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 Feb 2016
I met with an angel who had the wings of an airplane
smoked cigars and drank whiskey
told bad jokes and gave out losing tips for the races
all the same I loved that angel, so human
so happy in their skin, so unselfconscious
and I understood a little bout Jesus, who sought out the company of the lost, marginalised, and the sinners polite society condemned in their blindness, yes Jesus felt at home with the unpretentious.
 Feb 2016
Madeline don’t cry, seagulls in the sky watch upon us
We’re in a different world
Don’t wait for love
Life is waiting for you
Madeline touch my eyes, pictures looking through you
The world can’t wait for Madeline
Get out there, it all belongs to you
It’s in the sky, stars are all around you
Madeline don’t cry, seagulls in the sky watch upon us
We’re in a different world
Don’t wait for love
Life is waiting for you
Madeline your name in lights shining brightly
Everyone loves Madeline
It’s in the air, people shout your name, Madeline
It’s all the world can give you
Madeline don’t cry, seagulls in the sky watch upon us
We’re in a different world
Don’t wait for love
Life is waiting for you
Madeline dry your tears
The rivers flowing by us
Cascading gently touching your face
It's time for Madeline.
 Feb 2016
The Dedpoet
The night is drowsy and frowning,
      I hear my thoughts aloud
      In forms looming over dimly
      Lit rooms hurling worlds at me.
It is incredibly close, the thoughts gallop
     Confused I plunge into a sea of faceless
     Names groaning, discerning the sorrowful
     Language of half dead stagnant beings.
I see a flash of verses that I grab from my mind
     They speak as a mirror speaks in reverse
     Phrases I spill ink repeating my minds
     Tongues to prove a sanity in the dark.
I am lone into the night,
     I am breathing still as I write with
     No gravity in my hands,
     The words lulling the constellation
     To sleep, one by one a poem is furiously
But with night comes a deeper essential,
     I am not certain where the images
     Come from, but sometimes there are
     No words for their form,
     It is a haunting tide of thought.
Today is born of yesterday,
     I write into the morrow,
     Suddenly time is conscious
     And it ticks away watching me,
     And now is passing away into the moment,
The moment is sunk into eternity's nest,
     It is not wasted on a compass of death,
     I passionately write it into life,
    Time is frozen at my inkling,
     I will die of life and death will
     Be a birth.
       Caught in a lucid rapture
       I cannot name the faceless momentum,
       But it brings more life in the dark,
       No body or soul, just life
Into the words, I am trapped deeply
       In the starlit terrace of my fore thoughts:

I fall away into the poem,
     My eyes have nothing to see,
     I am a 360 degree spherical eye,
     I see the cosmic splinters of time,
My childhood comes to mind,
      The whole of the beginning in the
      Past, a whirlpool of water that flows
      Furiously with eyes closed,
And suddenly I am middle aged,
     Today brand new again,
     The past in my present,
     Becoming omnipresent like
     A ghost petrified into thoughts,
Wind blows through her hair,
      I am in love once again,
      My first love relived without time,
      Timeless like a frozen ice queen,
I have come back to where I was.
     I am in immensity of youth,
  The shores extend like an endless beach,
       The water is crystalline,
Her body is transparent,
    Two rivers become one,
We walk into forever over the water
   In a bridge of time that relapses
Over itself, time looping into
      My very memory,
The jade moon follows her silhouette,
       I am a star crossed fool,
The sun shines at night when
   We held hands.
I blink, and once and again,
I am trapped in the eternal night.

There is no way back,
    The dead are still alive,
The living are suffocating on life,
     On my wall a sea of faces enrapturing
My words,
    All the time I have lived in a bottle,
  I drink drunk on memory,
       The ladder leads to Jacob,
A thousand lives have lived in this night,
     My world remote,
I shrink into the dawn,
     My eyes close,
My final thought:
Where or when have I ever been??
A night for a poet.
 Jan 2016
I miss you most at night.
...... How do you do it?
Rise back up when you have fallen...?
What if one day
you don't rise back up,
will the shadows still fall behind us?
If you don't rise back up tomorrow
and we never see each other again,
please know that i'm forever changed
by who you are
and what you meant to me
I will still love you at your darkest
*Wild heart gypsy soul.  
*She had the soul of a gypsy, the heart of a hippie, the spirit of a fairy....
 Jan 2016
Loving you is easy,
I can do it in my sleep;
I dream of you so often,
its like you never leave.
I will always care for you,
even if we're not together
or far away from each other.
I love you just like the sun,
You are both masterpieces.

.....And even though it dark all around you,
you still manage to shine
and light up the whole world.
I know that the sun will rise soon
and it won't be dark...Its the same way with life,
**when you have a dark moment
you have to still try because
eventually everything will be fine.
You say that i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one...
 Dec 2015
The day I stopped loving you
I stopped loving the world.
 Dec 2015
I'm on the outs
With our beloved sun
So I associate with
The moon
Spending my nights awake
And my days unconscious
Is my preference
I'd give the moon a hug
If I didn't hate
Things being in
My space
 Dec 2015
I can't even look at you anymore,
all I see is this stranger
that once
*meant everything to me.
 Dec 2015
tight suit • lush
but lean • soot lashed
    \/\/    eyes of acid green
               amber flesh
       of porcelain
jet black hair
a raven's wing        
turned up nose      
pouting lips •      
you pour a glass
        you take a sip
               purest poison
                   in her flask •••
                         all you have to
                    do is ask • she
           sidles up • her
arts are black •
sparks fly as she      
shreds your back              
she's a mamma •                
she's a pet • but              
she's a snake, so
  don't forget •••
             she'll make you
                 shiver • make you
              shake • then waits
       for the bite to take
once the woman's
sunk a fang • you    
won't remember
          where you began
                              becomes a
                     blur • then
           your soul
is truly hers
as the flames    
go higher              
and higher                
she slithers        
round your
         funeral pyre
      you're so
and so proud          
but your sheets                
become your                      
shroud •                  
they find    
          you lying
               in your
(C) 4/12/2014

An old poem from a former site.
I needed to do some concrete to take
my mind off of things
 Dec 2015
It aches me to see
How memories can fade
Like smeared pages of a book
Yellowed and crumbling
Like the falling leaves of autumn

It aches me to see
How misty the images are
Like freshly printed polaroids
Preserve but then forgotten
Like old baby albums

It aches me to realize
Though how hard we try
Memories just wane
Even the most precious
Even those we treasure the most
 Nov 2015
grumpy thumb
Tension hisses through cold shoulder silence
dagger-looks thrown when eyes can't meet
rough minutes grind down day long hours
feel a storm a brewing
in this teacup tonight.
Sitting opposite a couple on tender hooks. Been there.
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