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 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
آكالين الضبيع موجودين وينمنكان                                                                                          و في اي زمان ...                                                                                                             كانوا يخفونا بآكالين الضبيع                                                                                                  لما كنا زغار ...                                                                                                               اليوم نحنا شايفين بأم عينا                                                                                                    آكالين الضبيع                                                                                                                  و ما حدا فينو يكذب علينا ...                                                                                                 كلشي واضح                                                                                                                   و ما فينو حدا يضحك على حدا ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
All parties agreed upon                                                                                            That ongoing war till the end                                                                                  Simply because they have reached                                                                         That deal without signing any documents ...                                                         It's that point of no return that                                                                                All parties usually reach                                                                                           When they want to go hopelessly and endlessly                                                   Until the end as a kind of                                                                                       Upon me and upon my whole enemies .
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
كل من يحفر لنفسه                                                                                                           حفرة على قدر اعماله ...                                                                                                   احذر ان تكون حفرتك عميقة                                                                                               لأنك - يوما ما - ستقع فيها ...                                                                                              الحفر انواع                                                                                                                    و الحياة ملؤها حفر متنوعة ...                                                                                      ___________________­Everyone of us digs himself                                                                                    A pit that is deep as much as one's deeds ...                                                          Be careful not to have your pit deep                                                                                        Simply because you will fall in it one day ...                                                      Pits have many various kinds and                                                                     Life is full of various pits ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Everything indicates that collapse                                                                                         Is going to happen                                                                                                   Simply because life is turning up-side-down                                                                      On everyone's head ...                                                                                              There is not any point of return                                                                               To zero ...                                                                                                                  That zero hour of that huge collapse is                                                                   Going to happen anytime ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
عندي صور كثيرة                                                                                                            في ذاكرتي فقط ...                                                                                                            فهناك مدرستي القديمة و                                                                                                     كذلك كل المدارس الاخرى ...                                                                                              هناك بستان الباطوس و                                                                                                      قصر سعادة المسكون  و                                                                                                     كل الصبارات في محيط البستان ...                                                                                        هناك صخرة الانتحار حيث تشعر الآن بالبرد مثلنا ...                                                        هناك تينات ابن هانىء ..و مسبح فارس و مسبح العمال                                                                                   و مطعم رشو و كيف كان ماء البحر يطغو عليه                                                                      و مطعم العصافيري                                                                                                و كيف كنا نلعب تحت اعمدته                                                                                           و نصطاد الاسماك الصغيرة بأيدينا ...                                                                          كان هناك مسبح " السان بلاش "                                                                                   حيث كنا نسبح بدون تذاكر ...                                                                                         صور كثيرة                                                                                                                       و عمر الشقي بقي و كما يقولون ...                                                                           كانت حياة بسيطة و فقرية و اليوم                                                                                    ليس هناك اي نوع من انواع الحياة                                                                                  بل حزن و كآبة و تشرد و هجرة و موت زؤام و قهر و طغيان                                                 و كل شيء .................
