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 Feb 2016 Brianna
i can't afford to be weak
because when i'm weak
people get hurt
and i can't bear seeing you
in pain
i've lost everyone
i can't lose you too
 Feb 2016 Brianna
 Feb 2016 Brianna
they called him a ******
and spit in his face
because he was never good enough
he was always
too weak
too powerful
no matter what he did
they all turned their backs
and laughed
he could never fit in
he was an outcast
because of his
no one could move past the fact
that he had
he would forever be labeled
a killer
so as he turned
and started to walk away
he didn't understand why
they wanted so badly for him
to understand just how much
they hated him
because what they didn't know
what he hated
**so much more
midnight thoughts
 Feb 2016 Brianna
I'm not fine
I'm not okay
sick of everyone
assuming that I am
assuming that this blinding pain
doesn't bother me
like this giant hole
doesn't consume me.
Like the gun in my hand
doesn't scare me
Because honestly?
in this moment
in this
I don't even know
who I
I'm going to start a series that involves alot of "warriors". Hope you like it!
 Feb 2016 Brianna
Strong Warrior
 Feb 2016 Brianna
To her I am a Warrior
To them I am a Coward
To some I am an Addict
To me I am  *Strong
 Jan 2016 Brianna
Harry Cencer
 Jan 2016 Brianna
Harry Cencer
I am tired
The sky makes me tired
The ground makes me tired
Tired from many days of restlessness
Tired from days of stress, yet to come
My body can rest in a night
But I have yet to figure out
How to rest my soul
 Jan 2016 Brianna
 Jan 2016 Brianna
what is enough
when you crave so much

 Jan 2016 Brianna
W Winchester
Call #1:
I was excited. I was going to tell you about the new friend I'd made. She sits next to me in rehearsal and has a pretty laugh. And the girl two seats over who had long hair and funny jokes. Or the blonde on my right who had great music taste and a contagious smile. As soon as we had a break, I dialed your number. It rang three times, you didn't pick up.

Call #2:
We'd just finished rehearsal. I turned my phone back on, no new messages. But I wanted to tell you about our conductor with the sarcastic comments and the irrelevant analogies. I was going to tell you about the breakfast buffet or the church campus we were on. I dialed your number, it rang three times. You didn't pick up.

Call #3:
You called back! The conductor was calling us back inside, our break was already over. We exchanged mutual apologies and goodbyes. I promised I'd call back in a half hour. And I did.

Call #4:
We were finally out for lunch, I dialed your number. It rang three times. You didn't pick up.

Call #5:
I shouldn't have bothered. I had nothing left to tell you. I just wanted to hear your voice. I dialed your number. It rang three times. You didn't pick up.

Call #6:
It's dinner time now and I don't want to eat. I know it's late where you are and you're probably busy. This time I even stopped to listen to your voicemail greeting. It wasn't the same. I sat through dinner waiting for my phone to flash with a message, a missed call, a voicemail. Something to show you still cared.
And it did. I eagerly flipped my phone over, it wasn't from you.
I spent that day clinging to the hope that maybe you'd call, maybe you'd remember. You promised.

Call #7:
It's after midnight. I'm on the balcony. The air is cold and I'm crying. Even if you'd called, what could I have said? Would I tell you my ex girlfriend is a dropout? That my insomnia's come back? That I nearly fainted during rehearsal, or that I was actually proud of myself for only having four nervous breakdowns?

The one time I felt like I needed you most, you weren't there.
I waited all day for a call that never came.

I was going to leave a voicemail, on that last call. I had climbed onto the railing, looking down at the street. I wondered what would **** me first: the fall to the ground, or a broken heart. I called again. It didn't even ring.

If you'd answered...
Maybe I would've told you that I'd twisted my ankle when I finally came down from that railing. Maybe I would've told you that I couldn't eat at all that day because I was too hurt. I could barely fight the tears hard enough to choke back a glass of water. Maybe I would've told you how everyone stared when I spilled my coffee because I couldn't even see straight. Maybe I would've told you how stupid I felt that I was even crying over you. You're a friend, nothing more- so why the hell do I care so much?
Maybe I would've told you. But I didn't. You broke your promise.

And maybe I'm obsessive, maybe I'm annoying. But I called seven times, and on the last it didn't ring.
It took too long for you to call back, normally I would just forget that. Except for the fact it was my birthday. My ******* birthday. (If anyone remembers that Aly&AJ; song.)
Wrote this two years ago on this day.
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