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luckily, no one has ever asked me why i loved you.
you know why.

it would be very hard to answer because
the reasons are infinite.

sometimes i love you because of
your smile
your laugh
your jealousy
your kindness
you're ecstasy
wait, where did that come from?

let's try again.
sometimes i love you because of
the galaxies in your eyes
you're ecstasy
the deep blue seas in your heart
you're my loveliest enemy
and your own field of gravity pulling me closer.

diamonds are blue
and the skies are, too.
most of the times i just love you
because you're you.

you know
nothing or no one can change you
and i'll always love that about you.
i love her because she's confident in herself, sometimes she'll break down and feel insecure, but that's cute too. i guess i'm attracted to her spirit and her assertive behaviour. and also she's ******* beautiful.
A man comes into Starbucks
and says to the barista "I
want 3 coffees-- One for me
One for you and One for

The barista is slightly annoyed
but serves the coffee; the next
day the man comes
in and says "I want 3 coffee-- One
for me One for you and One
for YOUR MOM!"

Now the barista is really ******
cuz he's kinda old school
Eastern European momma's boy
but he controls his anger
serves the coffee anyways; the next
day the man comes in and says "I want
3 coffee
One for me
One for you and
One for YOUR MOM!"

The barista loses it jumps
over and starts beating on
the guy until the other customers
separate the two; the next

day the man comes in with his right
arm in a sling and bandages
covering several lacerations he
says "I would like just 2 coffee One
for me and One for YOUR MOM because you
CLEARLY can't handle your coffee"
 Jul 2016 Ceiling thoughts
If you are loved by a writer, I do not believe that you will ever really die
For you live in every work they have ever written, poetry in their minds that they share with the minds of others.
Your breath is on each pen stroke, your image on each letter.
Your scent captured by the yellowing pages and soul can be found in the corners of each paper.
Your love recorded and felt by many, touching people who you have never met.
And even when you die, and the heart of your beloved writer stops beating, you live on in the words they have written.
You become immortal.
The way that I love you
Is like a little afternoon nap
Pure, calm, and innocent
Like pages of a book on your lap
Silently enrapturing a moment

The way that I love you
Is like drinking wine or perhaps tea
A peaceful ending to a busy day
Like a favorite bedtime story
Last recollections before drifting away

The way that I love you
Is like a rainbow after a storm
Existing in calm solidarity with the sky
Like the daily sunset part of the norm
A quiet shower of exquisite colors up high

The way that I love you
Is not all-consuming, not greedy
It is encompassing and free
It is softly flowing yet steady
 Jul 2016 Ceiling thoughts
When most people say they have seasonal depression, they usually mean in the winter
Depression and winter go hand in hand
Darkness, cold, shorter days, holidays where if you're alone you're miserable, deadlines
But some people don't understand that seasonal depression happens in the summer too
I wish I could explain why I don't want to go outside when the sun has never been brighter
I wish I could help you comprehend why going swimming is a perfect way for me to drown myself
I wish I could help you understand why I don't feel accomplished or at ease, I feel under pressure to have a good summer
But I can't
Don't tell me how it works, sir,
I like to watch
And be amazed at the display.
The inner workings, wiring, switches,
all, are unnecessary details.
Miracles deflated.
Don't explain the rainbow,
or the sunshine,
or brain waves.
in my comprehension
I want to smile
and clap my hands
at the wonder
of it all.
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