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 Aug 2016 Wanderer
andrew juma
You are the tourist through my wild feelings
You visit intermittently with expectations
Seeking gratification to your longing
You have the best of time then you are departed

We have unrivaled fun when you are here
But before long you are gone and I remain alone
Sharing my blues with my ink and brush
And my happiness with my faithful alphabets

You awe and oh
Confusing scars for beauty spots
Why dont you stay
Face my predators with me

I may paint a mountain of hope
Which you will admire but never climb
I may paint a dispossessed face
But it will never be you

You may imagine yourself in my shoes
But you will never wear them
I may touch your heart
But I may never win it

My wild feelings are the coke
That give you a temporary high you seek
Ours is no strings attached so I wake up alone
Feeling empty after a night of excitement

You like me but you wont stay
I will give you the best time when you visit
And miss you when you are gone
When its just me and my faithful alphabets
You may read it but you might never feel it
 Aug 2016 Wanderer
andrew juma
Sorceress of hello poetry
She posesses powers that pull me back
To a dark world of desires and fantasy

Late at night to her page I sneak
Seeking power and a lover's  dreams
Her words my talisman of luck

With every line she drops
A spell veils my senses
Filling my mind with steamy clips
Of us in a world of two

Smoking my senses in her couldron of words
She got me believing those magic words
Giving in to her

She is a witch
She drafts her words skillfully
She conjures the sweetest feelings
And incarntations

That I  chant and accept
And love and comment
Every day that I rise
On her illusionary wings
Feeding on her magic mushroom

Sorceress of Hello Poetry
With your stupefying allure
I lose the sense of time
And keep reading your rhyme

Till morning finds me wasted
And I am thrown back to reality
Against my wishes

Sorceress of Hello Poetry
Teach me to cast love spells
And I will guard you
When witch hunters come
Dear crush @HP
Burning rays of sunshine floating through the windows,
seemingly flawless gleams of light come into view as vivid luminosity, elegantly shimmering throughout a newly defined Disco.

Lustrous eyes willingly glare at sparkling streaks, rays, happy as the illumination spreads fully and evenly throughout,  steadily engulfing a tired mind.

A time of peace, or is this all intertwined?

Suddenly hopeful of a new design that is perfectly undefined.

The streaks of light were never assigned,
which is the solid evidence needed to believe we are all aligned.
****, I really enjoyed and liked this write. Hope you enjoy it also, as it is a rare "happy" poem from me, about the little things in life, and how they can create inspiration no matter how common or small it is.
Tagged on the wall as a symbol of my emotions, thoughts and sense.
Giving life to the chaos in my head, guarded by a moral fence.

Seen as a punk, and never taken as creative,
always wondering when the blue lights show if he can escape it.

Rebellious and stubborn is the label.

They don’t understand when you’re out there you’re free.
You can finally open your eyes and truly see,
that this urban canvas in front of me, is how I express emotionally.
If i told you i needed help
would you listen?
Or would your silence
Echo off the walls.
See my life is like a car,
Sometimes moving fast
And other times so **** slow.
If i told you i feel hurt inside
would you not just hear
but listen
to what i said
I need someone to care.
Im tired of trying to fight alone.
Im tired of trying to survive at a table for one.
If i told you
I cry all over my body
And each tear is a knife
And they are leaving scars on my flesh,
Would you cut me a bandage,
Sop up my blood,
Or leave me to bleed out.
If i told you
I was alone and my demons are taunting me
would you get me out
Or would you keep walking
or keep scrolling...
Im not begging for attention,
But one cannot be expected to be alone and silent like a life long detention.
If i told you
I was ready to confess everything
Come clean from my secrets,
Strip myself naked so you could see my imperfections
would you care even the slightest bit
Or are you so selfish
And so ignorant
To walk on
And leave this person to die.
If i told you i was ready to die
would you blame it in cliche,
Or believe it and save me from damnation

Its time to think.
It could be up to you
This isnt just my world,
Its yours, too
and dont you want to be
To someone?
I need you.
Because all of these "if i told you's
Are becoming
**im telling you
Help people. Dont leave them alone. Provide help. Depression is very real, and it is all around us. Repost if this means something to YOU
 Aug 2016 Wanderer

You and me were always with each other
Before we knew the other was ever there

Destiny carves its path through lives,
filling needs unknown until it happens
Bridging gaps of empty terrain
where love is sensed, felt
on dark days like eyes watching,
as our hearts wait for that one
planned to accompany us on the journey

You and me we belong together
Just like a breath needs the air

So many comparisons play,
moving pieces to spaces, uncovered
Sliding down chutes, climbing ladders,
believing that something waits, something good
Inspired to keep going, following the lines
drawn in tingles on skin,
need becomes clear as we are found,
where we always belonged

I told you if you called I would come runnin’
Across the highs the lows the in betweens

You’ve taken my hand and showed me
things are not always as they seem
Until you find them in your shadow,
lifting you when you fall, gently,
caressing your soul in unexplained notions,
safety and comfort with merely the touch
of caring fingers, wrapping arms, a voice

You and me we’ve got two minds that think as one
And our hearts march to the same beat

Your eyes, my eyes, we see identical patterns,
curving about skylines in high rise tempos
As we walk together, one step after the other,
but two steps towards the other, always for the other,
in whatever direction they choose,
syncopated movements hand in hand

They say everything it happens for a reason
You can be flawed enough but perfect for a person

These scars of past seasons, cold winds blow
across arid deserts of details and misgivings
Cloaked in love’s blanket, blind spots
accepted beyond yesterdays, erased by tomorrows
Put away in box with a lock, no key is available
not that it is wanted anyway

Someone who will be there for you when you fall apart
Guiding your direction when you’re riding through the dark

This light that leads from your smile,
your understanding, your acceptance
reflected back as a mirrored image
Enhancing the beam of this forever feeling,
strolling down avenues of pleasure for
happiness is always a two way street,
northbound, southbound, together

*Oh that’s you and me…
The italicized lines are lyrics from the song “You and Me” by Pink and Dallas Green off the Rose Ave album.  
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