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 Dec 2018
Mohd Arshad
None except God could
paint the moon on the face of
water as it is.
 Dec 2018
Take it down to the ground,
Take it down to the cattails
And drown your legs
Up to your knees in lake water,
In nature’s loving arms, again.
No longer a kid, and it’s okay.
Take it down, take it down.
Don’t wait, this day was made
For you, me, for us.
So, just take it down, take it down.
Let the stream and polished stones
Set you free...
Until your feet find growing grass.
Take it down, take it down.
It’s all around,
Take it down
To nature's sound.
Imagination knocked and took me here, so I went with it.  Inspired by music by Seattle artist Samuel Orson, a musician that a fellow poet on here mentioned.
Canary Wharf is full of Christmas trees,
Japanese Kimonos and Chinese teas,
there's not a schooner to be seen
not a Clipper, not a ship in sight.
it's as if it had never been.

are you furious that the lights are going out?
wonder what it's all about?
I am and I do.

The stable rents by the metric metre
no straw on the floor, the air smells
much sweeter,
jesus was adopted.
 Dec 2018
Mohd Arshad
Who loves you does not care
Love to yourself
 Dec 2018
Valsa George
Applied rouge on the cheeks
Tied a glittering necklace round the neck
Putting heavy makeup,
Over the stubble on her shaven chin,
She looked into the mirror
Through its cracks, saw a million bits of her/him
Those images sneering at each other
She felt trapped in a wrong body,
With its contours n’ longings mismatched

“Where do I belong”?
“Where do I fit”?

These questions plague her incessant
A rough stone with sharp edges
Too hard to be chipped down
Cast aside by the mason
That can never go into the making of a Cathedral

She walks around in haze
Life seems a twisted maze
Each time she tries to claw her way
She sees only walls that hems her in
Before her lingers the stygian mist
Phantoms of darkness surround her

The winds of change swiftly blow
Seasons come and go

But she is tied down in her chains
An anomaly of creation
A curse and a taboo
Swallowing stigma and abuse
Each day waking up with a start
Knowing that she is neither a woman nor a man
But a non binary... an accursed TRANSGENDER
Inviting snide looks
And sniggers from onlookers

People call her a ******
One divided between the selves
A hapless denizen of an inhospitable world
Disowned even by parents

Though flawed and far from perfect
She is human, one of a kind
And needs to be seen through the eyes of God!
It is sad that transgenders are discriminated everywhere. They deserve to be treated as equals. However it is heartening to note the positive changes coming over in attitudes of the people and the authorities....!
 Nov 2018
I don't want another Vietnam,
Iraq or Afghanistan

I don't want another wild fire
Flash flood
Or hurricane

I don't want another mass shooting
Circumstances which are dire

I don't want to hear
All these cries
I don't want to hear
All these lies
I don't want to know
All these scams
No, I don't want to come over
And hold your hand
I don't want no stinking badge

I don't want a see a magic
I don't want to wake,
Out of this slumber

I don't want to know
What I'm supposed to do
Supposed to see
Supposed to be

No, I don't want to
be your friend
I don't want to have to extend
No, I don't want to have this conversation

I just want silence
And the end.

What then?

Blessings they come everyday
In everyway
There is beauty in the lullaby in the winds
The starlings, a river flowing
From this tree to another
The woods green in the fall sun

Which way is it going to be today?

It's going to be
What it's going to be

I don't know

I don't want to know
But it's all a blessing
So they say
Which is it going to be

Surely one more breath and to our present,
We'll keep on fighting
while we
 Nov 2018
Raj Bhandari
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