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 Oct 2016
brandon nagley

Amain we wilt ascend to the blue,
Passed the stars-
Planet's to.


Thou shalt wear a ring
Made of sapphire;
Refined, and new,
Glazed betwixt the fire.


Loving thee, thou loving me
athwart a topaz pass, and sea's of
Glass; wherein hope doth last
And bird's soar free.


None more reasons to be in need,
God's the light of the city we'll see;
God is love, God's above, God is
Light and bright, as all is right-
In his presence await's
All that's clean.


We'll see color's, turquoise green-
We'll see hue's, mankind's
Not seen.


Men's faith hath darkened
From selfishness and greed;
We must be the light's, the cities upon the hilltop's, wherein the dark
Dost fail; wherein God's breath
Dost breathe.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley dedicated
amain- archaic for ( at full speed) also has other definitions but using this one...
Wilt- means will in old form.
Betwixt- is between.
Thee and thou means you.
Athwart- across from.
Topaz- TOPAZ
Ex 28:19, 39:12, Ezek 28:13, Job 28:19, Rev 21:20

The topaz of today is a mineral that is composed of aluminum, silicon, oxygen, and fluorine. It occurs in many colors, including deep golden-orange, yellow, brownish-yellow, pink, red, and various shades of blue. It may also be colorless. Topaz comes from the Greek word topazion, named for the island, Topazios, located in the Red Sea off the coast of Egypt. The gemstone which was mined on this island was actually the peridot (chrysolite) of today. Thus the term topaz in the Bible actually refers to the peridot (chrysolite). However when Pliny (the natural historian during the time when the book of Revelation was written) describes the chrysolite (Gr. chrusolithos), he describes today’s topaz. The term chrusolithos literally means ” gold stone” and very likely refers to the yellow topaz of today. Both the topaz and chrysolite (today called peridot) are stones in the foundation of the New Jerusalem. See Peridot (Chrysolite). this website shows Revelation chapter 21 on the new heaven and new earth John the revelator saw and all the different stones in the foundation of the new Jerusalem that is in heaven already but comes down to earth when God makes a new heaven and earth after armageddon the last third world war that's fought in the valley of Megiddo in Israel.Megiddo (Hebrew: מְגִדּוֹ، Arabic: المجیدو‎‎) is a kibbutz in northern Israel. Located in the Jezreel Valley, it falls under the jurisdiction of Megiddo Regional Council. A place where the most wars have been fought in history in one open area and spot.
Wherein means (in which).
Sapphire stone I mentioned due to my birthday is in Libra I was born Sept 23rd my birthstone is sapphire a beautiful deep ocean blue color..
God is light and love pure truth some verses biblically on it-
1 John 1:5 - This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

John 8:12 - Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Revelation 21
22And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 23And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. 24And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.
( The lamb meaning Jesus as he is the Lamb of God sacrifice for men's sin...) The only salvation.
Doth- means does just as dost means same.
Since hp is blocking others from sharing links if don't know Christ as savior your times running out as hell is about to be unleashed on earth with all happening not including america is on the brink at moment with Russia for a nuclear war. As Bible speaks of Russia going against Israel coming soon Ezekiel 38-39. Lots of bad Is coming judgement wise to the world and america especially take not my
Words lightly.
Want to accept Jesus as your Messiah which he's your only hope and if don't know him he died for you and me for our sins and seeks you to come to him though will you or ignore my advice .. please go back look at my rapture and prophetic poems read all. Also if Wanna see my prophetic dreams and one prophecy vision can go to my YouTube channel under Brandon nagley... As thousands globally are having dreams and visions of the judgement coming and things to come to your planet as the Biblical prophecies are playing out before your eyes yet many dont wanna see it shutting your eyes ears to Truth... Mankind has a decision to make right now in history who will be your Messiah an Antichrist already here ready to rule with the false prophet religious leader already here both spoken of in Revelation 13 on the Antichrist and false prophet to lead a one world gvt and religion coming together as we speak... As these elections are rigged a set up playing out before your eyes.. chaos is coming many know this.. even those not Christian see this and know it though those who know not Christ can't put their finger in all of it us Christians who accepted Christ know what's happening and why.. and on the dreams visions in my YouTube as thousands others are seeing the same things were all speaking the same things to you.. as Joel 2;28 til end of Joel spoke in last days God giving vision's and dreams to many even those who don't know yeshua hamashiach meaning Jesus the Messiah in Hebrew.. God's giving thousands of Muslims dreams and visions of Christ as they see Christ in dream revealing to the hindus and Muslims who he is.... The Messiah the only way truth life as Bible speaks.
So check my poem rapture and other prophetic poems.. also wanna see my YouTube channel of my dreams and one vision search Brandon nagley on YouTube as Joel 2 speaks...

