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 May 2015
Arlo Disarray
I'm already crazy, baby
So I'm not sure where to go from here
My mind's already split in two
And the voices haunt my ears

Can you love someone like me
whose brain is just a wheel?
A little mouse runs round and round to tell me how I feel

And when he's hungry, he just chews up all my pleasant thoughts
And leaves me with the ugly ones as my head slowly rots

I know I'm crazy, baby
but isn't that the fun?
Don't you love it when I'm angry and I let my mouth just run?

But when my mousey dies and the wheel will not turn
I'll finally stop writing and my past pages will burn
 May 2015
Lachrymose and Lies
I know you are reading this
Either in spite or in awe
But breathe these words from my lips
This is not just your war
Poems upon poems
Blood upon wrists
Depression it moans
It puts us in fits
Take your pen my fellow soldier
Press the ink, take a hit
This war is soon over
Writing heals, you are worth more than this
To all who read my ramblings, thank you.
You are all helping me win this war.
 May 2015
Lachrymose and Lies
If you knew me entirely, you wouldn't love me anymore
 May 2015
Lachrymose and Lies
In my platform boots I'm higher than
With my black lipstick in a dahlia
I smile bigger than you
In my corset even with shallow
My soul is deeper than you
In entirely black I am brighter than
I am who I want to be
Carry on
You shallow minded mortal
 May 2015
jeffrey robin

                                      shed no tears for the crying children

all they need is a Good **** and they ' ll be alright

( at least that is what they tell us )
 May 2015
You've got compassion for sick twisted defeated chicks. I like your style.
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