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 Aug 2015 Brianna
It was ***** and cranberry juice
City lights and long night kisses
late night talks and his hands around her waist
holding her,  like she always wished
Every time my eyes close to blink
The embrace of sleep tempts me
Every time my lids veil me from the world
I fear it may be my last
I fear that I'll drift off to naught with
Your face on my mind
Your name on my lips
I fear if I drift off now
I might long for your kiss

I'll try and stay up for you
To keep you out, to keep me safe
As if I lay down here with your face at heart
a lonely root of desire might try to bloom
For this flower can also break it apart
Which is why I ease my lids open
To **** this ****
Before it starts
 Aug 2015 Brianna
Ryan M Hall
 Aug 2015 Brianna
Ryan M Hall
I used to wander the streets.
Looking for love in all the wrong places.
Then I found you.
Now the streets don't look nearly as dangerous, and the sky has never looked so blue.
You are the sun, the moon, and the stars.
And you'll forever be burning in my eyes
Eh it's one in the morning. I'm tired but I keep thinking of you.
 Jul 2015 Brianna
Lyz Elysian
Full moon... Full moon...
Shine your light down on the sea.
Caress the beast inside of me.
Let me know you're there.
Full moon... Full moon...

Can I ask you a question?
How are you so **** comforting,
When you're a million miles away?
Full moon...
How can I be patient,
If I want to see you,
I'll have to wait and wait all day?
Full moon...

Twinkle twinkle little star,
Admire beauty from afar.
Twist my lone and eager heart.
Full moon... Full moon...

Heal all my hurting wounds.
Douse the pain in rays of you.
Make it disappear.
Full moon...
Another new year,
But it's still not the same.
I'd rather relive an old year,
One where I can hear you say my name.
Written 1/1/2012
 Jul 2015 Brianna
Mitch Prax
These days,
they aren't the same
not without your smile
held to such acclaim
These nights,
they aren't the same
not without your warmth
burning like a flame
And this season,
it never felt so cold
never quite the same
without you to here hold
 Jul 2015 Brianna
I can see the way you stare at him, Virgo,
the way your eyelashes become batwing shadows
across your flushing cheeks
when he smiles back at you

I can tell how you feel about him, Virgo,
the feeling that sets the cold stars
embellishing the velvet in your eyes
into infernos.

I can only imagine the pain you felt, Virgo,
when he packed you along like a decoration
then left you on the curb like
a Christmas tree in the New Year.

I can understand why you did it, Virgo,
when you stared down the white throat
of the pill bottle at the dim and empty
bottom of its bowels.

I can't blame you for it, dear Virgo,
anymore than I can blame myself.
 Jul 2015 Brianna
1. tell all of your problems to a tree; it’s not going to answer back but it will love you

2. stuff your face in a pile of snow

3. get up and dance when there is no music playing

4. stand infront of the mirror with one hand cooly resting on your hip and the other hand pointing at yourself, and then wink at yourself like you’re the most attractive babe out there

5. stop everything you’re doing and speak in gibberish until you laugh

6. paint with your toes to Beethoven

7. roll around on the floor for a few minutes; move furniture around so that you have plenty of space to do so

8. bake someone you are fond of cupcakes and surprise them out of the blue

9. pick a ton of wonderful flowers and hand them out to strangers that pass by

10. when you’re stubborn, stuck, in pride, in pain, in mind, tell whoever your head thinks it concerns these 4 lines in a row and nothing else;
"I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you”

11. buy yourself a yummy ice cream cone

12. go swimming alone and let your body flow and be one with the water

13. write a real old fashioned letter to your mother or father telling them about yourself and that you love them

14. stand outside in the pouring rain until your clothes soak; and make sure you’re barefoot so that gushy mud can get between your toes

15. go to a park with a swing-set and just swing by yourself

16. make yourself a big beautiful breakfast in the morning

17. give your friends meaningful hugs that last a very long time

18. read a passage or two in The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

19. shut off your Netflix and go on a bike ride in the middle of the night

20. hug yourself and kiss your hands and your arms and stroke your hair and tell yourself aloud “I love you; I love me” over and over again

21. breathe deep into your belly like a Buddha instead of shallow into your chest

22. go to another city/province/country/continent on your own for at least a week

23. don’t shy away from holding someone’s hand or kissing them if you think it feels right

24. hold a baby in your arms

25. drink a glass of water

— The End —