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 Jun 2016 Candie
We are African descendants.
Glorify your *****, ***** hair.
Don't shrink and cower in fear.
Own yourself
The sun kissed and blessed you.
Accept that your hair won't be straight and silky.
We are African Descendants.
My hair is relaxed and damaged. But when I get my braids out, I'm gonna do the big chop and go natural.
 Jun 2016 Candie
 Jun 2016 Candie
Love is Square
it is equal in each corner

Jealously is Triangle
sharp in every edge

Longing is Round
the correlation is real tho
 Jan 2016 Candie
Nigel Finn
The best way to get over an issue,
Is really quite simple in my eyes,
Simply stop viewing it as a problem,
And it becomes a nice surprise.

A death becomes a family day out-
Put the fun back into funeral!
The deceased has probably moved on,
To a place that's far more beautiful.

Your lovers left you? Not to worry,
The memories are here to stay,
And if we're going to honest,
She's probably happier this way.

Can't afford to pay off the mortgage?
Cheer up, silly - let's go camping!
It was just bricks and mortar anyway,
And the place needed revamping.

If you lose your job keep that chin up,
What you have now's a holiday!
Let's be honest - your boss was a ****,
And you won't miss him anyway.

You've got writers block and poetry,
Flows no longer from your pencil?
Me too! That's why I forced these rhymes,
And I show lack of potential!
 Jan 2016 Candie
 Jan 2016 Candie
I like how the universe works;
How each day you wake up
To witness the sun rise
To witness the sun set
But somehow even if you watch it every day
It’ll amaze you in many different ways

I like how the universe works;
How the trees stand still
For hundreds and hundreds of years
Enduring all the pain nature can give
To take in the air you don’t need
In exchange for the air that you breathe

I like how the universe works;
How out of the billions of people
Living on earth
I meet you, to see you,
Continuously rising and falling
Yet you still shine the brightest
And I’m still amazed at everything you are

I like how the universe works;
How out of the billions of people
Living on earth
I meet you, to take in all my hurt
And all my tears
As you give me the purpose of my life
To love you with all my heart, soul, and body

I like how the universe works;
How you can be my sun
How you can be my tree
How you can be
The only one for me
How I can be the most imperfect human
But still,
You choose to love me
 Jan 2016 Candie
Jake muler
If you came from a broken home to, real love exists. I know. Love isn't poor or rich. Love though I realized in the poorest of houses. Is more valuable and meaningful then that expensive love, the poverty-stricken seem to understand more what has value, as to those who are wealthy in expense don't know to much about value, at least the value of love. Moneys value they might know. But love, dont think so
 Jan 2016 Candie
 Jan 2016 Candie
you closed the door and I
was worried that I would
never see the light of day
Not that I'd mind.
I quite like being alone with you.
 Jan 2016 Candie
I know I might never have you
That you might never be mine
But in my head we have adventures
We travel the world
And we lie singing in your bed
Staring up at the ceiling
Where we have painted stars
To remember that time we slept outside
Or was that just in my head?

I know I might never have you
But that doesn’t stop me from dreaming
Or quietly whispering your name
When no one is around to hear
It doesn’t stop these cravings I have for you
It doesn’t stop my fingers from itching
Or stop me from wanting to run my fingers through your hair
It doesn’t stop my curiosity of what you smell like
But really, I would be happy just breathing the same air

I know I might never have you
That you might never be mine
But that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about you all the time
 Jan 2016 Candie
Sophie Herzing
We ate chicken sandwiches, mine
no bun, at a table with an 80's
geometric design on top of two silver
metal legs with our legs
intertwined. I tried
to draw a comic on the wrapper,
but you kept making me laugh
by reenacting the conversation
we had with the lady at the register
who gave us the wrong change,
but using a baby's voice instead.
The boy mopping the floors wished
desperately that we would leave, but
you looked so cute with ketchup
on your lip and I really, really
didn't want you to drop me off.
There was an Adele song
on the radio that we've heard for the second
time, but you sound more like
a forgotten track to a John Hughes film--
a little heavy, a little messed up, a whammy
bar progression with blonde hair
who wore jeans and had a really cool car.
I'd like to kiss you like Molly Ringwald
does Judd Nelson in that movie
we talked the whole way through as it played
on Netflix. I'd like to wear you
like a bad haircut; something no one else
understands but I pull off effortlessly.
You feel effortless to me. So refill
my take-out cup with five different sodas,
make a scene as we leave the restaurant,
my hand laced up in yours, and let me drink
you in as I pretend we aren't driving
back home just yet.
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