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She sat in that chair by the window,
Watching as life went by.
Hoping to receive the letter,
The letter that never arrived.

She sat in that chair by the window,
Listening to the sounds of life.
Clutching to the hope of the letter,
The letter that never arrived.

She sat in the chair by the window,
With the light fading from her eyes.
She never gave up the hope of the letter,
The letter that never arrived.

As I sat in that chair by the window,
With a tear running from my eye.
I wished I had sent that letter,
The letter that never arrived.
This is my first poem on here and I know it *****. In case people wondered the poem is about my Great-Gran, she had a long struggle with life and finally passed away in November 2012.
 Dec 2014 Caroline
They creep up on me when i sleep
things I try to forget
things i cant stand to see
all the monsters inside of me
come alive in my dreams
nothing is ever what it seems
shhh dont scream
nightmares taking over me
I know what you'd all like to say
      To make me feel better
"Beauty is on the inside"
       "You are beautiful"
But my soul is so tattered
       And my heart
Has been repeatedly
All the scattered
      bits and pieces
   You might find in there
          Between the scars and creases
     Would make you all run and hide
               If beauty shines from the inside,       Then I'm the **ugliest beast alive
The second in my series of 'lies'. Click #mylittlelies and #mytruths to read the rest.
Sometimes the best advice
is hypocritical

Because the best of us
wish we were better
than what we are
It's okay
Guys should be able to marry guys
Girls should be able to marry girls
Guys and Girls can like/marry both
Girls should be able to become guys if they want
Guys should be able to become to girls if they want
I'm a straight white male
Ripping out the clichés in this ****** boring book society has written
The only concern i have is for beastialitists and necrophillacs
Now thats what we should be disgusted with
Those two aren't human
But loving the same gender or both is

— The End —