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 Apr 2015 Carolynn
you always complained
that you were a dandelion
in a garden of roses,
a pest, a **** --
something unlovable.

and maybe you weren't perfect.
maybe you were a bit
rough around the edges
with a crack
here or there.
maybe your seams had come undone
and, if you still insist on being a flower,
maybe you had lost a petal or two.

but what you failed to realize
is that every rose
has thorns.

so maybe they didn't have
as many cracks as you,
as many tears as you,
as many rough edges
as you did,
but god,
they were nowhere near as pure,
nowhere near as lovely
as you were.

we wish on dandelions, dear,
because we trust them.
nobody's ever wished
on a rose,
now have they?
they're too afraid
they'll get pricked,

so maybe you were
the dandelion
hidden in a garden of roses.
maybe you were the outcast,
the misfit,
the odd one out.
maybe you were just a little bit unloved,
and unfairly forgotten.

but what you failed to realize
is that i would have gladly picked you
over the brightest rose
in that silly little garden.

for a.r.
 Apr 2015 Carolynn
Emmy Dawn
When did my body become the top manufacturer of tears?
A broken wind-up toy, taking one step at a time
I feel that thinking about the future is only a recognition of my fears
And the past is just a canyon of worn stone and salt
Waiting is becoming weightless
I'm losing my center of gravity,
My heavy atmosphere making everyone faceless
Depersately using you as a replacement
Color is becoming dull
But this does not scare me as much as you
If I lose you, I lose it all
 Apr 2015 Carolynn
i wonder if you knew it was too perfect.
i wonder if you knew we were skeletons desperately clinging to lifeless clumps of cold flesh, plastering it onto bone after bone, trying to build a romance in a graveyard.
i wonder if you knew it was too perfect.


under the neon lights of the bar near your place,
your pale skin breathed with new life,
your blue lips blossomed pink.

every touch sent shockwaves.

we collided,
but not in the ugly way we often did.
this time it was beautiful.
it had to be.


i remember leaving that night,
feeling sick to my stomach,
and i’d imagine you did, too.

i hadn’t known until then that sadness and joy could sail on the same ship.


still i wonder why we so often crave perfection,
why we long for the saccharine taste of another’s lips.
it all ended up tasting too bitter for me, anyway.


under the neon lights of the bar near your place,
your pale skin breathed with new life,
your blue lips blossomed pink.

every touch sent shockwaves.


i still think of you,
a ghost trapped in those flashing lights.

but somehow it feels right that we are only just a memory.

written 3/3/15.
hi guys, i'm back. finally. i know i went on somewhat of a hiatus but hopefully i'll be posting more often now.
 Feb 2015 Carolynn
Emmy Dawn
for you
 Feb 2015 Carolynn
Emmy Dawn
I feel so tired when you leave
My heart pushes blood through my body so loudly
I'd just as soon die as sleep
But my cheeks are still flushed red
And I remember that you'd be sad if I was dead
I can't think of a time I am more alive
Than when I'm with you
Living lucidly, but still wanting more
We're so young and so ******* bored
And I can't decide who's more adored
And I almost can't bare it anymore
 Nov 2014 Carolynn
Jaimi M
 Nov 2014 Carolynn
Jaimi M
You wonder
why I wiggle
so much
why my legs
and my hands
Truth is,
my mind
can't slow down
It doesn't know
how to take a day off,
its far too good
at tormenting me
more and more
with each
passing second.

 Nov 2014 Carolynn
 Nov 2014 Carolynn
Good morning. Please don't suffocate me today.
 Jul 2014 Carolynn
is it bad that I stopped at the park
on my way home
to watch people release sky lanterns?

because it made me think of you...

it made me think

*that if you were walking me home,
we'd look up at the sky
and follow the direction that
these things were coming from
and find ourselves joining them too
but instead I found myself

following that direction
hoping that if I set this lantern free
my thoughts of you would disappear
into the sky
along with it

thanks a lot, silly little sky lantern

 Jun 2014 Carolynn
she said,
"don't grow up,"
and i replied,
"my darling,
it's a bit too late for that.
the fun and games
have ended.
the curtains
are closing.
the adrenaline
is fading.
the smiles
are dying.
the hearts
are breaking.
and i feel
i have lived
a thousand lifetimes,
each one lacking
a childhood."

welcome to reality. enjoy your stay.
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