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Jun 2017 · 549
Cat Wilson Jun 2017
Sleepy knees, struggling to keep one up. Slipping minds hang on the faintest peice of reality to keep us sane. (Ticking time bombs, one tick and we're e gone. )Weak hearts, broken so many nothing will heal all the damage. Lost people: the act they put on is soon turning into a life style. Voices get drained out by those with more importance. Those with more importance shun the ones with no voices, little by little shadows engulf the voiceless. The shadows hold more stories than one can tell. Stories of great triumph, lost souls sleeping, whispering for god. Stories of dread......
My view on life. And how it works
Jun 2017 · 598
First Breathe
Cat Wilson Jun 2017
All in the name of life, from the moment you catch your first breath of fresh air, that is then delivered all throughout your lungs, all in your muscles making its way to the power house; your brain.  From that point on everything falls in place. You are immediately showered in love and affection. It may be overwhelming to you but you don't know what this is. To you, you see shapes, stretching their faces right up close to your face. But before all this, right when you were put on this earth... it  was mute for a split second then all of a sudden all the immense sounds came rushing into your little compact head filling it up with little tingles in your ears bright lights in your face and from that point on you cried. Screamed, kicked, breathed; repeat. Until you were placed in the arms of an angel like person, the person who brought you into this world. A women who brought you warmth and safety from that point on. She cherished you and loved for you. She would go out of her way in any situation to make sure you came first. Holding your hand making sure you'd be okay. Years passed by and your first day of kindergarten is soon around the corner! You're riding the bus! Like a big kid. That night you and your mom picked everything out from clothes to extra bandaids in your backpack just incase you'd need any. She'd tuck you in and give you a extra big hug and give you millions of kisses on your cheeks. She gets ready to walk out and smiles one last time, it's an unsteady smile one holding back tears and happiness. Walks slowly back to her room and quietly shuts the door and faintly cries. It's as if se was looking at an old memory book. Reliving all the great memories she once had still holding onto. "Where'd all the time go" or "how'd he grow up so fast" is all that rushing throughout her head.
Son growing up. Painful for mother. Ps- not quite done...
Mar 2017 · 597
Broken Day
Cat Wilson Mar 2017
I will tell you right now.
My mind has gone somewhere else.
Every since you told me you cared,
but then I saw you caring for another girl the same way.
My life flashed before me.
My whole body went numb every memory flashed back and out of my head.
I stand there staring at once was mine and is now on my counter in some other girl that has lost her mind as well.
Maybe I am just a past time.
I ran.
I ran as fast as I could out of there.
Your voice was just scratching at me,
begging me to listen but I wouldn't I saw it all.
Nothing could be done to fix it,
my mind has gone somewhere else
every night I go to sleep.
Right when I close my eyes
All I see is that day.
That day,
You took my heart right out of my chest
You told me you loved me.
Could see no one else but us.
But you seemed to find your self getting bored of me.
Days go on house is quieter everyday
The back door opens later and later in the night.
You sneaking in
Saying "it was a long night at work"
But we all know it was a long night with another girl.
A girl who can handle it who can put a smile on your face more than I can
Maybe more than I ever had
Will I ever be good for you?
That day was the day I lost my mind
My mind is still here.
Mar 2017 · 551
Cat Wilson Mar 2017
She’s hurting. No one can tell.
She hides it very naturally.
Makeup, hair, and clothes all in place.
Clothes that catches people’s eyes, puts a thought in heads.
“She's happy, she has everything or she must live a pretty great life”
She walks with her high, ready to greet people when needed.
Never a long conversation, just a short and sweet one to leave a good impression.
Walks down the street confidently; someone hollers at her… no turn of her.
Helps the old lady across the street.
Grabs a cup of coffee before going home.
But when the door shuts, she shuts down.
Everything you saw of her is now put away ready for the next day.
The real her is behind the door.
Real pain, sorrow digging deep inside of her.
Sinking deep into her bath soaking in the day.
No extraordinary day; just a repeat like a skip in an old record player.
Feels as if nothing will ever change.
Something is growing inside of her… anger.
Anger that is coming to the surface telling her something.
She turns off the water and cries.
The level of the water goes up from all the tears running down her face.
“Whats a girl like her crying for, she has everything”
Sooner or later she’s floating with all her tears, pain and sorrow.
Sooner or later no one will see that girl who walks confidently down the streets.
Smile plastered on her face with a welcoming hand.
Soon you’ll see head lines of who you always thought was happy.
But was dying inside.
Mar 2017 · 232
Cat Wilson Mar 2017
When will you stop
Stop being you
Be the normal person
The normal you
Where you laughed
Not cried
Was silly
Not stern
All you do is push people
Anger fills you
It's like I'm married to the devil and not you
When can I look into your eyes and see melting roses
Not you walking out on us
You scare the kids and I
But somehow I still want you
It's a curse and a blessing.
Every now and then I take my anger and silent my mind with pain
That only last for a second
It's as if everything in my head all the issues were a sand castle and some little kid who doesn't know better comes over and kicks it over
me watching on the outside
my life crumbling to peices
A kid from gods creation
gods mind
gods soul
put this little kid on earth
He ruined my sand castle; my life
But everything's everything's gone
For a second.
But he didn't know better.  
It's not his fault it's no ones only mine
I built that castle it'll tumble down one day and stay down
But one day no one will be there to build it back up because there will be
No sand.

— The End —