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 Jun 2015

“On apricot rose petal skies, I see the smile in your eyes”
It is still dark as I walk
down blurred pathways
of sleepless nights
and moonlit worries
awaiting dawn’s apricot
rose petal light
to peek over the
distant horizon
illuminating my smile
For then I will know
you are seeing
azure heavens glowing
on far away skies,
sipping your first cup,
waving goodbye
to yesterday’s problems
and whispering to me
“Good morning”
*As another beautiful day begins...
Good morning Beautiful
 Jun 2015
RH 78
Walls are the giants fingers.
Walking forward taking in air deep.
Let's make it coast to coast before we breathe our last and sleep.
To the afterlife we depart.
We float up to begin a new chapter albeit with a heavy heart.
Our timber framed bodies have been laid to rest.
Tear soaked rain beats against the faces of those we left behind.
Our souls encased by the loving arms of loved ones awaiting our arrival..
No more suffering.
No more pain.
Free spirits again.
Walls are the giants fingers lifting us up to other worlds.
We made it coast to coast.
Continuing to breathe deep.
Peace at last in the afterlife
Death be the cousin of sleep.
I take the last boat on the Icchhamati River.

the huddled shadows in the gloam
talk of home
a waiting bed
before climbs the moon overhead.

In little comforts voices bask
amid oars sloshing the night
and  I brood in silence
neath the  northern star

how far is home
how far?
 Jun 2015

A breathless hush lingers in
whispered moments sent a’ flutter
upon warm horizons glowing
and a sapphire sky’s mist

Afloat on northerly breezes,
delicate dandelion ripples
caress you softly
*in the haven of my love
Good morning Beautiful
 Jun 2015
Word sketcher
In waiting rooms
And stalls
Incomplete thoughts
Writings unresolved

Bits and pieces
In boxes
He hoards
Parts and pieces
Of his very core

Inspired thoughts
That found no rhyme
Lovers lost
Between scribbles
And lines

Perhaps someday
He'll write his book
With incomplete sentences
That have no hooks

Or passionate themes
Of romantic dreams
That run amok
When the telephone rings

And so another lost thought
Of the sketchers get boxed...
 Jun 2015
South by Southwest
Yellow , glowing
Softness , soothing
There . . . never a sound

Somewhere between
A cloud and ground
Between lips and thought

Somewhere , where there is a nowhere
Somehow when we don't know-how
Somewhat of an after thought

As silently as a whisper
From an owl
In the darkest reaches

Of loneliness hidden in the
Corners of sorrow
Hide tiny tears

Painful tears
Too small to see streaks
Upon those cheeks

The cloud is all fluff
Vapor and dust
Come cloud my memories away
 Jun 2015
Sally Tsoutas
i feel it manifest.
a vice-like grip
across my chest,
as memories
of you possess
my peace and
cast me ******
on silent cries
of absent
n               p
i                              o
v                             ­             e
i                                                 ­      m
      l                                                                ­        s      
and writing.
 Jun 2015

So sweet the sound of violins,
in melodies played softly free
A symphony upon the senses,
velvet strings on quiet breeze

Enchanting is the music playing,
tender as the night is new
Harmonic dreams we now do capture,
moments forming of the view

Listen as their song does take us,
far away on heaven’s cloud
In flight beyond this pure sensation,
on this evening we have found

Beneath a moon of crescent shining,
here as only we can be
A sonnet formed of heart beat fashion,
smooth it floats so tenderly

Take my hand and I will lead you,
over hill of green design
Along a path so gently swaying,
strolling in three quarter time

For destiny did pen the lyrics,
words we sing in harmony
My heart does hear the music playing,
*every night you’re here with me
Good night Beautiful
 Jun 2015
under my skin
high tension wires
they crackle and singe
the hair on my arms
burning inside
making roadmaps on my
throat and belly


the words are singing

an a cappella high note
bursting my eardrums
shattering glass

the fragments shimmer
and filter out into
the ionosphere
hang there
to rival

aurora borialis

the words are singing

their song of mermaids
their siren song

i crash on the rocks
i tear the paper
with a
rudderless ship
and the words
off the page

like lizards**

(c) 6/6/2015
I'm not sure if my wifi network
will be working properly
We've been having trouble

This poem was screaming for release

It's the last one for a while
I want to read more

Please forgive me if I am slow
The company is coming out
to look at the server
but I never know when my server
will be working

 Jun 2015

the willow tree
great grace is found
in drooping branch
slight soughing sound
by a liquid crystal stream
where your tendrel'd
boughs are seen

breath stills til
in the breeze you're heard
your sigh and softly singing word
lifted up as on soft cloud
it is as though you
weep aloud

gently does your poetry
open eyes to those who see
and with each story
you have told
there's further grace
unto our souls

(c) 6/7/2015
dedicated to
weeping willow

 Jun 2015
we scintillating
drift swirling
in our own

we make our ways
not by the
Southern Cross
for this is comprised
of stars

but by this little
blue marble
we call


(C) 6/7/2015
We revolve around this
little ball
shedding little lights

Little do we know that
we are, in fact,


dedicated to
poetessa diabolica

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