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I exist as a mirror
Wild lights have glazed over your skin
My whispers are tarnished
Our bodies a shield
Against the coming chills of a brittle wind

I linger with a breeze-like touch,
It comes out hoarse and swollen.
Thoughts  uttered with a breath of regret
Or a sigh of relief.

Your face turns foreign, a mesh of dark warmth
A light without the sun.
We’re all a wounded red
on the inside.
Haven't had a dream about you in a long time. You still haven't changed. Maybe a little more mature. Your ****** structure is more prominent, but you still haven't changed. Your voice and mannerisms remain the same. Those ******* piercing blue eyes that could burn a hole through my brain. I felt it all. I felt you there. I felt the warmth of your breath with every word you spoke. You were even wearing the shirt my mom got you for Christmas. It was all there and it was all the same. You were looking for something, but couldn't find it. When you first walked in and shot those blue eyes my way, I collapsed. But I didn't cry and I didn't get angry. It was almost like a relief. I haven't seen you in so long, I guess it was a reminder that you were still lingering around in my head and memories. I don't think about you as much, but when I do it doesn't hurt anymore. It's just there. A faint memory. I woke up from that dream and I swear the room was blue. I was looking for you and halfway expected to see you, but I went back to sleep. I didn't dream of you again, but I could still feel you. I wish it would stop.
To those who protest on why they should say the word *****
Unfollow me

To those whose heart does not mourn over an innocent life of POC
Unfollow me

To those who yell "go back to Africa"
Unfollow me
if you cannot comprehend that your ancestors where not here first

To those who fail to understand their white privilege
Unfollow me

To those who scream out "what about black on black crime"
Unfollow me
If you're blind to the multiple genocide your people create and label as "war"

To those who simply choose to ignore this injustice
Unfollow me for no action at all is the greatest injustice of all
What a good system
I can cry for hours all alone at night
But in the morning
If I smile
No one knows
Smiles are just emotional makeup. To hide the ugly feelings
 Nov 2014 Insert name here
if i drowned
in my own tears,
would it be
because they were mine,
because you caused them?
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