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A firm grasp
on the past
won't actually make
the present
any less
Have you ever had a bad cherry?
At first, they're succulent.
You feel thrilled, almost salacious.
You burrow for more.
You fill your hands with their gravity.
Red ones, dark one, even better.

Then you find it; it looks like all the rest.
You're ravenous, unable to pull your lips from its surface.
You expect to crunch down on its soft supple skin.
You find the horror within, it's bland, the taste is thin.
But each one before, held a marvel within.
Your heart is riotous; it looked like all the rest.

The anger has me writhing with a tempestuous din.
The sound of heartbreak yelps from inside.
How could it be that one?
How could it be that little thing that seditiously winks without eyes?
A piece of my soul it takes but it doesn't leave by any window.
It dies within, leaving my gut to wash its sin.

Sometimes you are that bad cherry,
That beast that brings mourning.
I sleep with the scar and heal in the morning.
The cherries look too good today to pass up.
But another bad cherry looms in the wake of my deep thirst.
Just as with you, there's always another day.
I wrote this poem 4 years ago, yesterday.
It may have had something to do with an x-girlfriend of mine.
Anyway, the past is the past.



the milk of human kindness
is like honey to the spirit

flattery holding deceit
is saccharine

which poisons the soul

(C) 7/25/2016
I want your honest opinion. I feel sometimes like people think I'm too kind and I have some kind of agenda behind that. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am very concerned about this site. There is negativity here at certain levels. I feel as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ that that needs to be counterbalanced. But the last thing I want to do is be saccharine. I can tell you everything I said and done comes from the heart. There Is no agenda behind it. But those who have poison in their minds inject poison into other's. There may be some who say that kindness is weakness. That's unfortunate. Those people don't know true strength.

I love you all and I want to show it in concrete ways. I take too long to read because I have a tendency to repost and comment a lot. I also read more than one poem that that poet has written. Is that too much? Your honest opinion please. I appreciate it very much!

♡ Catherine
i'm a lot like
one of those books that
you don't like until the
fourth chapter or so.

but i swear that if you
will just stick with me somewhere
along the way you'll
realize i'm not so bad after all.
Copyright 12/28/15 by B. E. McComb
Love is a free thing
So free and flightless
No strings attached
To this airy thing
So tangled and loose
Rose in our hearts,
Tightened our own grips
And forgot true meaning
Love needn't any obligations
No rules no ties
Love is so lovely it comes in all size...
Love is carried , wisped
I love you I am not
I loved you
It feels free to love
All things
No strings attached
Heart fully on line
there was an ordinary boy
who fell in love with a goddess.

he wanted to go, to fly away
but her laugh made his thoughts went astray.

he lived on earth his entire day
but his heart resided somewhere above the sky.

she hummed a melody upon the clouds
so melancholic, it made them cry.

she touched the sun before his eyes
little did he realize he's going blind.

he tried to leave
to vacate, to evacuate

but her smile was enough to make him stay
so he thought to himself,
*"i'm gonna delay."
i love this one personally! dedicating it to Athena. :3
Someone I used to love
Said to me with a playful tone.

"I hate loving you."

I was confused
I never heard something like that before.

All I know was love and hate
Are always in war with each other
Is it possible for them to be together?

Wait, maybe I've heard it somewhere.
Aphrodite and Ares?

It was like taking a shower during winter.
I hate it, before going inside.
But I can't help but to love it so much
Once I'm in it.

*Same goes to your beautiful mind.
In my opinion, love and hate need each other, to be honest. :)
If you think
You're in love with me
You're dead wrong.

I will hurt you someday
Maybe not today
Or many other day
But I would.

I told you so many times
How flawful I am
But you never seem to agree.

I told you who I really am
How terrible I can be
And how awful it would be.

You're not allowed to love me
So does everyone else.

I am allowed to love anyone
Because I don't care if love hurts me.

I am allowed to care for anyone
Because I don't care if people leave me.

I don't know.

Maybe it's just me.

But why are you still here
Smiling at me?
We all have something
Or someone

Who brought us here
Into poetry.
Mind sharing? I'd love to know. Comment below! :)
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