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 Sep 2015
Nessa dieR
As I could walk along the graves
or be carried by the waves,
I don't remember where I've been
or if the waters were serene.
For as long as it may seem
Being with you is but a dream.
 Sep 2015
Tommy Jackson
i promise you an endless love
that will never change
my love to you will always exist
to comfort you through the hard times.

i promise you an endless love
that will support you
all through the long way.

my love to you is like the sun
that will bright all your life
and warm you through the cold nights
my arms will always be open
to hold you very tight.

my love to you is not like the wind
that blows and soon goes away
my love to you is like the air
that surrounds you from everywhere.

my life is like a candle in your hand
to light your life
when you are afraid of the darkness
and blow it off when you are safe
this candle will always light your way
until it melts away.

my love my life, my honey bunches
my wife, my sweetcake
baby doll
this poem
for you all.

my sugar girl, of 76
the girl in short dress, blonde hot young mess.
remember 79, or 81'
we're old now baby
but we're still young.
For you sugar cakes
 Sep 2015
When i am around you
My time is frozen
I want to be near you
With hope to be poison

I am not crazy
For this is just me
I want to be poison
By your smile and carefree

I want to hear your voice
To be intoxicated  by your scent
My heart is pounding
And face blushing so red
I want to stare into those eyes
That feels my heart to brim

What is this feeling
Like diving into deep ocean
A new found love
So carefully hidden
 Sep 2015
Mak Waddle
He is the catch in my breath
The beat of my heart
He loves me for reasons
I cannot tear apart
He is old denim jeans
And the way that he smells
Is as familiar to me
As my own cells
He is my only
My guardian love
Our love is so true
I am his dove
His hands protect me
His arms hold me so strong
No one has told me
That our love is wrong
 Sep 2015
As you sleep
In your bed
You see a ballerina
A stage
A pink sparkly tutu
She twirls around
And leaps and spins
Then she's gone

As you sleep
In your bed
You see a tiger
A lake
A gazzelle
The gazzelle leaps
The lion roars
Then they're gone

You reach your hand out
Groping in thin air
Searching the skies
In an endless journey

You went to Tanzania
To Antarctica
To Italy
To Japan
Looking and seeking
For something
That you already own

You just haven't harnessed its powers yet
You never can
You never will
It's a dream with endless boundaries
 Sep 2015
Phoenix Rising
I fill my life with something to love
It makes me feel emptier
My thoughts become hyperactive
I don't hate myself

What's missing
What am I doing wrong
 Sep 2015
The man with the gun is truly powerful.
The man with the pen will take your life.
 Sep 2015
He always held her hand a little bit tighter
Stared a little bit longer, always the last to look away
He would count every strand when twirling her hair
and then start again when he lost his place
He saw every bump and bruise, every stretch and scar
and loved them like they were his tattoos
His voice was a type of fix that puts the name-brand-coffee to shame
His chest, a safer wall than the ones that line her house
His arms, telling her to settle down, using his lips for assistance

She believed it
only when he didn't say it.

But every time the words dripped from his tongue,
her hands would shake
Every time it settled in his sighs, she would hide behind
the curtain of her hair
Every time it croaked in his laugh, every bruise got darker
and every old scar stung again

*You are beautiful.
 Sep 2015
Seán Mac Falls
She smiled, those eyes of greeting,
Doors opened with moving breeze,
I entered the drawing room, amused
As I crept with creeks from golden
Wood floors at the foot of the stairs,
Throughout her abode, finery draped
And sheer linens played with the sun
Round her body.  We drew the curtains
That led the light and waited for dark,
A kettle broke out and filled our cups
By the bay windows that burst, pierced
Into her lovely gardens, we had some
Tea and talked of travels and seasons
Huddled in the glassy mirror of nook,
Of her white conservatory, at the table
Already made with silver and crystal
And songbirds sang in the open airs.
 Sep 2015
Pinky Quinones
You are sun and I am moon.
I'll let you shine throughout the day,
But let me glimmer at night.
And on rare occasions,
let us align
and the world will
stare in awe of our eclipse.
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