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 Jul 2015 Carolynn
you cannot break me down as I break myself. you could try but my subconscious has you beat, my entire being has you beat.
 Jul 2015 Carolynn
I am tired
I want to go to sleep
and never wake up
I'm scared,
I think I need some help........................
 Jul 2015 Carolynn
 Jul 2015 Carolynn
Where you end,
                  and I begin,
                            is where our souls mate.
I can drain my feelings onto paper via ink as much as I want
My heart remains just as full
just as empty,
just as burdened,
just as abandoned.

I need a miracle
Or an exorcism.
 Jul 2015 Carolynn
it's nice to know that you think of me sometimes.
that my name forms on the tip of your tongue.
that i cross your mind.

it's nice to know that sometimes you might see something that reminds you of me.
it's nice to know that i'm still there,
that i haven't disappeared or gone silent in your head.

it's nice to know that i still matter,
even if it's only in the slightest bit.

after all, that's all i ever wanted.

quick write. **
 Apr 2015 Carolynn
I Love You
 Apr 2015 Carolynn
I hate your voice so gentle,
And how your eyes look at me.
It's just so awkward,
Seeing you face to face,
Listening to your sweet lyrical voice.
I hate how you smile,
With your most awesome lips.

Now I'm just saying this,
For you to understand,
What I really felt with you.
I'm just really nervous seeing you,
Or it's just my heart, beating so fast,
A sign of being in love with you.

I may not be sending to one person,
But trust me, right now, it's you.
I was inspired by you to create this,
For the special one I ever dreamed of.

My love may come too soon,
Or later than I expected,
But how I wish he's you.

I will start by saying this,
3 words and 8 letters,
I love you.
When love was young and happy and sweet.
I can't love you the way I did then
Can't rewrite my affection when we lost the Pen
I can't hug you like it was in those days gone
The arms are cold where they were warm
I can't cry for you 'cause I'm no longer torn
No more signs of a raging melancholy storm
I can't kiss you as passionate
But it's sad we'll never sincerely osculate
I can't re-meet you for the first time
To be tortured by my feelings for you
Can't revisit the innocence to have a review
I can't forget the burn of your goodbye
Just like the crazy moments twixt you and I
I can't replace you neither can I forget
All the same it was worth refusing to regret
 Apr 2015 Carolynn
 Apr 2015 Carolynn
I am dying with a smile on my face.
I swear, one more time that lamp post or that cool breeze whispers your name
I will burry it down below where the roots are.
Because my skin, my eyes, everything that has remained yells for you.
 Apr 2015 Carolynn
 Apr 2015 Carolynn
my heart aches for things that have not happened,
will not happen,
and will never happen again.
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