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 Sep 2014 Chase The Moment
 Sep 2014 Chase The Moment
Her hands held on to
His fingerprints on
The other side of the glass
Window that divided them

Left her longing for
A moment to grasp
And cherish him and her
And what they never were

And while she watched
His back turn to her
She conquered the familiar
Sense of holding back

And with her fingers she wrote
The words in the dust he left
On the window. She whispered
“Look back and see” I love you
My mind speaks to me
In incomprehensible urgency
Because it knows better;
Unlike the rest of me
That forbids my hands
To loosen their grip
On the things I find
Comfort in.
I can't ******* let go.
Just one more, she said
The pill slides down her throat
She is numb
She wants to disappear
She doesn't want to be here
Tears kissing her cheeks
Her head is pounding
She's felt this for weeks
Felt like she's drowning
She wants to escape
To find something more
Than this horrible life
She can't bare to adore
She's lost everything
She can't even feel
She has too many wounds
That will never heal
She cannot breathe
She suffocates
In a life of hate
About her last bit of fate.
i am for a moment.

faded like dusk

a whisper

like the lingering smell of cigaretts

my touch cold like the wind in the early morning

but my skin is burning

i want to feel

but my mind wont let me

trapped in an endless cycle of self loathing

how can i be happy

i am only for a moment

haunted with the memories of happy faces

and cursed with the demands of my past

i cant keep this up my light is fading

don’t worry no one is really paying attention

walking ghosts whip around me like smoke

only to leave no trace

you are only for a moment

just as i am.
 Sep 2014 Chase The Moment
We like to watch the sunflowers lose their petals because it comforts us to know that the things we found beautiful when they were strong & whole are still beautiful even when they fall apart
Years spent climbing to reach my destination,
A peak where I could breathe, a breath of emancipation.
No longer in the darkness, my mind is clearer now,
It seems so distant and faded looking back at how,
I was once so low I saw no climbing path or route,
I thought that suicide would be my only way out.
But I broke free from the darkness, I found a shining light,
I found my place of joy, to precede the endless plight.
I basked amongst the freedom, I laughed without a care,
It seems that I forgot that that place was ever there.
But now my luck is over, the dark is swift and cold,
I shudder all alone as I can feel it taking hold.
The fire that I once held has turned to ice inside my soul.
The darkness found its way again to bore another hole.
I no longer see the light; I no longer have the strength,
To climb this wall of torture or go to such a length,
To only find a solace for a moment oh so brief,
I’ll stay in my abyss to be consoled by my own grief.
 Sep 2014 Chase The Moment
The way you hold me is the thing
That I miss most about you
The way it makes me feel when
You surround me whole
That long before our eyes meet
Your life is just like mine
Woven to be different
So that ours could intertwine
I miss the way you know me
Better than I do myself
I miss the way you look at me
The way I look at you
I long for every moment
You hear me in the silence
I miss the person that you
Help me to become
Yet missing you is not a
Loss like if you would've left
The things I miss are only
Reasons to rejoice

*because what I miss will not be missed again when we'll have met
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