.28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.

32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.
Verses 28,29 key verses happening now as we speak... though sadly I know most of you don't care right now yet when something pops off your going to look for answers and find none maybe remember all I told you maybe forget... Seek truth now before late. Put away pride humble yourself seek Truth. Honestly i could care less for a like on this poem the fact is many will like this poem yet skip it because I mention to you the name Jesus my Messiah the only Messiah though as Bible spoke Christ would be a stumbling block to those who disbelieve... Which is sad I offer you truth in Christ a sacrifice for you and me... Though you choose thanks for reading poet
 Oct 2016
brandon nagley

Betwixt the rice paddies
And the mountain's of green;
Walk's mine soulmate,
Philippines queen.


Her breath
The cloud's, billows the air;
Her graceful step's,
Stride with her hair.


O' how I wish, I couldst
Fly through the air;
I'm trapped in the flesh,
I want to be there.


I want to be there
To sink in the sea;
Sing Jane a lullaby,
Yet seems as a dream.


Though verily I love her,
certes, her blood do I bleed;
Her hand do I need
To comfort mine

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Couldst- means could in archaic form. Meaning old form writing.

Betwixt- means between.
Mine means- my.
Verily- truly...
Certes- assuredly,
Tis- it is.
 Oct 2016
brandon nagley
In this darkly pit
Despair hast made love to mine
Bones, a soul floating hopelessly,
Tired; ready to let go.

Though God reminded me
"Patience mine son"

For there's hope afresh
The morrow; Jane, I'll
Forever loveth thee,
Now and always
Betwixt mine

©Brandon Bagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Betwixt is between.
Hast is has.
Morrow is tomorrow.
Afresh- fresh or new.
Loveth is love
Mine is my
Thee is you
 Sep 2016
brandon nagley
Her soul
   A torch that lights up the darkness
       The pathway to God's throne
                  Mine soulmate
                      Mine soul

©Brandon nagley
©Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mine means my ( archaic form of it)..
 Sep 2016
brandon nagley
I give thee a rose
A rose made of words-
I am the lines,
Thou art the substance.

I give thee a rose
Made up of mine soul-
I am the spirit, in-
Between all I mention.

I give thee a rose
O' golden girl-
Take thou mine hand;
I'll give thee a pearl.

The Pearls made of
A rose, the rose is mine soul-
I give thee a rose;
I give thee a rose.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou)
Thee- you.
Substance in a few ways- the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence. the quality of being important, valid, or significant.the most important or essential part of something; the real or essential meaning...
Mine- meaning ( my) . Archaic form.
Thou- you.
 Sep 2016
brandon nagley
(Greek version)
Eínai énas pylónas;
sto naó tou Theoú.

Aftí eínai dikí mou flitzáni;
Tha xecheilísei me agápi.

Eímai geráki tis;
Tis aftí eínai i dikí mou peristéri.

Eínai dikó mou ángelo;
fterotó éna parapáno.

(English version)

She is the pillar;
In the temple of God.

She is mine cup;
I overflow with love.

I am her falcon;
Tis she's mine dove.

