not very pretty
Not silly enough
Not open enough
I'm sorry you got stuck with me
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry I'm not
The sister you wanted

Dear Neighbor,
I'm sorry I'm annoying
I'm sorry I'm not social enough
Not doing what you're doing
Not easily excited
Not happy enough
I'm sorry I'm the only one your age
I'm sorry I'm not athletic enough
I'm sorry I'm not
The neighbor you wanted

Dear Family,
You don't care
But I'm sorry
I'm not enough

Dear Friends,
You don't exist
But I'm sorry
I will never be enough

Dear world,
I'm sorry
I wasn't enough

So I'm leaving
Not committing suicide, it's just on my mind at the moment
I'm sorry for real though... I wish I didn't exist so people could just live their lives and not have to deal with me. I know I'm not worth it. I know I'm not enough
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
Woman what do you have that I cannot refrain?
A fragrance that bite me like a snake poisoning my brain
A  beauty that dashed even in my dream
To see you and to kiss your lips is all that I aim

Woman what do you have that I can't refused?
I will do everything for you, I can be stupidly used
You can make me dance naked, can even feed me dust
Just your smile I will step on the broken glass

Woman what do you have that can magnet
That can glue my yes to a bad decision with no regret
You can soften my heart that was made of stone
I can't live without you, seems you are part of my bone

Woman what do you have that made me lose
Have no bow and arrow but beat me, more than this close
Have no sword but you made the king kneel
All you have was your beauty and softness of skin, that really can ****

Woman what do you have that bewitched a man
That made us climb the highest tower in our beautiful land
That made us catch the shooting stars
Willing to jump on the street and be hit by a fast speedy car

Woman what do you have that made us strong
Your touch can bring peace of mind, so much as hearing a lovely song
Just one sweet word from you, even it is not long
Truly a medicine that can heal us all along....

Woman what do you have???

written: September 24, 2014 @ 10:30pm
Mysterious Aries
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
Can you blame me when I said that "I really love dreaming"
In my reverie I can count the stars and to me they are glittering
I can kiss the clouds and they hug me there
But what have you brought me reality? Nothing but air

But to be fair reality its true that sometimes you gave me gay
Sometimes the wind hear my laughters, at times both of us play
But most reality, most of the time you gave me agony and pain
To your puzzle who's gonna turn not to be insane
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
Yes in my dream, there in a blink of an eye I've build my palace
In my head was a crown, made up of expensive glass
A scene that I declared full of justice indeed
Because in here, all human to me heed

But then the threat of nightmare is always there
He knows what to do to ruined us, he really don't care
He will attack us till we are hopeless
Yes indeed reality, you are the nightmare that made us breathless
So many different things shall keep you an prisoner.
As long as you keep taking your eyes off of Jesus here.
Thus is the reason that we read the bible and pray daily.
So that our strength is built up in Christ our Savior .
For only he can rescue us in our times in need here.
So we need to keep focusing on him in everything.
So that those evil demons can not hold us prisoners.
As we go through life motions we need church as well.
These three things Christ wants us to do while we are here.
Hoping and Believing that each of you are being healed.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are being Blessed.
Hoping , and Believing that Christ is Saving each of you.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are feeling Loved.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are being well Fed.
Hoping, and Believing with Christ Faith that things are getting better.
Hoping, Believing, and Trusting that we shall be celebrating together.
In Heaven with a Great Table that we shall be surrounded.
Hoping, and Believing that you shall become Greatly Blessed tonight.
The power of prayer , is the greatest gift that God gave to us.
For this gift with Faith added can move the biggest mountains.
It can cause damage relationships to become fixed and renewal.
It shall healed damage people and fix them so they will live.
For the power of prayer with Faith is our greatest weapon.
That we can use against the evil demons from the bowel of hades.
For Christ has given us these weapons to battle the darkness.
So whenever you see hurting broken people use them.
To transform and repair them so that they shall see Christ.
Thus then joining us at the feast of the Lamb our God.
Have you wanted to have something, that you knew you could not have.
Have you ever realize that the second most important thing is wrong.
While the most important thing is the relationship with God.
While he is telling you that you need to stay single here focus.
Focus on what before you the relationship with him my God.
Because if you do get married then part of your focus will be on her.
Probably even causing problems with your purpose here and now.
So just focusing on him and trusting that he shall help you too.
I choose my Savior over everything , for his will in my life be reality.
For none other can give me what he gives me true Salvation.
You whom lived before time existed  here O God.
You whom give us , so much that we deserve not.
You whom bless us like we are celebrities here.
For when we have you , we do not need money.
For when you bless us, we gain things without money.
Just like gaining cars, houses without any pay.
Showing the world , how much you have gave us.
Saving our lives, more times then we can even count.
To reveal to those around us just how real that you are.
If only the world would come to you as well in repentance.
Asking you to forgive their sins as well and turn away from the sins.
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