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1. Take care of your teeth and gums
Brush & floss, everyday (Seriously)
Keep your teeth, if at all possible.
They are your very own precious Ivory.
2. a. Eat well. Do not deny your body
nourishment. Gals, you will want a nice
set of *****. Trust
b, Try to not put on too much extra weight.
(no judgement here) Just that it is very
******* your body. Ridiculously
difficult to lose when you're older.
3. Love the skin you live within.  Try not to
bake your bareness too long in the sun,
or burn your precious epidermis.
Cleanse, exfoliate. Most of all, drink plenty of water and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize
4. Hang on to all of your bones.
You will miss them when they are gone
Take care of your hands, neck, hips and knees.
Once your joints wear out, it's a total ******.
5. Keep movin' and groovin'.
If you stay still too long, you will get stuck
6. Find the humor in everything. It is there!
All of life's lessons placed before you.
When all else fails, you can laugh about it.
(Trust Me. Your going to need this one)

~Christi Michaels~May 2015~
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
☆Retrospective☆Sage Advice☆
all information learned by trial and error
Will be okay
The end will come
Just not today
The strength you show
You can't let go
You have to fight
To win tonight
I love you. Stay strong
I will be,
Or I will not be,
When I die.
The logic goes.
More likely the latter,
But who knows?

The Bard was right:
A simple choice
What is
And what isn’t.

Unless you take the Spiritual View
Or even

What might I come back as?
I have to ask.
A lion or an Ant?

Is everything a dream?
Or just some Godly idea
Of a Joke?

The Truth
We Seek.

Paul Butters
The search goes on...
 May 2015 Emperor King Brett
If my love for you were a dollar,
I'd have a lot of gold;
if my love for you were an iceberg,
the world would be freezing cold.

If my love for you were a flower,
gardens would be everywhere;
and if my love for you were power,
I'd rule the world without despair.
There is nothing,
I thought,
But empty horizons.

The open arms of solitude,
Have wrapped me in their embrace,
And the gentle lips of eternity,
Linger to kiss my face,
The soft breath of silence,
Brushes against my cheek,
Still the dark chill of fatigue,
Refuses to make me weak.

But in the embrace of solitude,
No warmth is to be found,
And the kisses of eternity,
Just keep my soul tied down,
And the brush of silence,
Does little to bring me peace,
Until fatigue's hand touches me,
And allows me to sleep.

And her hand touched mine,
And dragged me to a new life,
Where flames sing and dance.
Right now we are a world apart
But there's something I feel,
It resides in my heart.
I can sense you in the summer breeze.
This connection is unstoppable,
I feel you from overseas.
Wish I could be on the next flight.
Give it time, I promise we'll be alright.
I'm here for you, trying to elevate us
to new heights.
I know actions are louder than words,
but right now words are all we have.
I'm just trying to word us right.
I am concerned
That you are my desert spring
And I will drown in you
That I haven't felt like this
In a ****** long time.
And I will forget
I am concerned of tying the stem of your flower-kite
And gluing it to a brick.
And I will forget my nature
To drag you through the thorn bushes naked.
I am concerned
That You will make me
Happier than I have been in a year
Of purgatory
Only for me to leave.
And I am concerned
That I may
Fly this plane into a building

and say a four-letter word
I tend to dwell I thought I did everything right turns out things are beyond my control. Im not into the party life or use ppl id rather be doing my own thing.
I dont need anyones approval im doing what makes me happy and matters most. Ive always been a nerd judged for being different. Ive come a long way from where I was.
I use to be alchy but now I wont touch it. Even though temptation is everywhere. I had so many drinking buddies I had to find a new crowd. Dating is fun but kind of would like to settle down.
Bouncing back from injuries my biggest problem is time since I dont make time for things. Im learning to balance everything out
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