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 Aug 2017
Why am I here?
Laying under blankets,
eyes filled with tears,
everything feels uninteresting.
All I feel is disgusting and sad.
I don't want to bring others down
but when they can see through the mask
they get mad.

*and I end up ignored anyways.
 Aug 2017
Ryan Holden
No amount of love
Could form an ointment to heal
These scars on my chest

Not even your words
Can unravel the stitches
That I had to sew.

Even voodoo dolls
Had never seen such torture
Inflicted at once.

For I must heal wounds
Because I know I'm afraid,
They may re-open.

And these fragile bones
Will crumble into mere dust
Lost in winds of love.
5 Haikus making 1 poem :)
Lead me to the Cross, Lord.
Where You poured out Your love for me.

Lead me to the Cross,
and crucify every selfish, prideful
part of me.

Lead me to the Cross, Lord.
Oh, bring me to my knees.
That I might surrender my will
to Yours,
seeking only Your heart to please.

Oh, lead me.
Lead me, Lord.
Lead me.
To the Cross.
That in dying to my Self,
I might truly live.
Truly live...
for Thee.

Lead me to the Cross.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to follow Me,
he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me." --Matt. 16:24, Holy Bible.
 Aug 2017
I come home from a hard day of manual labor
pop a top
go through the notifications
and see
real people somewhere out there
in the stream
just as ****** up as I am
and they
plussed me
took the time to comment
they wrote some great poetry
I go to do what I can
to let them
know that someone just like them
****** up alone worried
but awesome
saw their works their
heart strings and visions
their open wounds their hurts
words telling me
I am not the only one
out there in the stream all ****** over alone worried
angst word filled touched
by their words their cries their tears;
in the end we all drown;
for now we paddle
keep our heads up
 Aug 2017
I want to make the distance disappear.
and be beside you again.
 Aug 2017
It's hard for me to speak,
my heart is racing
and my stomach has
decided to disagree with me.
Then the tears fall endlessly.
I don't want to do anything.
 Aug 2017
Jude kyrie
If you go away as I know you will.
Go on a summer day when the air is still
And the sun is warm and the flowers shine
And the world is sweet like summer wine.

If you go away as I know you will.
Leave when the nightbird's song is loud and shrill
And there's no chance of rain in an azure sky.
And the summer breezes cry goodbye.

If you go away las I know you will.
And the futures filled with only time to ****
It will be kinder losing you on an afternoon
When the world is sweet and the flowers bloom.

If you go away.........

If you go away..........

If you go away..........
 Aug 2017
Kelly Weaver
We were young when we built our first house
Each brick was a dream of ours
And though the house was supported
We built it too big.
Too many empty halls,
Too many empty rooms,
So secrets began to check into them.
And when these house guests gathered for breakfast
Their welcome was outgrown.
So our big house emptied, one by one
And it seemed to be the end.

But of course, we could always downsize.

So we were still young when we built our second house
This time, being much smaller
But, unsurprisingly,
This home didn't last long either.
A huge storm arrived,
And tore the boards apart
Yet each gust was oh so tender,
It was as if they came from your hands.

And though I loved to be right,
I hated being right about this.
 Aug 2017
I thought it was bad then it only got worse
I thought that my hunger could cure my thirst
last things last and first things first
thinking about my ride in a hearse

I thought it was bad then it only got worse
the world's been a weight ever since my birth
wondering why I was put on this earth
life is a blessing nah life is a curse
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