She is mine angel;
Winged one above.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated(agapi mou)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mine- means ( my) archaic form.
Tis- it is
 Sep 2016
brandon nagley
Boscaresque, a brabeum I hath found. Her lantern qualities, sparkle and splash like innocent dreams, Jane, mine darling; let not the mundane burden thee mine queen. There art many door's, all door's leading to different path's; yet only one trail wilt lead thee home mine lass. The narrow way to God that is. Follow the door-frame on the right; the one that spell's out love, which cometh from Yahweh, Jehovah, the great "I am" of fervent light's, the engineer above. Grieve not the holy spirit, as tis the spirit wants to work; work in thee that is. Quench not the holy ghost, let thy burn glow, maketh the other's know that Christ within thee lives. Let thy tongue speak in manner of forgiveness; as Christ forgave thee. Let thy hands be always busy; with thought, patience, giving. In the counsel of God's footsteps, hath faith trusting him alone; believing. For Judgement's coming upon this muck and mire; be true to ourn lord, mine asiatic girl. For soon, we wilt walk through, untouched by the rain; made from fire.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated +( agapi-mou)
Boscaresque- means picturesque.
brabeum- reward, or gift...
Hath- have.
Mundane- material, worldly , physical not spiritual.
Thee- you.
Mine- my in old form.
Art- are.
Cometh- comes.
I say the narrow way to God because there's only one way not all ways or paths lead to heaven, only through Christ does one get to god..
Matthew 7:13-14King James Version (KJV)

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
( Broad way to destruction, otherwords death, hell. Narrow way is heaven through Jesus Christ salvation in him alone...
Yahweh, also Jehovah, also Elohim , also called the great ( I am) different names for god in Hebrew.. used both by Christians and Jews.
I say follow door-frame on right because Christ spoke when he would go back to heaven after his resurrection from death he would be on the right hand of his father ( god).   Those are few verses Christ is on the right side of his father...
To grieve the holy spirit means ( Question: "What does it mean to grieve / quench the Holy Spirit?"

Answer: When the word “quench” is used in Scripture, it is speaking of suppressing fire. When believers put on the shield of faith, as part of their armor of God (Ephesians 6:16), they are extinguishing the power of the fiery darts from Satan. Christ described hell as a place where the fire would not be “quenched” (Mark 9:44, 46, 48). Likewise, the Holy Spirit is a fire dwelling in each believer. He wants to express Himself in our actions and attitudes. When believers do not allow the Spirit to be seen in our actions, when we do what we know is wrong, we suppress or quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19). We do not allow the Spirit to reveal Himself the way that He wants to.

To understand what it means to grieve the Spirit, we must first understand that this indicates the Spirit possesses personality. Only a person can be grieved; therefore, the Spirit must be a divine person in order to have this emotion. Once we understand this, we can better understand how He is grieved, mainly because we too are grieved. Ephesians 4:30 tells us that we should not grieve the Spirit. We grieve the Spirit by living like the pagans (4:17-19), by lying (4:25), by being angry (4:26-27), by stealing (4:28), by cursing (4:29), by being bitter (4:31), by being unforgiving (4:32), and by being sexually immoral (5:3-5). To grieve the Spirit is to act out in a sinful manner, whether it is in thought only or in both thought and deed.

Both quenching and grieving the Spirit are similar in their effects. Both hinder a godly lifestyle. Both happen when a believer sins against God and follows his or her own worldly desires. The only correct road to follow is the road that leads the believer closer to God and purity, and farther away from the world and sin. Just as we do not like to be grieved, and just as we do not seek to quench what is good—so we should not grieve or quench the Holy Spirit by refusing to follow His leading.
Ourn- our.
Thy- your.
asiatic- of Asia.

Happy 13 months Reyna...
Me more!!!!
 Sep 2016
brandon nagley

Mashiach, I beseech thee; sculpt and mold this hardened heart, for thy Glory's part; to be shown
Unto men. I quiver as a
Gun's trigger, mine
Cry's do fly to thee;
As mine wailing
Like life, hast
None end.
Blot out these fleshly lusts,
Taketh away these desires; wherein
Hell consumes me to smoke, mine eyes sunk in from stress, mine clothes cigarette sprayed- by the ashes I've tasted, and the sin's I've engaged. God Yahweh, help me remember thy merciful, tender, loving Way's, forgive me today, cleanse my soul and mine veins of all  carnal destruction. Without thee lord, mine god; I canst not function.


