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 Dec 2014 Insert name here
you always
tell me
to let go
of the past,
but what you
do not realize
is that
i already have;
i am just
for it
to let go
of me
It's not the talking that hurts me
It's not her giggles
It's not the walking with that hurts me
It's not how she looks at you,
I don't mind with who you talk,
Or along whose side you walk,
I just want you to be happy.
It hurts to know
That she is much prettier,
Much more interesting,
Not as needy,
Not crazy
It hurts to think you could fall for her instead.
So i'll just trip you tomorrow and hope for the best!
i hope that she loves you

i hope that she savors each taste of your wisdom and brilliant mind

i hope that she sees what a wonderful person you are, how kind, how caring, how gentle

i hope that she cherishes the long nights spent talking on the phone with static in the background

i hope that she doesn't mind that you get sad sometimes because we all do and you won't mind when she does

i hope that you can play the piano for her and make her wonder what other beautiful things you can do

i hope that she can hold you when you aren't doing so well late at night

i hope that things turn out right and not like they did with you and i

i hope that you become her best friend instead of already being so

i hope that you see her everyday as a beautiful soul with eyes the depth of the ocean

i hope that heaven sees you as a being that needs another chance because being in love skipped by you

i hope that she's pretty with skin that glows and a smile that makes the night awaken

i hope that she doesn't throw away everything that you two have and leave it lying

but god

i just hope that she loves you with every bit that she can...
my head hurts I should probably go to sleep but I can't stop thinking about you
I told you what my favorite song was
And I can't really decide whether I regret it
Or not
You had never heard it before
You listened to it
And fell in love with it
But I really wish you fell in love
With me
Now every time it comes on the radio
I think of you
But I don't hate it
No I dont
That's the part that I hate the most
It was my favorite song
And now it's all about you
"I don't want to be perfect. I want to be your perfect."
I'm scared to say those eight letters
i needed her
                                                                ­             so i bought her...

she was so beautiful, so moist
                                                ­                             but i ground her up...

if the police found her i be thrown in jail
                                                                ­             so i rolled her up...

but i loved her a i couldnt leave her like that
                                                                ­             so i burned her...

how could i let the smoke of her go to waste
                                               ­                              so i inhaled...

i loved her so much
                                                                ­             my *****...
she was da best ***** i evar smoked... may she rest in smoke
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