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 Apr 2015
A beaten
and *****
old door
by a thousand
mile-high weeds
that forever grow taller
to grasp the ankles
of all that wish to enter,
to pull them to the inferno
that lies in the center of the Earth,
where there is no return
to this mysterious
abandoned doorway
blocking out all
light and darkness,
humane and animal
blocking all
from it’s unknown secrets.
Rumors of treasures,
rumors of demons.
Listen closely,
for none shall know
the secrets it hides,
unless one
mends the broken key,
and cuts the weeds
that bind their fate,
will they ever know
the secrets
of a beaten
and *****
What's your ***** old door in life?
 Apr 2015
what is this yearning?
to feel the constant twirl of our turning
to angle the head, resting chin to shoulder,
wedging itself into place like a candle to it's holder
motioning backwards, resisting all forward

where our form turns from flesh to steel
as we wrap our stories onto the rotating prayer wheel
mimicking VHS tapes
and twisting our frames to rewind the spell of time
to undo scripture laid in stone
becoming a one man
time machine freak show.
to dwell in the days of yore
and tell yourself …
"its all been done before"

where we become the whirling dervish
head angled aside like a curious sun dial clock
arms resting in the air on the great invisible rock
or maybe
holding afloat the force of the celestial spheres,
a battalion of Atlas' drenched in marbled white cloth
stirring in a *** of dance turned to trance
into some chaotic mystery broth.

where we become the lazy susan
who just found her running gear
wedged on the cluttered bookshelf
like added day to leap year.
and we wonder what we have become
what concoction have we drunk?
thats spun us dreideling from
under the rug of normalcy.

this potion of feet lifting and descending
-- a mad mans dance --
always going and never arriving
until we no longer know where "I" begins or ends
until time no longer knows which way to bend
and our feet become entangled below
in a rapid fire dance of devotion
between course ground and sweet motion
 Apr 2015
You came in a dream, dripping with beauty
I approached you confidently, bold as I dare.
We smiled and held a gaze, eternity sparked and ended,
but before it left
it ignited an inferno of desire between us both.
In a dimly lit room, opening obscured only by a thin tattered sheet,
we embraced our passion
Holding our innocence together so tight.
It burst through our grasp
I smile, staring down to meet your eyes as you laid back,
Breaking contact only to admire your parts individually
Painting every inch of your exposed skin with my eyes.
Claiming you as mine, and giving you every bit of myself
I lift the hem of your dress just above your knee and leave a light kiss just below your thigh.
Then I awake to the memory of you that will slowly fade away.
it was just a dream i had
 Apr 2015
Manasi Kemkar
Did we just cross each others path, or
Were we destined to walk
The longest journey
in the Darkest hours...
scribbling every Dream as Adventures
and every Nightmares as Experience!
We met to never go apart..:-* NG
 Apr 2015
Lillian Hallberg
She holds the watering can in hand
too late for dried wispy dandelions
swaying in the slight breeze
seed pods gnawed by nature.

Loosened tendrils float slowly
through thick humid air
memories and dreams of spring
long beyond her clutching grasp.
 Apr 2015
Gather up the bags under your eyes,
Turn off the lights in your heart,
Lock up your soul,
Keep walking,
Maybe take a taxi away from your thoughts.
 Apr 2015












not a true
written to napowrimo2015 prompt:
abcdearan poem....
I reversed mine to get the hard letters out of the way...wrote in couplets to create snapshots....and this is what came together....loosely based on some bad
holiday snafus... welcome to my slide show...
 Apr 2015
darling iridescence
We were an explosion:
we mattered and filled the empty spaces out.
We drew constellations on our walls,
planned a future amongst those stars.
There's planets we dressed
and passionate nebulas we blessed.
But somewhere in between the crosshairs,
the distance exceeds us;
we kept adding anyway.
Time was a construct made for us to measure our existence but instead I count the seconds like decades. Your hands haven't reached for mine in eons.

Our Universe might have grown
but now we're galaxies apart.
Inspired by the passionate temporary affairs
 Apr 2015
Historian E Lexano
Sentient street,
As we walk through the gates of sentience,
Like a child,I quirked my head,
Left~right and back with innocence,
To glimpse at their seemly slums;a nimble haul of dread,
Tucked me,as I gander the miscellany artistry,
The winsome combs on their chambers,
By builders and framers,
For all;but the aesthetics I knew belonged to the affluent,
An erudition I needed not to imbibe as a student,

Oblivious of myself;I spotted their melancholic eyes in their inscriptions,
And read the histories and encryptions,
The stares they gave tremored my heart,
And tore the arteries apart,
My soul wept for their bereavement but tears was deficit in my eyes,

As I march to the yard of his repose;I said"A journey we shall all embark"
Gawking at the annexation of other chambers,as grief berserks,
I got there,

I stood meters afar and stared,
As the priest blessed the yard;And prayed for his soul,
Conferring him into the bossom of his maker,
And instructing the digger afterwards;to dump him into the hole,
His folks quaker,
And bade him their farewell with flowers,
In their last hour,

But as they fetch sands and stones to wrap him,
In their faces I saw grim,
When the diggers spat and slapped;his coffin with stones and shovels,
For this has been their long awaited muscle,
And in deligence;they deliver,
"This journey I will embark too"I said,
As I stood in my shiver,
And withdrew and left in mopes.

Sentient Street
©Historian E.Lexano
 Apr 2015
darling iridescence
around you, I'm all ellipses. My sentences still make it through though. And my teeth are no longer fragile because I have let many of my secrets out when they threaten to spill over like tea time at noon. I was never an expert at lock jaw but it came as a surprise to find that I am still unlocked around you. There is a certainty now my gullible mouth won't break under the pressure of my past.

I am still trying to break down yours without a battle cry.

we build our characters. your body is "ex lovers, bruises and barriers." your hands are "loose change, determination, extra joints, destruction and creation." your eyes are "newly copper pennies and the season of spring" . I still don't know what I am somedays.
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