Creator, maker of all afore and after,
God of the living; Jehovah of the eternal hereafter. Be a guiding lamp to mine dearest Jane's feet, walk with her, talk with her, for she doubt's at times as me. Makest her believe; showest thy warmth, and give her all she need's; as only thou provideth. Thou art ourn daily bread, let us not slip- but ride the clouds instead. Pity O' pity, hath on us lord; ourn bodies art thy vessel's, inside them the love thou doth store. I prayest this as a sinner, a thief, a liar, I prayest as a law-breaker, a deceiver, a shyster. I prayest as a broken man, in need of thy touch. I prayest for me and Jane, for thy mercy again, almighty; almighty, god of love with none end.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( prayer as well for you poetic form)
Mashiach- means Messiah in Hebrew spelling.
Beseech- ask or implore, beg...
Thee and thou,- means you.
Thy- your.
Wail- cry of pain.
Hast- has.
Taketh- take.
Wherein- in which.
Canst- can.
Afore- before.
Jehovah is a Hebrew name for god just like Yahweh and Elohim..
Hereafter- life after death.
Makest- make.
Showest- show.
Provideth- provide.
Hath- have.
Art - are.
Thy- your.
Doth can mean do, or does. This one I mean +( do).
Prayest- pray.
Shyster- con artist.
 Aug 2016
brandon nagley
Inside this poesy bower,
Do I, I do; await mine
Fresh sprayed flower,
To seest her blossom
Shower's; her honey-
Comb word's, her
Eastern dew. Burgeon-
Closely; abide with me,
Where thou art mine
Muse. Finger's wilt be
etching tool's to create
Master-designs; in the
Cloud's that reside.
Hide and seek, thus
Love we'll find; there
In ourn eyne, where
It's been all along. Do
I, I do; await this time,
Dusk til' dawn.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley ( pookie dedicated)
poesy- poetry..
Bower- form 2- an inner or private chamber, room or bedroom same thing.
Seest- see.
burgeon- come forth.
Abide- dwell.
Thou- you.
Aye- are.
Mine- my.
Etch- or etching- a print produced by the process of etching.
"etchings of animals and wildflowers"
Reside- have one's permanent home in a particular place., Or to be situated.
Ourn- our.
Eyne- eyes.
 Aug 2016
brandon nagley
Inly, she defines what a soulmate is. Divinely; timely she rewinds the time, so thy soul is fixed in bliss. On earth, stuck; confined in Limbo, trapped behind window's amiss.
O' to her abode; I wish.

In this beating blood holder, the beats bounce a skip, I want her grip to hold and stride; I hold inside patience, as tears hold back the time.

Erelong, ourn spirits wilt pervade, two silhouettes of a light that never Set's; a romance eternal, one that shalt not fade, romantics of poet's pages, where ourn love stretches every page, every stage of living comes with smiling faces.
Holy being's, with an undying

Sage wilt rise in secret places,
Smoke aroma; roses go unwasted.
Glory, glory, none more waiting
Stations, I'll await with patience;
As with patience
Only good

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication( agapi mou)
Inly- inwardly ( archaic form).
Fixed- secured, fastened..
Amiss- out of place, wrongly.
Abode- house, Home.
Stride-walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.
Erelong- before long.
Wilt- will.
(especially of a smell) spread through and be perceived in every part of.
Ourn- our.
Unwasted- not wasted
 Aug 2016
brandon nagley
Avaunt, avaunt, I want to be,
Betwixt thy kiss, where
Ocean's roar; as
Studded door's
Open to the
Love I need.

An aye from thou
An aye from me;
I needeth mine
Filipino queen.

Thro the sorrow Jane
I'll be waiting, thro
The morrow; this
Heart will be racing.

Pumping each second,
Awaiting thy touch;
Craving thy face,
O' the yearning
Is much.

