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 May 2015
I thought
that my light
stopped you from wanting to bleed
But maybe
all along
I was scorching your mind with the heat
I thought
that by now
I could fix all the pieces I broke
But maybe
hearts don't fix
And the shards are now slitting your throat

And you know what's funny?

After men in shining armor blew past me
leaving nothing but a lesson to be learned
you'd think my selfish eyes would perhaps see
that my light does not shine
it burns
Day 1
 May 2015
Renee Kaye
With beauty comes pain.
Pain conceives the creatively beautiful.
The key to life is the silver linings
 May 2015
i plunged into my own blood
and read the book my mind has planned
land and sea and sand

its all for you

every ******* thing i still do
 May 2015
We're all little butterflies,
Some of us are bigger than others,
And some of us are tiny.
No matter what happens,
You have to keep going.
Life is the air we struggle to fly through.

The air is contaminated,
So some of us have a hard time breathing.
There are tornadoes,
Which the bigger butterflies can easily fly through,
While the tiny ones get swept away.
Life is something we all try to fly through,
But most don't survive.

Then there are the ones who like to capture us,
The ones we call "Society".
They put us in jars and we are confined,
There is no space to just fly and be free.
They like to judge us,
Watch us struggle to be free for their own entertainment.

Life is the air we fly in.
Society is the thing that confines us.
And we...
Are the butterflies who try to brave through it all.
Some survive,
While others don't.
I kind of tried ******* this one. still *****.
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