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
ضاقت بنا  الشوارع                                                                                                          فزوربنا ...                                                                                                                    ضاقت بنا الطرق كلها                                                                                                       و كذلك الشوارع ...                                                                                                          قدر محتوم لا يمكن الهروب منه ...                                                                                        من ينجو يكون جنيا و ليس بشرا ...                                                                                       قطعت الزواريب و الطرق و الشوارع                                                                                    كما يقطع قالب الكاتو                                                                                                         في اية حفلة من حفلات عيد الميلاد ...                                                                                     فرصة النجاة ضئيلة الا بقدر حبة الرمل ...                                                                                   حواجز هنا و نقاط تفتيش                                                                                                هنا و هناك ...                                                                                                             حياة لا تطاق و قدر لا مهرب منه ...                                                                                  انها صورة مؤلمة لما يجري حولنا                                                                                     من اهوال لا يمكن الهرب منها ...                                                                                      انه قدر الله المحتوم !                                                                                                      خفافيش الظلام لايهمهم                                                                                                   الحياة و لكن يهمهم الموت و القتل ...                                                                                   ليس هناك امل في الافق !                                                                                                لم يعد هناك شباب                                                                                                         بل نساء و اطفال و كبار السن و مرضى و جوعى ...                                                             و لكن الى متى هذا الحصار الابدي ؟!                                                                                 _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Narration adds more suspense into                                                                        Those words I write every time ...                                                                            A narrator who narrates all those events                                                                Happened in a novel , in a tale ,or in a short story ...                                            A narrative method is that way                                                                               In which I go to my characters and                                                                        Into my readers at the same time ....                                                                      The third person narrator is my approach or                                                         Our approach to the whole world globally ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
As long as life goes on anyway ,then                                                                      No worry to take my way anyway ...                                                                    My roads are very well-known                                                                               Simply because I always pick the best ones ...                                                       Bad ways are not mine anytime                                                                             Simply because they are inevitably dead-end ...                                                   If I pick the best way from the beginning ,then                                                     No worry at all at the end ...                                                                                   Good ways end happily while bad ones end sadly ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
There are many ways in life and                                                                             You have to pick your own way                                                                              By your will anytime ...                                                                                            Your way is not compulsory ,but                                                                            You have many choices and many options anytime ...                                           Your way becomes compulsory                                                                               When you choose it by yourself anytime ...                                                           Either you go this way or that way ,but                                                                  The third way is not yours ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
I don't understand things                                                                                          Simply because things don't understand me ...                                                      I love people to understand                                                                                         That meaning in my heart ...                                                                                       My heart is a white sheet of paper and                                                                  My intention is always good ...                                                                             That's me sometimes thinking about things ...                                                       ____________________­   لا افهم الاشياء                                                                                                                لأن الاشياء ببساطة لا تفهمني ...                                                                                       احب ان يفهم الناس                                                                                                        ذلك المعنى في قلبي ...                                                                                                      قلبي صفحة بيضاء                                                                                                          و نيتي دوما طيبة ...                                                                                                       هذا هو شخصي افكر بشأن الاشياء ...                                                                                   ____________________­_
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Death versus life ...                                                                                                   Nobody wants to die ,but                                                                                        Death is inevitable ...                                                                                               Its arrow comes suddenly and                                                                                 No waiting at all ...                                                                                                   It scares people                                                                                                          Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                  No one can challenge death's authority                                                                 Simply because one will be inevitably defeated anytime ...                                  What is death ?                                                                                                                   What's behind death ?                                                                                        Does it mean that one's soul gets out of one's body easily ?                             It's another world ...                                                                                             Immediately someone goes away or passes away                                            Into the unknown ,then                                                                                       A tomb will be ready for him or for her ...                                                         Although we think life is too long ,but                                                              It's short-lived in fact ...                                                                                       We will , sooner or later ,will pass away                                                             When death approaches us suddenly ...                                                             As long as death is inevitable ,then                                                                     We need to learn lessons from those who left us ...                                           ____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
الحلاوة بالجبن اطيب                                                                                                         من حلاوة ام عبيد و                                                                                                           المعجوقة اطيب كذلك ...                                                                                                     حسب ميزانية الجيب                                                                                                         بتعمل الحلاوة التي تعجبك ...                                                                                               حلاوة ام عبيد                                                                                                                  ما هي الا عبارة عن سميد ناعم و                                                                                          ماء ساخن ...                                                                                                                   ام عبيد - و للأسف - ليس فيها جبنة                                                                                        كالحلاوة بالجبن ...                                                                                                       الفقير المسكين لايقدر                                                                                                     على شراء الحلاوة بالجبن او                                                                                           حلاوة ام عبيد                                                                                                              لأن العين بصيرة و اليد قصيرة ...                                                                                    يا حيف على الايام !                                                                                                      الله يرحم معجوقة ابن هانىء - تحت التينات- ايام زمان ...                                                         هذه ايامنا التي وصلنا اليها ...                                                                                           ايام كلها حسرة بحسرة                                                                                                   و الواحد يموت فيها من الحسرة و العوز ...                                                                          09-02-2015                                                                                                             _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
There is love , but                                                                                                      Where is it ?                                                                                                              There is money,but                                                                                                   Where is it ?                                                                                                              There is warmth,but                                                                                                 Where is it ?                                                                                                              There is kindness,but                                                                                                Where is it ?                                                                                                              There is livelihood,but                                                                                               Where is it ?
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