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 Jul 2020
Time is motion         always


I am seeking,                falling

Into place,                       never  

Going past myself,          
Slipping through      


 Jul 2020
Splashes of Surreal
A natural order was seen
Living in the forests of time
Where wild men run free
As mothers keep providing

The mother hides in the shadows
Unaware of the crime of her children
Letting the life cycle move as clouds do
As the race for time will never find an end

When we live in the city
The cars live on the roads
Now and then, is a lot like
A forest of the day, hiding in the darkness of night

Under a canopy
Where the bright places are absent
The snails will move as clouds
Letting the clouds run free

Under a canopy
Where the shadows hide
The brightness of a tiger
A quest for life leads us to our destiny
 Jul 2020
what does it feel like to be held
not by another body
not by a set of limbs, a chest, a chin
by another soul

what does it feel like
to see truth in another pair of eyes
instead of hidden intentions
instead of absence

what does it feel like
to hear a familiar heartbeat
resounding next to your own
reaching through skin
through bone
two rhythms

what does it feel like
to write poems about
a love that exists
 Jul 2020
kelly huckle
When people doubt you
And you know you're not wrong
Fight and stay strong!

When people mock you and belittle you're faith with Christ
You know you're not wrong
Fight and stay strong!

When people attack you with wrongful word's remember Christ was bruised for telling the truth. You know you're not wrong fight and stay strong.

When people see Christ when he returns they will know you weren't wrong! Keep fighting and stay strong.
 Jul 2020
You left, and that was it.
What happened to the beautiful days?
We were still alright when the sun rose,
What happened when the sun sets?
I’ve been grateful for every day with you,
How can I be grateful now that you’re gone?

You were once my peace,
Now I can’t be at peace.
So many questions left unanswered,
Not a single word, not a chance for goodbye.
I opened my eyes, and that was it.
I didn’t know, but I wish I did.

On my Nadir, I am now to be found.
Regrets, tell me, which one?
Where to go? How to continue?
Today, I bleed and grieve,
And I guess, this is just it.
 Jun 2020
The timing is always all wrong
I knew I couldn’t have this treasure
My heart wonders where I belong
Can I find one of equal measure?

The sky is stormy and gray
I can only wish for the sun
Wait for my moment today
Will I ever find the one?

My mind is a war torn land
And my spirit is calling for you
Will he ever take my hand?
Pulling me up out of the blue

Finding my way has been so hard
Restless nights in my bed
My heart may be bruised and scarred
With endless battles in my head

But I know I can go on now
I’m ready to take on the world
This is my word, this is my vow
Always, forever, the lonely girl
Written on 01.22.2020
 Apr 2020
I used to write sad poems
Because that was me then.
I was unhappy
Unhappy because I was me.
I did not liked my reality
But that was then,
Back when

Back when
The dominant emotion was blue
Graduation was long overdue
Did not know if my feelings where valid and true
Waiting for someone new

Someone to sweep me off my feet,
Someone to take me away,
Someone to expel all the misery
Someone to understand me

But behold,
Months passed, no one came,
I was stuck, with the me
Who hated me
Thus I wrote all my feelings
Let it flow thru poetry
Hurt my self not physically
But with all the words
Using my poetry

Though my vocabulary was limted
With every like given,
I felt wanted
So I poured all my feelings into poetry
Thru my words, I've shared every piece of me,
But when I got it all out, suddenly I felt empty
Were all that emotions defined me
Now, who is the real me???

Fast forward years later.
To the last question, I still don't know the answer.

But the thing I can say
I used to write sad poems
And its actually here to stay
Well partly its here to stay since we get sad sometimes. I'm happy to share to everyone, that i used to feel sad most of the time but now, it's down to only sometimes. That's an improvement right?
 Apr 2020
Godfrey Amromare
In haste...
Our footprints
Were the scattered emptiness
Of the memories
Of them
On the shores

She left the three parties of us
Me, Samantha
And our traveler friend

They were play things for sunset fares,
She said.

Just yesterday
They were happy to be here
The young flowers now scattered about
This beach shore
Too young to be plucked
Happy to grow up into one party of laughter!

That's how we remember they were here
That's how to plant graveside flowers
For the dead
They were play things for sunset fares

They were not soldiers
They were unprotected women
They were not warriors
They were unfed afraid Biafran children  

That's how to plant graveside flowers
That's how we have kept them forever
In our hearts
That's how we actualize Biafra.
This poem is a remembrance piece for the more than three million civilians, most of them children who died of starvation in Biafra land as a result of the blockade policy which the Federal side adopted to cut off the secessionist's supplies during the civil war which lasted in Nigeria from 1967 - 1970. It would be recalled that the Nigerian foremost poet, Christopher Okigbo also was lost to that tragic war. It is to Okigbo, the more than a million starved dead children, the women, everybody else that was the sacrifice red water of the secessionist nation this art is crafted. Amen.
 Apr 2020
Godfrey Amromare
There is nothing left here
But undesired dust of
The many memories of us
I do not desire to leave you
But I do desire to be free
My lover
As of a rushing mighty caress
Of the odorous sea wind
There was secret under your eyelids
The secret of your
Unquenched love for me
There was fire under your eyelids
I melted at every glance
In the heat
Of your
Unquenched love for me
 Apr 2020
Godfrey Amromare
I rode the road of his memories
Through long-racked hours
Many days into the dust-covered place
of our forgotten years.

When he first came
Into my life, I recall,
something drenched, the blasted impact of a talkative rainfall
out there...
I wasn't  as much concerned.
That wasn't really
my style!

When i first met him,
He was not so taller than I am.
Just 6ft tall!
but over time,
The freely flying apparition of a man cut-loosed
from the dictating whims of his casual edges, he's  grown
so tall towering higher entwined
about me like a climbing plant - Cobaea scandens!!

I never liked him at first glance
He had this nasty smile about him
That irresistible charm of a thousand waterfalls
falling pure from a heart full of love
which I still find difficult to resist every time (he smiles)
Everything else seems to sink in a pool of waters and I forget who I am.

In your eyes I have seen life and I have witnessed death.
The death that I must die if i do not love you.
The life that I never had without you!
For Molly with love.
 Apr 2020
Tapiwa Mesah
A flower blossoms
In the midst of muddy swamps
It stands around the algae,
The petals smile even at the bees.

The grin of the little seeds
That the wind blows effortlessly,
Is sprayed to places and places
And preaches love and nothing else.
 Apr 2020
the bird I saw at the water park
that bird flew so freely
it seemed so happy to me
because it has wings that I don't have

it is able to go anywhere it wants to go
but that bird is very lonely,  
because it's flying after departing its mother

the bird I saw at the water park
the bird I saw at the playground
the bird I saw on the plane

the bird that was always alone, will fly
freely to find friends
it's not lonely anymore as it flies together

hey, bird bird bird bird

the bird that was always alone, will fly
freely to find friends
it's not lonely anymore as it flies together

hey, bird bird bird bird
 Apr 2020

the flowers also shed its leaves

the rich also trust no one,
always looking out for their money

the fame of celebrities
also melt down like ice cream

the jewels also become yellow
when worn continuously

the sun also cannot always
look down on us

the clown does not always smile
the bird also cannot always make sounds

the youth also will ******* one day like paper
glamorous lights also cannot shine without electricity

my amazing dad also gets wide eyed
when he sees his own ID card

the scorching fire also turns to dust
when it’s out

glamorous things like peacocks,
like its glamorous wings open and close
it's beautiful like a flower
life is life a flower
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