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 Nov 2014 sleeping bag
someone asked me today what it's like to be a writer and i can tell you this,
my mind exploded into galaxies and i wondered if they could see the twinkling stars in my eyes.
first, i looked into their eyes and saw a black hole, complete and total darkness. so i answered simple to start out with
"it is often quite hard. but for me, it's a way of life."
they didn't quite get it i could see, and asked another question
"oh, is it hard because you get writer's block sometimes?"
i almost let the meteors fly out of my mouth so they would be hit and crushed with the raw fact that being a writer is much, much more complicated than that.
"well yes, that can happen. and when it does it is a crippling feeling. but, it is much more complicated than that. you see, us writers, we not only feel things, but we absorb things. we let things take us over, and once this happens, our hands start to produce words onto paper that come deep within our soul, heart, and mind."
they looked puzzled, but when i looked into their eyes i could see a faint star that was starting to shine. i smiled at this.
"like... what kinds of things?" they asked,
"oh my, it can be something as complicated as love, life, the universe, darkness, pain. but on the other hand, it can be something as simple as leaves on the trees, the ocean, an apple that you just ate for lunch. and sometimes, it is putting those two things together to create something wonderful." i said as the comets were shooting through my fingertips.
i looked again into their eyes, and i began to see a cluster of stars, and that's when i knew i had them.
I'll climb a thousand hills,
stumble on every rock,
fall on my knees and,
fight myself to stand back up,

I'll hitch a flight,
on your dust,
across the milky way,
and wonder if,
you even know,
I'm heading in your direction,
Despite your solar wind.

You'll turn back and say no,
No, no, no, no,
So many times.
And I won't hate you for any of them.
I'll just shake my head and smile.
I'll follow your presence,
till the ends of time,
I won't hide myself,
Alone, anymore.

I'm nothing, nothing,
All humans are just,
But for you I'll be something.
I'll be myself and I'll find,
The place I belong,
At your side.
 Nov 2014 sleeping bag
I thought I had you there.
For a fragment of a second I had hope in you.

Yes, the girl who strays in the corner of the room who has trouble believing in the force of God actually put hope in you.
Into something.

I knew dissapointment would be inevitable but it was too soon.

I thought I had you there.
For a sick pathetic moment of my life,
I wasted my time on helping you glue back together the pieces you left broken on the floor.

But I had no idea you would take that glue gun and burn my hands together, locking my fingers in a dismantled mess.

I had no idea you could be this sick.

I had no idea I could fall this quick.
Come consume the air around my head
Let your eyes stray to curiosity
Feel the pressures that make us animals

Come touch these bones
Let no tears wash their age
Feel the history of our people

Come sing the joy from your belly
Let others join in form
Feel the warmth of hearts beating as one

Come read my poetry
Let it grasp your intellectual mind
Feel the emotions I desire to have

Come pray to the idea we share
Let it speak of peace
Feel out the truth you seek

Come crash into the ocean waves
Let the under-toe fling you free
Feel the strength of the great mother

Come lose words with the birds
Let the chittering and chattering slip our tongues from there mouths
Feel confused? As do I  

Come to trust the dream wept last Saturday
Let is sink into the bed you sleep
Feel nothing at all

Come rest on my mind
Let my imagination grant your every wish
This turned out very different then from what I had in my head... Enjoy
Pretty liar, daughter maid
Yet cannot bring herself to rage.
Carved from stone,
raised to flesh and bone:
See the spots of the tiger,
A vicious tongue of viper,
Let it all awake in you
stings of displeasure
that will ring true.

Flex that heavy package
not letting the mask fall off.
You've always been taking :
now you're giving what I've lost.
I have something that needs filling
Leaking, it could use some drilling.
Slippery when wet,
Mind your cautious steps
when the demons leave their nest.

Right around the enemy's border
All her treasures lie asleep.
Paint the walls with ****** ******
Envy, my master, is what you seek.
Thoughts in my head.
I am not fragile
But I am vulnerable
Loving makes me so.

Fear is a foe
That only those who truly love
Will ever really know.
 Nov 2014 sleeping bag
 Nov 2014 sleeping bag
From the moment I saw your eyes
I felt something inside
I asked myself Is it possible?
Or I'm just dreaming . .. .

But as I continue watching your eyes
There's the spark I cannot resist
Our connection go stronger
With the way you look me with your eyes
Eyes eyes baby :)
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