Time is so slow
When we art
Many sea's

But I'll get
To thee
The morrow----------if not the morrow;

I'll try again another day.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley ( agapi mou) dedicated
Avaunt- away.
Aye- yes.
Thou, also thee- means(you).
Mine- my.
Needeth- need.
Thro- means (through )archaic wise.
Morrow- next day, tomorrow.
Betwixt- between.
 Aug 2016
brandon nagley
Alow her open pinion's
I glanced aloft mine

Her nimbus was lit
And around her Lip's:
Heaven's color's

O' the strap's from mine feet
Were removed, as I fell
Back in awe and

I remember the day
I saw her face, the innocence
Of God, the beauty and

Into her tropical gates
I entered yonder;

She gave me her love
As tis her love I took shelter.

Mine darling, mine lass; O'
Best friend, mine helper;

What wouldst I do, without
Thee mine Muse;

What wouldst I do;
O' what wouldst I

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Alow- archaic for below.
Pinion's- outer part of wings, feathers, wings.
Aloft- up into the air, overhead.
Nimbus- a luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.( Halo)
Yonder- over there.
Tis- it is
Mine- means my archaic form.
Lass- young woman.
Thee- you.
Wouldst- would.
 Aug 2016
brandon nagley

Gramercy, it hast been one year now, one year of smiles, laugh's, cry's; growing together, growing
Wing's in ourn flight.


Fain I am, to seest thee at night, slumbering as a newborn, queen
Of orbiting light's, woman of mine
Insight; sagittiferous to mine
Burden's of life.


Let me clear away that vultuous countenance mine girl.


We art namelings, with ourn letter's hewed into the highest realm, noscible to the Angel's; we
We're recorded on God's


Perantique we art, as we battle the being's that fell, they've broken their iron locked doorway's; to make their way out of hell.


Stand close to mine side, I canst heareth those wedding Bell's, I canst feeleth the earth to swell, as the labor pain's art now.


This place shalt sway and moan, like a drunkard without a home, the living in Christ shalt rise; with the dead already rose, silver an treasures shalt come to naught,
Home good's and store bought,
For men won't grasp their own
Thought's; as the misfortune
Cometh upon them. Lover's wilt
Love themselves, they'll seeketh life
In the devil's Lip's; for the lies he speaks art quick, powerful,
Deceiving, cunning.


Look on high mine Jane, ourn lord is coming, the globe is spinning to the drum of celestial prophecy;

None stopping wilt be, yet we art free, a king and queen with a heavenly home, with mansion's
To roam, streets followed with
Gold, with like-minded souls;
Awaiting ourn entrance.

This one year wilt lead
To an eternal precipice,
In which we shan't miss,
As all wilt take focus;

For we hath life, mine Jane
Ourn hope is this;

One son of God
Who goes by the name
Jesus; ourn hope and ourn
Reason even more to be one,
To showeth another and all
The Savior's dying love, and in him
Salvation alone, fret not mine lass, soon we shalt go home, soon all ourn waiting wilt be gone, and ourn hand's shalt hold.

Two spirit's to be;
One love,
One soul.

look up
Look up

The time is now close......

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane sardua Nagley dedication ( agapi mou)
© Lonesome poets poetry
Gramercy - means ( an expression of gratitude.
Hast- has.
Fain- happy, pleased.
Seest- see.
Mine -my.
sagittiferous- bearing arrows....
vultuous- sad.
Countenance- face, ****** expression.
Art - are.
Canst- can
Heareth- hear.
namelings- people with same names.
Ourn- our
Hew, hewed, - cut or chop...
noscible- knowable, well known.
perantique- very antique or ancient .
Naught- nothing.
Hath- have.

Happy one year late poem anniversary my Jane lol so hard to make poem on this phone so used to using tablet, wanted this anniversary poem to have more meaning and real truth in it .. not just a message for my love for you, but for all to know what's coming if many only knew they'd take life a little more serious an what's coming to this world very soon... I love you my queen as I forever will my soulmate best friend, queen, love, angel my all.....

Mas mahal Kita my dearest Jane.....

Me an Jane's one year anniversary was august ninth lol yet tabs been not working so can't write much yet sadly. Thanks to anyone reading....
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